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how can I compare unmodified and mofidied entity values in a custom repository save method

I want to prepare a custom jparepository save method. In this method I want to compare unmodified and modified entity field values and then update the modified entity based on the comparison. When I ...
Nas Ahmet's user avatar
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retriving id directly from entity by not loading navigation property

so I have 2 entites (Product, Category). Category contains list of products and each product has its own category. So in database Product table has category_id column that is foreign key of Category ...
Emil Abbas's user avatar
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Faild Test Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory'

Test failed with exception Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: ...
Padawan's user avatar
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Is length of generated column affected by both @Size and @Column annotations?

Having a following property in my entity: @Setter @Size(min = 3, max = 255) @Column(length = 500) private String xo; Generated column in h2 database is CHARACTER VARYING(255) I expected it to be 500....
bridgemnc's user avatar
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Why hibernate make so much queries even while using DTO and FETCH TYPE LAZY?

I have Entity class Employee : @Entity @NoArgsConstructor(force = true) @AllArgsConstructor @Builder @Data @Table(name = "employee") public class Employee { @Id @GeneratedValue(...
Tomasz Piszczek's user avatar
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Spring JPA entity doesn't update when i use getReferenceId() in transactional function

The contents of the database do not change despite the normal communication and modification of the contents to be modified through the DTO. entity code like this @Getter @ToString(callSuper = true) @...
ExcelsiorKim's user avatar
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Spring Boot bi-directional relationship between two objects @OneToMany and @ManyToOne

I am trying to find a solution creating two objects (Author and Book), which can have bi-directional relationship between them. What I mean is when I try to GET all books: { "id":1, "...
Greeed's user avatar
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How map DTO to Entity without the @GenerateValue field in JPA

I have a DTO class with some field and i'm trying to map DTO in Entity class, in my entity class I have an id field (generate value), but not in DTO because i don't need to set a ID. I have a DTO ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Joining 2 Entity in Spring Data JPA [duplicate]

Hibernate why don't use JOIN in sql query on navigation property. (I used spring-boot) When I used following code two times SELECT query running. I expect it to do it in a single sql statement. List ...
dataminers's user avatar
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error org.hibernate.query.sqm.UnknownEntityException: Could not resolve root entity

I Create project based on my older project before. with new version (Hibernate 6.3.1 Final and STS 4.0) I try to get data and put on list which is what I usually do in older version. My adapter: ...
mr.Gondar's user avatar
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How to use dynamic schema names and table names in an Entity class in Java when using Spring boot JPA

This is the query I have "SELECT * FROM " + billerInfo.getSchema() + "." + billerInfo.getPaymentTable() + " WHERE STATUS='S' AND BILLER_NUMBER=" Instruction.setString(...
Hashini Udara's user avatar
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Spring Boot does not recognize my JPA entity in a specific package

I am using Spring Boot and facing an issue with my JPA entity not being recognized as a managed type. I'd appreciate any help to solve this problem. [ERROR LOG] 2023-10-08T23:13:04.005+02:00 ERROR 68 -...
Lassana Tounkara's user avatar
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I can't see the result of EntityGraph. Is it still working?

I tried to check how EntityGraph works in java ee, but after trying many options and various Persistence Provider, I did not see the result of its work. I tried lazily loading related entities and ...
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Read Data from MariaDB with SpringBoot JPA

I want to try out a simple Spring Boot Hibernate example. I have this Database: create or replace table treasurelog.categories ( id bigint auto_increment primary key, name varchar(20)...
cod3cruncher's user avatar
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JPA one-to-one relation not updated to A when saving B

I have two entities with one-to-one -relation // simplified pseudocode public class EntityA { @OneToOne EntityB entityB; } public class EntityB { @OneToOne EntityA entityA; } Failing ...
Tuomas Toivonen's user avatar

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