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Questions tagged [interceptor]

The interceptor design pattern allows logic to be "inserted" before, during or after the execution of a piece of code, such as a method.

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Intercept outgoing NodeJS https request calls in a application and fetch the request body | Replace original request with modified request

My application uses NodeJS https request ( to make outgoing calls. I need to intercept it and first fetch the request body. Once the request is fetched, I'm preparing ...
sathish soundarapandian's user avatar
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How to redirect to a specified route in Nuxt server api?

I am currently doing a project using Nuxt and I am using the Nuxt server/api folder for all of my external API. What I'm trying to do is that, I want to redirect back to the / page if there are any ...
Lovi's user avatar
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django grpc framework server interceptor does not seem to run properly

I am using djangogrpcframework 0.2.1 and I am trying to write a interceptor to see if a key is present in the request metadata. I also log somethings to see the progress of the interceptor. from grpc ...
Mahsa Fathi's user avatar
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Only one endpoint is not intercepted by auth interceptor in Angular 17.2.1

Only the api/authentication/reset-password endpoint is not intercepted. Other endpoints and api/authentication/refresh-token are intercepted via authInterceptor as expected. // src\app\admin\pages\...
Muhammad-Ali's user avatar
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Axios request interceptors not being updated on time

For my nextJS APP i am configuring the headers using axios interceptors: import axios, { AxiosInstance, AxiosResponse } from "axios"; const httpClient: AxiosInstance = axios.create(); ...
Philippe Ducasse's user avatar
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microfrontends intercept http request

What are the ways to intercept http requests in microfrontends? For example: There is a Host application and Remote1 application, interceptors axios.interceptor.request.use are configured in the Host, ...
Marten002's user avatar
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Modify Request In Spring Boot Before Controller With HandlerInterceptor

I found some resources about modifying request/request-body in spring boot before controller validation but HandlerInterceptor is not clear. Link:
Sha's user avatar
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WebClient incorrect request body length after intercept in filter

I intercept my XML request body by adding two nodes and remove some namespaces. When I'm trying to use my filter, in header content-length I have pre-intercept request body length. I checked that if I ...
mar14's user avatar
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Spring cloud stream kafka binder consumer interceptor

I am working on a spring boot application. Below is my application details: config: spring: cloud: stream: function: bindings: orderEventsConsumer-in-0: order-events-in ...
ging's user avatar
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Angular 18.0.5 not seeing the interceptor

Angular is not aknowledging the interceptor. So basically I executed ng generate interceptor JwtInterceptor and setup set it up to add the token to the header : import { HttpErrorResponse, ...
EagleMind's user avatar
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Cookies are null in Spring MVC Interceptor, however the same cookies are available in Servlet Filter class

Cookies are getting null in getCookies() method of interceptor HttpServletRequest, However the same cookies are available in HttpServletRequest in the filter class from getCookies() method. Is ...
Ritesh Tiwari's user avatar
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How to write an interceptor in nest

How to write an interceptor in nest, use documentation, carry out authentication. An interceptor is a class annotated with the @Injectable() decorator and implements the NestInterceptor interface. ...
Joaquim Mendes's user avatar
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Interceptor in angular (version 12) is not getting called

Following is my interceptor code, api.interceptor.ts import { HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Injectable ...
rajk's user avatar
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Axios interceptor cause loop on navigating

I use axios interceptor to check if a user is logged in or not when processing a request. If not, I will redirect them to login page. The problem is when user being redirected to login page, they must ...
Văn Thuận Nguyễn's user avatar
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Express Interceptors and Error Filter: Prevent Interceptor from Modifying Error Responses

I am working with Express and have implemented a global error filter (GlobalExceptionFilter) and a response interceptor (ResponseInterceptor). However, I'm encountering an issue where my interceptor ...
Nishan Raut's user avatar

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