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Questions tagged [gremlin]

Gremlin is the graph traversal language and virtual machine of Apache TinkerPop™

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Gremlin Query Returns Different Structures Based on Page Size: Array vs Single Map

I'm working with Gremlin queries and encountering an unexpected behavior based on the page size specified. When I set the page size to more than one, the query returns an array of group maps under the ...
Zhen_Lian's user avatar
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Cannot update a property in a graph vertex with an array of values (Neptune)

Following the instructions of Neptune, Python, Gremlin: Update a property in a graph vertex with an array of values, I created this query g.V('{node_id}').as('node').values('sentenceIDs').as('...
Péricles Serotini's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does Azure cosmos DB allows case insensitive search using Gremlin query?

I have a gremlin query like g.V().hasLabel('test').has('name',TextP.containing('ar')). But this query is doing case sensitive search. It is not returning me the vertices that has name Ar. Suppose if I ...
Bhavana Pendurthy's user avatar
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Select doesn't iterate within gremlin query. Help requested

I've tried slicing and dicing this query multiple ways in order to allow the DB to a majority of the bulk processing vs. on the client side. To do this I plan on injecting a map, we can start with the ...
Kevin Boughton's user avatar
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java.lang.InterruptedException with Tinkerpop 3.7.1

So I have a multithreaded Java service which is reading events off a queue and writing the objects to a Tinkerpop graph instance. It can crank along for quite sometime, but will eventually die with ...
Mike Patnode's user avatar
-1 votes
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Gremlin Customized Output using project

gremlinify: pls execute Query 2 and 2.1 to see the difference. I have an acyclic uni-directional graph in Cosmos Graph Db. My graph has 2 types of vertices: item(Label:...
thakshak gudimetla's user avatar
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GremlinJs: How to compare property from vertex earlier in traversal to the property of the vertex at the current traversal loc

I'm trying to run a query on a graph of people that, for a given user, returns all vertices that are a friend of friend of that user AND that have the same last name. I'm having trouble storing an ...
ashissl's user avatar
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gremlin python open janusgraph database using submit()

I was trying to switch to different database on runtime in gremlin_python. To do this, I used to open different configuration. Because gremlin_python does not have ...
Kerry Zhu's user avatar
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gremlin query to count by path-length all paths between nodes that share the same (specified) label

I have a graph with no cycles. Each vertex has a label. For those with a specific label, call it "A", I want to count how many nodes with label "A" are not connected to any other ...
wizangzing's user avatar
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Connecting Lambda to Neptune DB CDK

I'm trying to connect a nodeJS lambda to a Neptune serverless instance. I can't get this to work. I've tried just about everything I can think of but the connection always times out. I'm wondering if ...
Peter McArthur's user avatar
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Neptune Gremlin weird mergeE behavior, updates vertex instead of edge

I think there's a bug in mergeE(). Here's my setup in neptune g.V().hasLabel('mytestlabel').drop() g.addV('mytestlabel').property(id, 'testA').property('timestamp', 1).as('a') .addV('mytestlabel')....
kyl's user avatar
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I am creating client application in java using tinkerpop for gremlin but i am unable to query through my application. JanusGraph and Gremlin server

I am trying to build client application in java for gremlin. My janusgraph server is running on one more virtual machine in the same network. Through my gremlin client code i am able to establish ...
Prajwal Patil's user avatar
2 votes
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Gemlin query to output a tree to a specific format

First off, I'd like to say I've very new to this so apologies for any clangers! I have a fairly simple hierarchy of recipes and ingredients. I'm looking to create a query that outputs something like ...
zXynK's user avatar
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AWS Neptune Timeout simple query

I have a fairly straightforward neptune query, gets the next 5 nodes this.g.V(id).repeat(__.inE().outV()).emit().times(depth).tree().by(__.valueMap(true)); My graph is currently small, around 3500 ...
kyl's user avatar
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High memory consumption on Gremlin query (using Neptune)

I running out of "freeable memory" on my Neptune cluster when running this query multiple times: g.V(). has('User', 'uuid', 'c4746c15-4f8e-42a4-97d3-8e2d25de2dc0'). repeat(__.both('...
Nicolas's user avatar
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