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Questions tagged [ngrx-effects]

Use this tag for questions related to the effects package of the ngrx platform.

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How to pass StoreEffects to children routes using provideEffects?

I have this code: export const PROJECT_ROUTES: Routes = [ { path: '', component: FeatureShellComponent, providers: [ provideEffects([ MyStore1Effects, ...
metal-draken's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to use ngrx effect with MSAL protected resources and getting error, acquireTokenSilent failing

In my angular 17 app, I'm using ngrx with Msal 3.0 with Azure B2C authentication. There is an API end point which requires authentication and present in the protected resources of msal config like ...
rumi's user avatar
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How to do a redirect after getting the result?

I am using ngrx in angular. I want to make it so that after loading an array of images redirection is performed.But I don't work redirection and get this error Error: Effect "CreateRequestEffects....
Twitch Moments's user avatar
-1 votes
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Angular Redux creating memory leaks

My angular application has to load updates from the backend 20 messages/sec. For this, we load all entities (Assets) from the backend as a snapshot at the start and then get incremental updates say 20 ...
Patola's user avatar
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handling multiple api calls in ngrx effects through switchmap

I am trying to execute multiple API calls in ngrx effect using switchmap The action takes input array of files to be uploaded and api supports one file at a time My effect look like below uploadFiles$ ...
Prasad Parab's user avatar
2 votes
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Ngrx dependency injection issue with esbuild/build-angular:application

After upgrading from Angular 16 to Angular 17, change the Angular builder to use the esbuild builder: @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser -> @angular-devkit/build-angular:application. When I ...
Houssem Trabelsi's user avatar
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One FormControl becomes invalid after submit

I have a reactive form initialized by the OnInit interface, which takes the values from the store patching the form with them. When I submit the form, I dispatch an action bound to an effect that ...
Chris's user avatar
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Angular 15 Ngrx store/effects

I tried for a while now and many different things but i just cant find a solution why this constructor(protected subjectService: SubjectsService, protected userService: UsersService, ...
user24194255's user avatar
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Empty object is getting passed to post method while using NgRx

I'm new to NgRx and I'm trying to call the post method of my service using NgRx. I'm passing in a booking object but I get an error saying an empty object was passed. In the Redux DevTools I can see ...
Strugglingperson's user avatar
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How to stop NgRx effect if NgRx state already have the data in Angular

I am using #angular ngrx to make a http call to store the data in the state. Now, I want to stop the callout if ngrx state already have the data using RxJs like takeuntil etc. Can someone please help ...
Naveen Sain's user avatar
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Trying to use NgRx in my project but getting an error around method

I'm trying to learn NgRx and I'm getting this error on 'selectAllBookings': public allBookings =; Overload 1 of 9, '(mapFn: (state: object) => Booking[]): ...
Strugglingperson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why I am unable to emit reducer function from an effect?

login$ = createEffect(() => { return this.action$.pipe( ofType(fromActions.loginStart), exhaustMap(action => { return this.authService .login({ ...
Navitas28's user avatar
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node modules error: Type parameter 'OT' has a circular constraint

Getting error while run: ng serve error: Error: node_modules/@ngrx/effects/src/effect_creator.d.ts:12:43 - error TS2313: Type parameter 'OT' has a circular constraint. 12 }, DT extends DispatchType&...
Shawn's user avatar
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NgRx does not trigger selector after state change

I am setting up NgRx in an Angular 16 project using Standalone components. I'm going crazy trying to have a piece of state automatically update the component after an API call is made. I have defined ...
OstrichGlue's user avatar
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NgRx get data from api but not storing it to state

I am having problem in understanding one basic concept in ngrx implementation. One example is, I need some data to get from api to validate some information in my component but I may not need it after ...
Himadri Banik's user avatar

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