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Saving nested array of objects to JSON

I have an array of nested objects that I want to save as JSON. Object is defined as following: @interface TreeNode : NSObject @property(nonatomic, strong) NSString *title; @property(nonatomic, strong)...
mars_dev's user avatar
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Sending Data in dictionary in form of x-www-form-urlencoded but it expects JSON

I sent my data as url-encoded form: JobId=564876565946&UstaId=242816809697&Comment=&Ratings=%5B%7B%0A%20%20%20%20QuestionId%20%3D%203533%3B%0A%20%20%20%20Rating%20%3D%204%3B%0A%7D%2C%7B%0A%...
Ali Efe Baruş's user avatar
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Parse JSON file from URL and return single String

I am trying to return videoId from the JSON file at a URL { "kind": "youtube#searchListResponse", "etag": "imd66saJvwX2R_yqJNpiIg-yJF8", "regionCode&...
BinDev's user avatar
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1 answer

How to show JSON response in iPhone using the objective c by dynamically adding " \" to the keys?

I am having a sample code which helps me to print the JSON response. In this I manually added the \ slash symbol before keys and values so it helps me to print the JSON . The code is : NSString *...
User1075's user avatar
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Accessing string and int values from JASON data

Parsing a JSON file saved locally,storing JSON data in NSArray and further NSArray storing in id type to print values in table view but getting crash in getting int value like "id" also what ...
user3432634's user avatar
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Obj-C POST JSON (body?)to endpoint problems

Using Postman on my Mac I have confirmed GET/POST works to my endpoint. On my iPad I am trying to do the same thing but only GET connects and returns data (just for testing). In Postman I have key of ...
malaki1974's user avatar
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NSJSONSerialization to plain old object?

A lot of modern programming languages have JSON libraries that support encoding and decoding json to/from "plain old objects" - i.e. instances of classes that primarily just have data ...
Guss's user avatar
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NSInvalidArgumentException Invalid type in Json write objective c

I am new to objective c. I get NSInvalidArgumentException Invalid type in Json write (NSError) at the following line. NSURLSessionDataTask *result = [self POST:@"/analytics" ...
stefanosn's user avatar
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how to decode a json to an struct/class object having space in their keys? [duplicate]

Hello I have a json object like this { "ID NATION": "US" "ID YEAR" : "1995" } I am trying to convert it in to an struct object in swift struct ...
Sri's user avatar
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3 answers

SWIFT - JSON Error NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Garbage at end."

I have below function where I try to decode(base64), decrypt and create JSON dictionary, However, I get an error called NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3840 "Garbage at end." for some unknown reason ...
mahen3d's user avatar
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2 answers

Format JSON string to iOS Dictionary string with =

First off, what do we call a dictionary with a format like this in iOS? ( { name = "Apple"; value = "fruit-1"; }, { name = "Banana&...
Glenn Posadas's user avatar
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Call a server and GET token from response with Objective C

I'm making a view for my App where a user has to login. So I have to call my server for 2 times: the first call (with the GET method) let me obtain a response containing a cookie (named XSFR-TOKEN) ...
Fabrizio L.'s user avatar
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Objective C Sending an NSDate to a ASP.NET crew server via HttpGet

I am trying to send this data to my web server from my iPhone app productKey is an NSString and sinceDate is an NSDate do I build this URL but it crashes when I call this function NSURLSessionDataTask ...
canderse's user avatar
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Invalid type in JSON write (RTCIceCandidate)

I am using websocket to call received, accept and all. I am getting websocket event when call accepted. websocket accept event output :- { action = signal; "call_id" = ...
Nirav Kotecha's user avatar
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Why my AES 256 decrypt method not working iOS 14

I'm trying to decrypt a string value from JSON using AES 256 method after get the backend response, each value are parsing properly but when I try decrypt the string value encrypted, my method always ...
user_Dennis_Mostajo's user avatar

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