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Questions tagged [inotifypropertychanged]

INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface defined in Microsoft .NET used to notify listeners of data changes made to an object. These notifications enable data-bound UI controls to update their display automatically whenever the data properties they are bound to have changed.

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NET MAUI: Updating properties and enabling commands that depend on observable object fields

As we know, RelayCommand and getter-only properties need to be notified when their dependencies change. That is usually done with NotifyCanExecuteChangedForAttribute and ...
Đorđe Milanović's user avatar
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WPF DataContext PropertyChanged is Null

I have two WPF components, one is containing a list of the other one. I set the DataContext in the parent WPF component, so I can define a property. Unfortunately, the PropertyChanged of my model is ...
Xavjer's user avatar
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accessing dependency property between viewmodels

I have 2 viewmodels say, viewmodel is bound to view class A : INotifyPropertyChanged { public A(){} private bool _propertya; public bool PropertyA { get{return _propertya;} set{_propertya=value; ...
srinivas's user avatar
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C# WPF dependent value is not updating

I'm working on a C# .NET 6.0 project with WPF, and I have the following scenario: I have two textboxes in my WPF application: <StackPanel> <Label>Fee Percentage:</Label> <...
Elzardi's user avatar
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EF Core ObservableColection CollectionChanged via HasConversion

I want to notify parent ReportModel when Technicians CollectionChanged. It works when creationg new ReportModel, but when I'm starting editing ReportModel from DB, ObservableCollection is created via ...
Andreas_k's user avatar
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C definition class

`I need help with IPropertyChanged, how to do it so it works. `C# how to create object class using IPropertyChanged ? I tried to do it inside of my class, but its not working, I need to somehow change ...
RealSteel's user avatar
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CheckBox in DataGrid does not trigger property change in the binding source

I have a DataGrid that displays a list of items there is a check box in each row that should change a Boolean field from the corresponding data class I expect the field value to change and the ...
pf12345678910's user avatar
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DataGridView Binding does not refresh when updating list in bound object

I am building a wizard to review shop drawings before they get issued to the shop. I have created a custom class for this and each IssueItem has lists for found files, notes, and a bill of materials. ...
Hack.Sign's user avatar
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Assigning an object to another doesn't raise PropertyChanged event in WPF

I have tried to isolate my problem in a very simple (and working) project. Let's say I have a simple model with 2 fields, and I have configured its properties and a PropertyChanged event. This is a ...
Windgate's user avatar
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How to resolve this loop call caused by property changed in qml, can I stop binding somewhere?

import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 Window { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello World") property int anum: ...
段回洋's user avatar
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WPF property declared in C# code instead of XAML

For some particular reason I have declared a binding in C# code instead of declaring it in XAML as usual. The problem I am facing is that when I change only one property of the object, the ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Winforms datagridview - variable number of columns - INotifyPropertyChanged

Let's say I have two classes: public class Hour : INotifyPropertyChanged { public int Value { // ... } // INotifyPropertyChanged implementation } public class Day { ...
mnaauuu's user avatar
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Update UI from side Thread with 8.2.2 MVVM CommunityToolkit

The UI does not update afterward when I modify a variable. The function who update the variable is triggered by an event which is triggered in another thread. I tried to get back into the main thread ...
Romain Tbs's user avatar
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When Using Fody Property Changed and properties changed, Why it does not work?

I have a MVVM Prism Project with DBFirst and Entity Calsses. In View, I used My propertis of model (Class Entities) directly, and because I need to notify every other plcae in project that those ...
Khosro's user avatar
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Oracle Form Hanging Issue

Form got hanged after Forms_ddl('commit') code, and i am closing the whole application and opening again for the operation. How we can resolve this issue. This issue is happening occasionally. There ...
Dhilip kumar's user avatar

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