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Questions tagged [named-entity-recognition]

Named-entity recognition (NER) (also known as entity identification and entity extraction) is a subtask of information extraction that seeks to locate and classify atomic elements in text into predefined categories such as the names of persons, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc.

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Do I need to use Named Entity Recognition (NER) in tokenization?

I am working on an NLP project for sentiment analysis. I am using SpaCy to tokenize sentences. As I was reading the documentation, I learned about NER. I've read that it can be used to extract ...
LoukasPap's user avatar
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Por que o o modelo spacy não está reconhecendo as entidades do modelo treinado? [closed]

Criei uma base de treinamento para o modelo de processamento de linguagem natural, utilizando a biblioteca SPACY, baseado em uma publicação ambiental sobre derramamento de óleo no mar nordestino. ...
user26424635's user avatar
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IndexError: string index out of range in bert NER model

I have this code: !pip install datasets !pip install transformers from datasets import load_dataset raw_dataset= load_dataset("Amir13/wnut2017-persian") print(raw_dataset) print(...
abbas mahmudi's user avatar
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Named Entity Recognition using TFLite on Android

I have a named entity recognition TensorFlow Lite model that I trained in Python and that I would like to run on an Android. To make predictions, the model takes in a dictionary of two tensors, namely ...
cdekalb's user avatar
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GliNER finetuning - no validation loss is logging

I am trying to fine-tune using this notebook: GLiNER/examples/finetune.ipynb at main · urchade/GLiNER ( However, the logs only show 'loss' , which I assume is the training data set loss, ...
andream's user avatar
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is there any best pretrained model of any spacy,ner or any for resume parsing else is there any other way to create a resume parser application

pls im working on this rom past 25 days is there any way or solution for this if there is any pretrained model i can use its also good for getting atleast 80% accuracy for entity extraction from ...
Ganesh Ingale's user avatar
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Getting Config validation error when using spaCy

I am trying to train my NER model using spaCy. I tried to generate my config file using the command python -m spacy init config spacy_split_ouput/def_base_confog_en.cfg --lang en --pipeline ner --...
Leah's user avatar
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Is there a way to direct Stanford CoreNLP to perform coreference resolution on a list of particular entities?

I have a list of entities identified via the CoreNLP NER module as part of an existing Java process we perform. I would like to run coreference resolution using those entities as input, rather than ...
Grant's user avatar
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gensim for Political Ad verification?

I am trying to build a model that uses transcribed audio and on-screen text to classify a video ad as political or non-political, as well as extracts the name of the candidate and sponsor. How can I ...
Moulik Kumar's user avatar
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How to deploy a spacy ner model and fastapi

I have a custom spacy ner model ad fastapi that works fine when run in the local machine. But when I tried to deploy it in railway, it crashes and produces error like it can't access the model in ...
olleh's user avatar
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Custom Named Entity Recognition (NER) Model with spaCy V3

This is my first time building a custom model with SPACY NER. # Define a function to create spaCy DocBin objects from the annotated data def get_spacy_doc(file, data): # Create a blank spaCy ...
Pranav's user avatar
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On-the-fly Deny List in Presidio?

Loading the Presidio analyzing engine takes some time. I want to filter out specific names but I want to filter out different names for every document. I don't understand how to perform this seemingly ...
Pink Flying Elephant's user avatar
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What exactly is the confidence score? Is it the confidence score of the text layout or the entity-value itself

I am using form parser currently from DocAI processors. Can you give me more clarity on whether the confidence score shown is from OCR model or any other layout detection that was used in getting the ...
Dharani Jonnalagadda's user avatar
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How can I process raw text format job posts from LinkedIn or similar sites into a key-value format?

Ive collected some job posts from linked for research purpose. I would like to get specific datas from these job posts and save inside my sql database. So how can I process the job posts txt files and ...
Towhid.kahn's user avatar
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Further Normalization after model training with SpaCy

I trained an Arabic NER with SpaCy and got the model-best folder. But the thing is, the data used for training was already normalized. So, characters such as "أ, ؤ, ة" were already ...
Muh Sabry's user avatar

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