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Questions tagged [jpa]

The Jakarta Persistence API (formerly Java Persistence API) (JPA) is a Java specification for accessing, persisting, and managing data between Java objects/classes and a relational database. JPA was defined as part of the EJB 3.0 specification as a replacement for the EJB 2 CMP Entity Beans specification. JPA is now considered the standard industry approach for Object to Relational Mapping (ORM) in the Java Industry.

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Unable to Find SAP Olingo JPA Processor v4 Artifacts in Maven Repository

I'm trying to use OData 4 with Java, utilizing the Apache Olingo library. However, I've run into a roadblock. The Olingo library for OData v4 doesn't include any data access layer. I discovered that ...
Nismath vi's user avatar
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OpenApiGenerator not setting modelAnnotations on generation

My task in the build.gradle.kts: tasks.named<org.openapitools.generator.gradle.plugin.tasks.GenerateTask>("openApiGenerate") { generatorName.set("spring") inputSpec....
Erik B.'s user avatar
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How to setup optimistic locking for overlapping datetime?

I am trying to make a booking system, where users can book a booking at a location for a certain time period. The problem I am having is, 2 entries that happen at the same time and overlap in the time ...
user26020733's user avatar
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spring data jpa and queryDSL with a little complex sql

I used spring data JPA and QueryDSL to find data in the database; Table A : id name age 1 joe 20 2 jack 22 3 rose 24 Table B : id realtion_id type aid 1 13 9 1 2 13 0 2 3 13 8 3 here is an ...
Deng's user avatar
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Predicates hibernate join a self referenced table

I have 3 entities : EntityEntity, EntityTaskEntity and EntityTaskStatusEntity. EntityEntity has the following properties: @Entity @Table(name = "entities") @Getter @Setter @...
davidvera's user avatar
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How to find out which column is failing if type is number and it exceeds the length in JPA insert operation

I am trying to insert a record in a Oracle 11g table which have around 100 columns. repository.saveAndFlush(nextObj); When i am inserting JPA is throwing exception like below, it not telling me ...
VKP's user avatar
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How can I mix inheritance strategies (SINGLE_TABLE and TABLE_PER_CLASS) with Hibernate 6.5/JPA?

I am trying to design an entity model with inheritance that also supports maintaining draft and publish states of the entities. I am using JPA annotations with Hibernate implementation (version 6.5). ...
Surya Sanjiv's user avatar
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Why I can not look for entities between joined tables?

I have two entities User and Phone. User Entity: @Getter @Setter @Accessors(chain = true) @Entity @Table(name = "user_table") public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = ...
Артём Орёл's user avatar
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JPA relationShip ManyToOne from embedded to embeddable

I have next class embeddable: @Data @Embeddable public class JobOrderViewPK2 implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Column(name = "ID") ...
Shorosky's user avatar
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Is possible not to apply JPA EntityListener during test, but only real execution?

I'd like to apply EntityListener only during real execution, but not test. Because the EntityListener currently I use changes Entity's property on read, so it might be confusing when verifying column ...
Wood's user avatar
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If I use Spring Data JPA without @Transactional, will the entity not be in a Managed state in the persistence context?

I used Spring Data JPA's JpaRepository(3.2.2), and after checking the implementation, I found out that it uses jakarta.persistence.EntityManager to perform find operations. As far as I know, when ...
ramason's user avatar
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How to handle multiple self referencing foreign keys in Hibernate [duplicate]

I have a MYSQL table that has 2 foreign keys to other rows of the same table. (for simplicities sake, I have changed it to a person table, that's not what I am trying to achieve, but similar structure)...
java_stack_account_bd's user avatar
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How to define query method in spring data jpa if one of the query parameters is fixed?

If I have a customer table with columns cus_no, is_valid and create_time where cus_no corresponds to cusNo attribute (with data type String) of customer object, is_valid corresponds to isValid ...
190303458's user avatar
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How to match column on timestamp and temporal in java spring boot

Here is my entity which is saving the timestamp @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP) private Date transactionTime; and here is my Service layer to fetch the data based on transactionDate Timestamp ...
Aamir Sheraz's user avatar
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JPA delete parent through child in in ManyToOne relationship using CascadeType.all

I want to delete the parent if the child gets deleted while the parent doesn't have any other children. If i use CascadeType.ALL i get a foreign key error when attempting to delete a child while more ...
sfdgioj111's user avatar

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