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Questions tagged [lambda]

DO NOT USE FOR THE AWS SERVICE (use [aws-lambda] for those questions!) Lambdas are anonymous functions or closures in programming languages such as Lisp, C#, C++, Lua, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Java, Excel or Google sheets. (Also, lambda expression.)

0 votes
1 answer

'Mul' object is not callable when iterating a function

I have this code, I am trying to get the fixed points from a function in each iteration from 1 to n: import sympy as sp def logistica(): return lambda r,x : r * x * (1 - x) def ...
César Lozano's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can i change this formula to tracks from a start and finish date instead of a list of dates in a column?

New to all this, so i apologize in advance for my ignorance. I have a calendar that tracks people's leave/TAD time based on dates. Currently I have the dates listed in series in a single column labled ...
Shane Preston's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can C++20 std::ranges::find_if throw exceptions?

From the std::ranges::find, std::ranges::find_if, std::ranges::find_if_not page, it does not mention exceptions, but neither are marked as noexcept. I'm assuming that the behaviour will be the same as ...
Caio Vinícius's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Arrayfomula with filter on entire column

I'm trying to build a Google Sheets formula to have a column that lists an array (can concatenate) of products ordered in the first order of a customer. So for a any order with the same customer ID, ...
CyrilN's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

sorting a list of tuples using lambda, python [duplicate]

I have a list of tuples that contains (name, score). I want to sort the list on the second element (reverse = True) and if two names are similar then sort it on first element but not using reverse. I ...
parsabr's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Counting number of specific characters in a row (not in a range)

I'm having trouble finding a simple way to count "X"s marked in a row, but in specific columns. On the left (highlighted in pink), I have various categories of "rope replacement reasons&...
Chulho Chang's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Data manipulation in google sheets with arrayformula and lambda helpers

i've got a quite complex situation to solve with google sheets. I already solved it in a very unelegant way, and I would need your help to understand why other solutions I tried failed, and maybe to ...
Francesco De Santis's user avatar
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FilterDefinitions to Lambda Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> conversion - DataGrid

I am using MudBlazor Datagrid, and populating the data using ServerData. Here I get the list of filters, sorts from GridState object, which are in ICollection. I am using a Repository and UnitOfWork ...
Agraj Agranayak's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Predicates and functions

public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"); .filter(s -> ...
l a s's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Polly 8 Resilience Library fallback issue

I am working with the Polly library for the first time trying to make my calls to a 3rd party SQL Server more robust. I've managed to successfully implement the retry and circuit breaker strategies. ...
dickiebow's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Analyse historical data: average of every hour of every day over a number of years

I have historical data from 2012 to 2023. I am trying to calculate the average for every hour in every day over these years to build a 'reference year' or 'baseline'. My DataFrame (final_df) looks ...
snkm's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

i am getting this error while running this function in lambda

"statusCode": 400, "body": "Failed to index JSON data into OpenSearch: (\"error\": (\"root_cause\": [{\"type\": \"mapper_parsing_exception\&...
Himanshu's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

LMS fitting with R-software

I am trying to fit my data in LMS model using following code. lms_model <- lms( y = data$Reaction_time, x = data$Corrected_Age, families = "BCCG", data = data, k = 2, ...
Monika Thakur's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I amend my IF AND statement to correctly show payments made or not?

I've been trying to set up a formula to show if someone has paid their membership fees. They can either pay yearly or monthly. The yearly formula seems to be working but the monthly formula seems to ...
Laura D's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Iteratively source a value from a dictionary

I have a data set where I know a limited number of values and based on other values in a data set I can figure out what the subsequent values are. I could do this with a huge if function, but I know ...
James Oliver's user avatar

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