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Questions tagged [janusgraph]

JanusGraph is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster. JanusGraph is a transactional database that can support thousands of concurrent users executing complex graph traversals in real time. When posting questions, please include environment details, such as the storage and indexing backends used.

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Why Is JanusGraph Finding Expired KeyColumn Claims?

Problem What is causing JanusGraph to throw-out so many of this warnings going into full-blown retries? JanusGraph seems to find supposedly dropped vertexes, which is fine if there's a delay; I just ...
Zach's user avatar
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Why Is JanusGraph's Iterate-Drop Not Dropping?

Why is JanusGraph saying its dropping all the Vertexes when its looking like its really not?"g.V().count().next():\t" + g.V().count().next()); g.V().drop()....
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Thought I Created A JanusGraph Vertex Index But I Guess Not; What Went Wrong? [duplicate]

Why is JanusGraph not finding-and-using the index I made at time of search? Please note, I need this to work with the Java implementation specifically; not Gremlin Console. And this needs to work with ...
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Is There A Better Way To Delete Vertexes In JanusGraph?

Is there a way to just drop() all of the Vertexes in JanusGraph like OrientDB? g.V().drop().iterate() takes about 2 minutes to traverse through 70005 basic vertices. JanusGraph's JanusGraph (interface)...
Zach's user avatar
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Do JanusGraph Cassandra Indexes Need To Be Reindexed?

Do JanusGraph indices need to be reindexed after loading in more data? I know this is a newbie question, but I am a newbie with on this subject. From my understanding right now, OrientDB and Neo4j ...
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Where Are JanusGraph's Vertexes In Cassandra?

Where does Apache Cassandra put its JanusGraph Vertexes? When I look for them I can't find them. I've tried using cqlsh but I'm new to CQL (Cassandra Query Language) and Cassandra in-general. So ...
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JanusGraph-PropertyKey Is Not A User-Defined-Key

Problem Why is JanusGraph throwing-up a User-Defined-Key problem when I'm just trying to make an index? Logs 2023-05-08 12:40:25,640 [INFO] [c.d.o.d.i.c.ContactPoints.main] :: Contact point ...
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How To Create Vertex Index For Remote GraphTraversalSource

Problem How do you make Vertex Indexes with traversal().withRemote("conf/")? Questions Do I have to create a org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph? Graph graph ...
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Why Does Traversal Source g Stop Working?

Problem Why does their example problem stop working after a day-or-two? Deleting and recreating the JanusGraph-Docker-container fixes the problem. Nothing has been changed since this execution was ...
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Where Is JanusGraph's Gremlin-Console Finding its Tinkerpop-Server's "conf/remote.yaml"?

Problem Where is JanusGraph [Docker-container] Gremlin-Console getting its conf/remote.yaml from? [o.a.t.g.d.ConnectionPool.gremlin-driver-host-scheduler-1] :: Opening connection pool on Host{...
Zach's user avatar
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Why Does V().count() Show 0 with But Not Zero With Code?

Problem Why does bin/'s V().count() not show a non-zero count? I'm new to Gremlin [Query-Language] and Graph-DBs (Graph Databases) in-general. What is the difference between running in ...
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Why Do Vertexes Not Drop With g.V().drop()?

Problem How do you cleanup Vertexes (and Edges) with GraphTraversalSource g? I don't understand why g.V().drop() doesn't work with traversal().withRemote() When I have this working fine with ...
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JanusGraph Java Serializer for propertyMap()

Im setting up a simple Java application that runs some queries on top of a given Graph Database (either Neo4j or JanusGraph). I would like to have interface methods with return type and general form ...
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JanusGraphFactory cannot make CQLStoreManager

Problem Why am I getting this error when the dependency is being included? Could not find implementation class: org.janusgraph.diskstorage.cql.CQLStoreManager <dependency> &...
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How To Setup JanusGraph Cassandra On Docker

Problem With Docker containers, how do setup Apache Cassandra to work with Docker? I need to setup an external JanusGraph to handle tens of millions of records. I'm new to Cassandra, JanusGraph, and ...
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