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Questions tagged [linux]

NOTICE: All Linux questions must be related to programming; those that aren't will be closed. Use this tag only if your question relates to programming using Linux APIs or Linux-specific behavior, not just because you happen to run your code on Linux. If you need Linux support, you can try or the specific Linux distribution's Stack Exchange site like or

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How to withdraw the previous command in bash [closed]

(1)I am learning how to use command in bash. I excute a command by mistake,and use "mv" wrongly to make some system file into the /tmp dictionary I search on google but make no sense. Is ...
user26534473's user avatar
-2 votes
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Pop OS failed install [closed]

Tried installing Pop OS via USB, text box says "installing Pop OS failed, possibly due to a hardware error" Tried different drives and images, not working, error log says WARN: rsync: [...
Vicant27's user avatar
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is there a way to share /dev to guest in qemu [closed]

In our environment, the host machine dynamically generates some character devices in /dev. Is there a way to share /dev to guest in qemu?
Michael96's user avatar
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Copy files with wildcard "*" in Kubernetes InitContainer

I am trying to copy all the files from an image to a volume. However, kubernetes seems to not interpret the wildcard correctly. So, when I use the following, it fails with "not found": ...
user22104408's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to do a factory reset from a laptop that has no BIOS? (only GNU GRUB version 2.06) [closed]

I have a laptop Asus F200MA Notebook (detail here) that has no more BIOS configuration screen since I tried to install a Linux Mint on it. This installation probably overwrited a partition that ...
spritus's user avatar
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Allowing squid to listen while iptables default policy is drop [closed]

having some trouble with fresh squid server on a VPS box. I have the box secured with iptables - simple iptables -P INPUT DROP, and only my home ip is allowed to connect. The problem is, whatever ...
Andy Scull's user avatar
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GTK+3 app gets dark playing a video on raspberrypi4-64

I was trying to deploy this app on an embedded system built over the yocto project (link). The app works fine on desktop but on raspberrypi 4 mod B, once the video starts to be played the UI becomes ...
Wael Karman's user avatar
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How can I determine if a Java/Kotiln/JVM (AWT / Compose multiplatform) application is running within a window manager on linux?

I am creating a desktop application using Compose multiplatform. More specifically, using the JetBrainsRuntime via the glue provided by jewel. I am looking for a way to determine if my application is ...
tealsnow's user avatar
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Installing kernel header files on buildroot filesystem

I am running LTS 6.6.35 linux kernel on qemu-aarch64, with buildroot as rootfs. The toolchain used is arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu. Firstly, I did not understand why this ...
Naveen's user avatar
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My laravel project running with docker in Ubuntu does not see images [closed]

I am developing a laravel project using docker and I have a home/user/projects/myProject project in ubuntu to make this project faster. The problem is that my images are not showing up in "...
Enes SvG's user avatar
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Is it possible to run Connect-IPPSSession, Connect-ExchangeOnline using pwsh on a linux server?

I am trying to use the Powershell ExchangeOnlineManagement module, but I have to perform some automations on a Linux RedHat server and I would like to know if it is possible to execute commands like ...
José's user avatar
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does the linux operating system shell run after the kernel system processes are started, but before regular users register? [closed]

i Had the question in my test with the following wording(does the linux operating system shell run after the kernel system processes are started, but before regular users register?). I answered "...
Stas Solovyev's user avatar
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Java API only partially available with Frida aarch64

I tried to attach with Frida to Java process run on aarch64 Linux (not Android) I got that error: using frida-server-16.4.3-linux-arm64 [Remote::PID::1234 ]-> Java.enumerateLoadedClasses(); Error: ...
user26530667's user avatar
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Receiving and Sending J1939 CAN message on Linux in C

I am trying to open a SocketCAN J1939 and receive and send J1939 messages. I am very confused with type "sockaddr_can". This structure has j1939.addr, j1939.pgn, etc. When I ...
ha_purchase's user avatar
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Apple hardware modules in directory other than that used by Linux kernel for startup modules [closed]

