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Questions tagged [junit]

Popular unit testing framework for Java and Scala. The latest version, JUnit 5, supports rich annotation-based and parameterized tests. Consider using in conjunction with the Java or Scala tag to indicate your use case.

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JUnit test failing Status expected:<201> but was:<404>

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out this issue, but when I'm running my tests on my UserControllerTest class I'm getting Status expected:<201> but was:<404>. Here's my ...
dom's user avatar
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How to test flow paging data for an android application?

I'm currently testing repository class in my Android App, the function itself returns Flow<PagingData>. When I run the test it gives an error : After waiting for 1m, the test coroutine is not ...
RocketMan's user avatar
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I'm trying to work testcode about Java Spring Boot 6.x Websocket code with STOMP but in trouble

public class WebSocketIntegrationTest { @LocalServerPort private int port; @Autowired private MockMvc mockMvc; @Autowired private ObjectMapper objectMapper; private ...
Buddhaman's user avatar
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Playwright Junit file into X-ray

I am able to generate a results.xml file using playwright execution and also upload to JIRA. However, my screenshot/video from the execution are not reported back into X-Ray. I can see in xml file, ...
Libra's user avatar
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Group (or merge) @Unroll tests from Spock in JUnit XML result file

I have a Spock @Unroll test like this: @Unroll def 'A session uses the TLS protocol #enabledProtocolsOfSocket #protocolOfSession'() { given: // ... expect: // ... where: ...
crusy's user avatar
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How to write verify for static methods that have been called [in Mockito Core] [duplicate]

Without using PowerMockito and using Mockito-Core (the version of Mockito doesn't support PowerMockito and I cannot change the Mockito version), How can I verify that a call to a static method has ...
DropKick's user avatar
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SpringBootTest with Togglz

I just recently added togglz to the spring-boot 3.1.9 application, which contains also much stuff like spring-security, spring-data, etc. Maven dependency: <dependency> <groupId>org....
Georgii Lvov's user avatar
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JerseyTest and Mockito - problem with mocking an object

My aim is to learn a little bit about mocking objects in the context of Jersey Test. I have 3 classes: ServiceController package com.vogella.jersey.first; import*; import
lewap02's user avatar
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Dependency not getting mocked in unit test

I am trying to run a unit test for my springboot controller as: @WebMvcTest(controllers = MyController.class) @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) public class MyControllerTest { @Autowired ...
Mandroid's user avatar
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ParameterizedTest JUNIT5 with suspend functions

I'm trying to clean a little bit my code and when testing my datasource I'm repeating a lot the test that returns connection and service error, and I'd like to have a bunch of code that tests ...
StuartDTO's user avatar
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Junit expecting a 400 response but getting a 200

I am trying to test my springboot controller /save endpoint. I want to test that if you send a json request with a null agency name you should get back a 400 status and the response "Agency Name ...
Abby's user avatar
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Spring Boot microservices with JWT (Cannot run Integration test (401 Unauthorized Error))

I try to implement an example of Spring Boot microservices with JWT. I have some problem. I cannot run all integration tests of product service even if I defined bearer token in terms of admin and ...
jacksondel's user avatar
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Stubbing error while mocking WebClient using Mockito

Based on answers to previous questions like these, I am trying to mock WebClient in a unit test. Please note that I don't wish to use WireMock or MockWebserver. source method: public class ...
Kaliyug Antagonist's user avatar
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I cant init my webclient in a test with mockito

I'm working on a project with java spring boot 2.x and java 1.8. In my pom i got the dependencies of junit 4.13.2 and mockito 3.12.4. When i try to run my test i got the problem that my setup function ...
Juan Federico Di Leo's user avatar
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How to mock Files API from java.nio.file.*

I am using Java nio API and have a below code, but unable to perform mocking on the below code. Path path = Paths.get(filePath); long sizeInBytes = Files.size(path); long recordCount = 0; try (Stream&...
PAA's user avatar
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JUnit 5 - Migration - Custom test annotation no longer detected?

I had the following custom test annotation that worked in JUnit4 that IntelliJ and JUnit no longer wants to recognize: @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE }) @Retention(RUNTIME) ...
David S's user avatar
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pytest failing to generate xml correctly

Unable to generate junit xml file correctly, after a failure generation of the file stops and no further tests are executed. The command works without the junit argument. I have also tried adding '-...
James's user avatar
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SimpleAgedCache: Why can't I get my SimpleAgedCache to pass its tests?

I'm new to coding and programming, and I found an interesting SimpleAgedCache exercise on GitHub that uses JavaScript. I feel like I've done the correct coding, and the exercise should pass its tests. ...
Charles Galicia's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to write a unit test with a controller method that has protected code in it [duplicate]

I am trying to write a unit test for the following controller: @RestController @RequestMapping(value = ENDPOINT_URL) public class MainController extends RestControllerBase { MainService ...
aCarella's user avatar
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Test cases failing and getting NoClassDefFound Could not initialize class XXX after upgrading Maven to 3.9.6 version

Test class `@BeforeEach public void initResource() { serviceLocator = mock(ServiceLocator.class); service = mock(Service.class); resource = new MappedDefaults(serviceLocator, service); ...
Priya Jain's user avatar
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Asserting availability of SubTypes of T

I would like to assert whether every element of an array is a sub type of a particular class. So I wrote a helper like this: private <T> void assertContainsAllSubtypes( List<? ...
bdhar's user avatar
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Is it advisable to repeat an integration test that is used in more than one method?

I'm developing a project. This project has a repository (UserRepository) which is referenced by other parts of the project, I want to know if I have to test the repository method each time it is ...
Mateus Fonseca's user avatar
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Java unit test failing due to null KeyHolder

I'm creating new unit tests for an application and I'm stuck because the KeyHolder is not returning a valid object. For context, here are my classes: ScriptDao class: @Repository public class ...
Thiago Apolinario Billieri's user avatar
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The user is experiencing an error in their Junit program, despite using assert-equals with two integer numbers

I have used the Assert Equals (Expected, Actual) method which takes two integers value and stores its sum in the Actual variable. I am putting my code below. public class CalcTest { @Test ...
Tushar Dharaiya's user avatar
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Junit error Can't load log handler ""

Getting below error while running junit. Can't load log handler "" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java....
Ast's user avatar
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java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not setup GlassFish Embedded Bootstrap

I have a deployment class for integration tests in my project that is inheriterd by every test class. This class is annotated by: @ArquillianSuiteDeployment @RunWith(CustomArqullianRunner.class) I'm ...
Albert Albatros's user avatar
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In Java, using Mockito fails to initialize MockMaker plugin

When I try to run this code: package __6__240703.test.user_repository; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import __6__240703.main.user_repository....
Tomer Sagi's user avatar
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junit 5 runs specific cucumber feature twice

Running Cucumber with JUnit 5 works ok as long as all feature files are run. @Suite @IncludeEngines("cucumber") @ConfigurationParameter(key = Constants.FEATURES_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "...
tbeernot's user avatar
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mockito, mock new file or mock file.exists() [duplicate]

Prerequisite: Powermockito cannot be used and the original code cannot be changed. how to let File file = new File("xxxx"); file.exists() returns true. public void testFile(String path) { ...
user25724873's user avatar
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How to pass a Junit Test for a Primefaces FileUploadEvent

i have a doubt about how to pass a JUnit test for a Primefaces FileUploadEvent. The methods is this: public void cambiarLogoCrear(FileUploadEvent event) { cambiarLogo(event, false); } private ...
Blrackerd's user avatar

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