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Questions tagged [linux]

NOTICE: All Linux questions must be related to programming; those that aren't will be closed. Use this tag only if your question relates to programming using Linux APIs or Linux-specific behavior, not just because you happen to run your code on Linux. If you need Linux support, you can try or the specific Linux distribution's Stack Exchange site like or

7541 votes
56 answers

Find all files containing a specific text (string) on Linux?

How do I find all files containing a specific string of text within their file contents? The following doesn't work. It seems to display every single file in the system. find / -type f -exec grep -H '...
Nathan's user avatar
  • 77k
3034 votes
19 answers

How can I recursively find all files in current and subfolders based on wildcard matching?

How can I recursively find all files in current and subfolders based on wildcard matching?
john's user avatar
  • 34.8k
2783 votes
33 answers

How to change the output color of echo in Linux

I am trying to print a text in the terminal using echo command. I want to print the text in a red color. How can I do that?
satheesh.droid's user avatar
2432 votes
7 answers

How do I delete an exported environment variable?

Before installing gnuplot, I set the environment variable GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR = /home/gnuplot/build/src. During the installation, something went wrong. I want to remove the GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR ...
A. K.'s user avatar
  • 36.9k
2235 votes
18 answers

How can I symlink a file in Linux? [closed]

I want to create a symbolic link in Linux. I have written this Bash command where the first path is the folder I want to link, and the second path is the compiled source. ln -s '+basebuild+'/IpDome-...
chrisg's user avatar
  • 41.2k
2223 votes
49 answers

How do I exclude a directory when using `find`?

How do I exclude a specific directory when searching for *.js files using find? find . -name '*.js'
helion3's user avatar
  • 36.7k
2193 votes
27 answers

How do I recursively grep all directories and subdirectories?

How do I recursively grep all directories and subdirectories? find . | xargs grep "texthere" *
wpiri's user avatar
  • 22.1k
2177 votes
19 answers

How do I change permissions for a folder and its subfolders/files? [closed]

How do I change the permissions of a folder and all its subfolders and files? This only applies to the /opt/lampp/htdocs folder, not its contents: chmod 775 /opt/lampp/htdocs How do I set chmod 755 ...
Adam Halasz's user avatar
  • 58.1k
2155 votes
20 answers

How do I profile C++ code running on Linux?

How do I find areas of my code that run slowly in a C++ application running on Linux?
Gabriel Isenberg's user avatar
2132 votes
16 answers

Looping through the content of a file in Bash

How do I iterate through each line of a text file with Bash? With this script: echo "Start!" for p in (peptides.txt) do echo "${p}" done I get this output on the screen: Start! ./ ...
Peter Mortensen's user avatar
1889 votes
39 answers

How do I prompt for Yes/No/Cancel input in a Linux shell script?

I want to pause input in a shell script, and prompt the user for choices. The standard Yes, No, or Cancel type question. How do I accomplish this in a typical bash prompt?
Myrddin Emrys's user avatar
1809 votes
5 answers

What is ':-!!' in C?

I bumped into this strange macro code in /usr/include/linux/kernel.h: /* Force a compilation error if condition is true, but also produce a result (of value 0 and type size_t), so the expression ...
chmurli's user avatar
  • 15.1k
1619 votes
12 answers

How to redirect output to a file and stdout

In bash, calling foo would display any output from that command on the stdout. Calling foo > output would redirect any output from that command to the file specified (in this case 'output'). Is ...
SCdF's user avatar
  • 58.7k
1571 votes
23 answers

Merge / convert multiple PDF files into one PDF [closed]

How could I merge / convert multiple PDF files into one large PDF file? I tried the following, but the content of the target file was not as expected: convert file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf I need ...
alcohol's user avatar
  • 23.5k
1495 votes
3 answers

How can I use grep to show just filenames on Linux? [closed]

How can I use grep to show just file-names (no in-line matches) on Linux? I am usually using something like: find . -iname "*php" -exec grep -H myString {} \; How can I just get the file-...
cwd's user avatar
  • 54.2k

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