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Questions tagged [junit]

Popular unit testing framework for Java and Scala. The latest version, JUnit 5, supports rich annotation-based and parameterized tests. Consider using in conjunction with the Java or Scala tag to indicate your use case.

9,009 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
15 votes
1 answer

How to automate upgrade testing for android

We have been using espresso for android automation, and that includes upgrade testing For upgrade testing, we need to perform 3 steps: Make some actions in the old version to prepare some data ...
Sugre's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

PowerMockito VerifyStatic not working in 2.0.0-beta5

I am getting an issue using powermockito (2.0.0-beta5) to verify a static method was called a certain number of times when I call a different (also static) method. The classes are prepared for test ...
jbird's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Mock FingerprintManager in Android tests

Is there a way to simulate or mock FingerprintManager.authenticate()? I want to write instrumented tests for my fingerprint authenticator. I'm fine if there's a solution with a restriction that the ...
Juuso Ohtonen's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Jenkins xUnit test result report

I have a Jenkins job to copy some test reports(XML) to local and convert them to JUnit reports via xUnit. The issue is that there are no failed or skipped tests, but I always get [xUnit] [INFO] -...
Jay Cui's user avatar
  • 137
12 votes
1 answer

How should a custom Guice scope be integrated with TestNG?

We use a custom Guice scope, @TestScoped, for some of our JUnit tests that lasts for a single test method, and a JUnit @Rule to enter and exit the scope appropriately. It looks like this: public ...
Tavian Barnes's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Running JUnit tests with Hadoop 2.2 on Windows 7

I'm trying to run a simple JUnit test with Hadoop 2.2. on my Windows 7 machine. I have an exemplary test available at so I'm ...
Jakub's user avatar
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10 votes
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Android Studio runs Instrumentation tests as Junit Tests

I have my instrumentation tests located in a separate module. I have applied the plugin "" in build.gradle file and when I call gradle connectedCheck, the tests in the main source set ...
Codebender's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Robolectric + PowerMock + Mockito not working

I'm struggling to get this rare combination works, but I haven't got luck. My project uses JUnit + Mockito + Robolectric for testing and Roboguice for injection, when I added PowerMock to the equation ...
JavierSP1209's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Firestore local junit tests

Is there a library to get a mocked version of Firestore for local unit tests like the one for google app engines datastore: private final LocalServiceTestHelper helper = new ...
user1185087's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Using PowerMock causes java.lang.VerifyError exception

The following causes an exception at runtime: import; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner; import
traveh's user avatar
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9 votes
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Robolectric test runs in Android Studio, but not by gradle in the console

I recently updated a few libraries in my gradle file, and as a result, some (but not all) of my unit tests fail when I run them in the console by "./gradlew clean test". However, all my tests pass ...
happyhuman's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Misterious `classMethod` test in Gradle Scala unit testing with JUnit 4

I'm having an issue with Gradle, JUnit and Scala test execution, in our Scala language extension for Vert.x. Recently we upgraded from Vert.x 2.1.RC1 to 2.1.RC2, we started seeing that in some ...
Galder Zamarreño's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to execute junit Rules inside AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests transaction?

I want to do some database operations INSIDE the test method transaction. I would like to use junit TestRules for this. But the rules are executed outside of the transaction. Is there any way to have ...
Janne Mattila's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Example for replacement for InstrumentationRegistry.getContext()

With AndroidX the InstrumentationRegistry is now deprecated. The documentation states This method is deprecated. In most scenarios, getApplicationContext() should be used instead of the ...
DoDo's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Cypress mocha-junit-reporter - pass test filename to reporter output filename

I'm using Cypress to run a suite of automated tests. The current version of cypress provides mocha-junit-reporter out of the box, and provides configuration options to pass to the reporter. One of the ...
mjg's user avatar
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