I recently installed Linux on a 2019 MacbookPro and do not have the ability to use the laptop trackpad or keyboard, nor to connect to a WiFi network. I am wondering, is my path to the startup modules ...
rollther's user avatar
-1 votes
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Any method to extract the password for two different zipped files encoded by the same password? [closed]

The two files are different in their contents and size, and I zip them using the same password. Now I forget the password. I assume that it is possible to find the same pattern in these two different ...
olivia's user avatar
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The curl to github failing with ssl error

On Oracle Linux 9 we are developing a script to fetch rpm keys and other files from github. When doing rpm import of the key or curl to github we are getting an SSL error. curl -vvvv https://github....
Teodor Mysko's user avatar
-2 votes
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Add new disk to a node in eve-ng or pnetlab

I have a trouble with node in Pnetlab 4.2.10. I built the lab with debian12 nodes. The image for the node I downloaded from The problem ...
Ekaterina's user avatar
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podman 5.1 - dependency on yocto/linux versiosn

does podman 5.1 have any specific minimum version of Yocto build or linux kernel versions to be avaliale for its working? i am trying to upgrade my podman version on my existing setup . Hence need to ...
user26528258's user avatar
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Linux shell - Output ping to file and only keep last X lines

I want to write a shell-Script for my Raspberry Pi to permanently ping a specific host but only keep the last 20 results in a text file. So my idea was to redirect the ping output to a text file and ...
GuidoT's user avatar
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How to securely store and retrieve sensitive data in a .NET Standard 2.0 cross-platform (Windows+Linux) library

I have .NET Framework 4.7.2 library to store and retrieve sensitive data (like tokens for our desktop apps communication) with help of CredentialManagement package on Windows. Now I need to make this ...
bairog's user avatar
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core files getting created how to stop it?

i wanted to know, how can i disable it or stop getting created the core files in my application path. whenever i restart my application core.* files are getting created without causing any problem to ...
omkark's user avatar
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Runing shell script with python temporary environment variables

I am trying to find a way to run a python script with temporary env variables underground. I am using the following script to illustrate my approach, but it does not work. import os import ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Gnome-extensions list command doesn’t work when called from service

It seems that gnome-extensions list works fine when called just from the terminal and lists extensions. But when it is called from service, it doesn’t. Script (1): #! /bin/bash gnome-extensions list &...
ibse's user avatar
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How to access the server through SSH without asking for password? [duplicate]

I have the following command: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]... "cd /var/www/api && git pull origin master" I want to access it (named "destination server&...
stack's user avatar
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Cannot Duplicate Reverse Engineered USB Commands from Wireshark Using PyUSB on Linux

I'm attempting to reverse engineer a USB HID device with a display on it. It has 4 endpoints (two interfaces), with two endpoints as IN and two endpoints as OUT. I'm duplicating some of the commands ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Why the CPU usage of process is much higher than the sum usage of those threads under the process

I have met a weird problem that the top command shows the process CPU usage is about 180%(2Cores) in Pod, but the sum of CPU usage from those threads under this process is only 120%, how can it happen ...
Xuegao Zhou's user avatar
2 votes
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Good way to understand if file has been just created rather than modified in Linux

I need a way to learn if a file has been just created (rather than e.g. modified). I do it like this: const bool isCreated = ((f.atime.tv_sec == f.mtime.tv_sec) && ...
JenyaKh's user avatar
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Asus CX1400 Chromebook Terminal won't run Sudo command? [closed]

I am working in Asus Cx1400-CKA chromebook and need to run firmware utility script which contains sudo command and I unable to run and tried to fix but not solved the problem. The command which i ...
usminuru's user avatar
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C serial communication, Why does read() lose some data bytes at high baud rates (e.g., B921600)?

Question: I am implementing a C program to communicate between two serial ports on the same machine. The setup involves two serial ports connected via a Null Modem adapter, and I am experiencing an ...
callumQ's user avatar
  • 11

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