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Questions tagged [nskeyedunarchiver]

NSKeyedUnarchiver, a concrete subclass of NSCoder, defines methods for decoding a set of named objects (and scalar values) from a keyed archive. Such archives are produced by instances of the NSKeyedArchiver class.

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unarchiveObject(with:) deprecated, is there a replacement when you are unwinding NOT a class but a vanilla [String: Any?]

req = ["a":nil, "b":3, "c":["d":3.3, "e":"e", "f":[]], "g":[]] Traditionally ("if js can do it we can do it too!&...
Fattie's user avatar
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How to pass a class value adopting NSObject and NSCoding to a Swift function?

I would like to remove a warning when unarchiving objects so I tried to implement: func retrieveRepository(componentName:String, ofClass: AnyClass<NSObject, NSCoding>)->Any?{ let ...
Fabrizio Bartolomucci's user avatar
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NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObject: value for key 'NS.objects' was of unexpected class

I'm attempting to use NSKeyedArchiver in a ValueTransformer for SwiftData / Core Data. I'm getting an error using NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: on an NSArray filled with NSMeasurements: ...
pkamb's user avatar
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NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass... returns nil although its deprecated predecessor function worked

I have old code that uses NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData to unarchive data. let unarchivedData = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(archivedData) unarchivedData ...
Mike Nathas's user avatar
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Crash when unarchived data to CNContact

Hello I have a crash when unarchived data to CNContact : in line : var decodedContacts = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClasses: [CNContact.self], from: archived) as? [CNContact?] the error ...
Roei Nadam's user avatar
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NSCoder fails to decode object a second time if the object was already successfully decoded

I am using NSSecureCoding to encode/decode some objects and in the process of testing multiple ways to unarchive an object noticed that removing some print statements changed the decoder behavior. ...
Warpling's user avatar
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Unarchiving - iOS Swift - Can't get new method going

I've previously used NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData to unarchive data that I've previously archived and stored in a data model. I'm now trying to switch from NSKeyedUnarchiver....
Kent's user avatar
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How to replace NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData with unarchivedObject when data is an array of Strings?

My project recently shows this error in Xcode: 'unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData' was deprecated in macOS 10.14: Use unarchivedObject(ofClass:from:) instead I found this article which speaks to my ...
atoss's user avatar
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How do I properly use a getter as a selector in Objective-C? Getting deprecation warnings in modern Xcode

I'm using an old version of AFNetworking in an app, it works fine except I'm getting on deprecation warning from Xcode from this line in an initWithCoder method: self.queryStringSerializationStyle = (...
Doug Smith's user avatar
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How to change the deprecated function NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with:) to unarchivedObjectOfClass:fromData:error:

In my application, the user data getting after login is saved in the preferences as below. The xcode shows the warning that NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with:) and NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(...
RP89's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to replace NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData with unarchivedObject when data is a Dictionary

iOS 16.4 deprecates unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(_:) and should be replaced with unarchivedObject(ofClass:from:). When you archived a Swift Dictionary like [String: Any], how do you use the newer ...
Jordan H's user avatar
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Can someone explain how to use NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver in Swift?

I have troubles understanding NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver in Swift. This is some example code I have been given to get a picture of its use: class Workout : NSObject, Coding { var name: ...
davidmark's user avatar
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[MyClass initWithCoder:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance - On iOS16

I am using the [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:result] methode for unarchiving NSData in my objective c bases app. NSMutableArray *array = (NSMutableArray *)[NSKeyedUnarchiver ...
Mohammed Abdul Basith's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to archive and unarchive an SKPhysicsBody array using UserDefaults since iOS 12.0

I can successfully archive and unarchive an array of SKPhysicsBody's using UserDefaults as below but the unarchive process has been deprecated. This is the warning message... 'unarchiveObject(with:)' ...
Guitarman4's user avatar
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Decoding NSArchiver with NSKeyedUnarchiver

I have some old archives that are basically stored preferences created with NSArchiver. I want to be able to decode them with NSKeyedUnarchiver since the NSArchiver/NSUnarchiver are deprecated in ...
Trygve's user avatar
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