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Questions tagged [janusgraph]

JanusGraph is a scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster. JanusGraph is a transactional database that can support thousands of concurrent users executing complex graph traversals in real time. When posting questions, please include environment details, such as the storage and indexing backends used.

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Janusgraph Docker memory allocation issue

I am using janusgraph docker image docker pull janusgraph/janusgraph:1.0.0 and when starting i am providing memory parameter docker run --cpus 15.5 --rm -d --memory=8g --user 0 -e JAVA_OPTS="-...
atul ahire's user avatar
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Properties detail are missing from VertexLabel using JanusGraphManagement API

I am using janugraph 1.0.0 and using cassandra as backend storage.This is configuration file with cassandra details, janusgraph-cql/.properties cassandra config Now using gremlin console, I have ...
dishabehrani77's user avatar
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Janus Graph Query to remove visited nodes

I am using janus graph and cassandra as Db, while traversing from source to it 2,3 or 4 degree node from that src there can be multiple vertex which was visited during lower degree of traversal, so I ...
Arpit Singh's user avatar
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gremlin python open janusgraph database using submit()

I was trying to switch to different database on runtime in gremlin_python. To do this, I used to open different configuration. Because gremlin_python does not have ...
Kerry Zhu's user avatar
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1 answer

How to read janusgraph vertexid from Cassandra db

I have a janusgraph database that uses Cassandra and ElasticSearch. The database is huge and I need a way to traverse through all the vertexes of the janusgraph for specific use case. I have tried ...
user699848's user avatar
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I am creating client application in java using tinkerpop for gremlin but i am unable to query through my application. JanusGraph and Gremlin server

I am trying to build client application in java for gremlin. My janusgraph server is running on one more virtual machine in the same network. Through my gremlin client code i am able to establish ...
Prajwal Patil's user avatar
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Advice on JanusGraph Docker Image Startup Scripts

I would like to have an idempotent startup script which initializes my database. In particular, I would like to define the schema (labels, properties, indexes, and constraints). I am using JanusGraph ...
Ethan Posner's user avatar
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gremlin_python.driver.protocol.GremlinServerError: 500: Could not execute operation due to backend exception

This problem does not seem to be related to this one. I am trying to execute a long-running database population job, but after a few hours it fails at seemingly random times. I am running JanusGraph 1....
Ethan Posner's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Merge Operator in sack() step does not work as expected

I've been working with sack() step in gremlin. I'm trying to perform some operation on sack when two traversers merge. But for some reason the merge doesn't seem to work as expected. To describe my ...
Naveen Raj's user avatar
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2 answers

Janusgraph 1.0.0 with cassandra backend : Error No serializers

When trying to setup janusgraph 1.0.0 with CS & ES backend i am getting following error : 13:01:23 ERROR org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.server.AbstractChannelizer.configureSerializers - No ...
atul ahire's user avatar
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1 answer

gremlin_python.driver.protocol.GremlinServerError: 500: None

I'm trying to batch populate my JanusGraph database with vertices, and I'm noticing some very strange behavior. I've created a simple test script which reproduces this behavior: import os from dotenv ...
Ethan Posner's user avatar
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janusgraph-full-1.0.0-rc1 for Production

I am planning to use following version of JanusGraph / Cassandra / ES for production environment. Just want to check if those are suitable for Production. janusgraph-full-1.0.0-rc1 elasticsearch-7....
atul ahire's user avatar
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Apache Atlas failing with CosmosDB Cassandra API

I am trying to set up Apache Atlas with CosmosDB Cassandra API with Strong as the default consistency level. During startup after ~10 seconds I get this null pointer exception:- 2023-12-19 08:23:29,...
Kumar Sambhav's user avatar
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Gephi not displaying graph from gremlin console .......1. error

Ibeen tinkering with Gremlin console and was trying to visualize graph created in gremlin console through Gephi(V0.1)and gremlin 3.7. I followed the instruction from Tinkerpop tutorials. https://...
kirosumi's user avatar
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1 answer

JanusGraph container fails to start when setting the allow-custom-vid-types

I can spin up a container of janusgraph/janusgraph locally using docker compose. Everything is fine until I set the allow-custom-vid-types env to true, which makes the container fail to start with the ...
Mostafa Armandi's user avatar

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