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Questions tagged [jsf]

JSF, Jakarta Server Faces (formerly known as JavaServer Faces) is a model-view-presenter framework typically used to create HTML form based web applications. Using the standard components and render kit, stateful HTML views can be defined using Facelets or JSP tags and wired to model data and application logic via backing beans.

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f:ajax in composite throws java.lang.String cannot be cast to class jakarta.el.ValueExpression

Got below exception while setting dropdown value: 15:13:33,649 ERROR [stderr] (default task-5) java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class jakarta.el.ValueExpression (...
mannam jayanth's user avatar
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Ambiguity Issue in Bean Configuration with SAML2, Java 6, JSF, and Tomcat 7

When deploying an application that uses SAML2 for authentication on Tomcat 7, I encountered an issue related to the creation of beans in the Spring Security configuration. The problem manifests as an ...
CBL's user avatar
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PrimeFaces Captcha not working as expected

I want to add captcha validation while registering the user. I am using p:captcha. The keys are setup properly, and I can see captcha in my local machine. But on server, after validating captcha and ...
Himanshu Joshi's user avatar
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How to bundle JSF pages in a separate Web Module in Jakarta EE9? [duplicate]

I am developing a Jakarta EE9 web application with maven. I wonder if it is possible to separate a set of JSF Pages together with CDI Beans in a separate module that can be reused in other Web ...
Ralph's user avatar
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The commandButton needs to be clicked twice to call the method

I am in the process of migrating an application with JSF pages to JBoss #7.4. Started experiencing couple of issues as given below. However, my application with the JSF pages works well with JBoss #6....
Suresh Bottu's user avatar
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<o:validateBean>: turns List<DemoData> into List<String>?

I'm using <o:validateBean> to validate my bean at the class level. The code here is mainly from Omnifaces Showcase adapted to my usecase. The bean is: @Named @ViewScoped @ValidProduct(groups = ...
Thomas P's user avatar
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Primefaces fileUpload - not able to capture the file/event

I'm trying to upload a file using PrimeFaces, but the fileUploadListener method isn't being invoked after the upload finishes. view: <p:layoutUnit position="east" header="...
Leopold's user avatar
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Browser's behavior UTF-8 page with extra character like U+FFFE (ERROR by ajax) XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

We are developing some JSF web applications with PrimeFaces. It is possible in inputText to copy/paste text with a non UTF-8 character like `` (Here is the character) and save the page. But there is ...
László Tóth's user avatar
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unable to access the components of p dialog in primefaces

I am using prime-faces and want to integrate 2 pages for that I used tab view to show the 2 pages in a single page using tabs. one of my pages has a p dialog panel, when I implement tab view I am ...
harish nune's user avatar
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f:ajax listener method with own class/object as parameter [duplicate]

The signature of f:ajax listener is void listener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event). I've the following working code: Facelet: ... <f:ajax listener="#{myBean.myListener(myObject)}" /> ... Bean:...
Toru's user avatar
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Primefaces Datatable: how to default select a checkbox which is disabled

I have a datatable and a particular row's checkbox is disabled. But it is not showing as selected. I want to show it as selected by default though it is disabled default. Please help me how to do that....
AAPJ's user avatar
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ERROR 400 doesn't print the Custom error status page [duplicate]

In my website Im facing the issue like I need to redirect to my custom page with the purpose to hide the version of Tomcat, which is displayed on the default 404 HTTP status page.But other error 404-...
GOKUL D's user avatar
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p:commandLink in facet inside a form causing warning log that it's not inside a form

I created a composite component that renders a form and an ul like this: <h:form id="formid"> <ul> <composite:renderFacet name="listItems" /> </ul&...
Tim Döring's user avatar
-1 votes
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Java Primefaces Dependency Managed Bean [duplicate]

I have been suffering and trying many times to create a really simple project with primefaces from tutorials. I have done a lot of them and all of them don't work for me. They all insert only one ...
Piterek237's user avatar
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Primeface13 openDynamic doesn't work NPE exception

I'm using Primeface13, java8 and tomcat9 and I'm trying to open a new page using openDynamic. I have my test2.xhtml page under webapp folder and my level1.xhtml page under WEB-INF/tag/level1.xhtm. In ...
Andrea P.'s user avatar

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