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Questions tagged [git]

Git is an open-source distributed version control system (DVCS). Use this tag for questions about Git usage and workflows. Do not use this tag for general programming questions that happen to involve a Git repository. Do not use this tag for GitHub/GitHub Actions questions that do not involve git usage; use [github] or [github-actions] instead. Do not use the [github] tag for Git-related issues just because a repository happens to be hosted on GitHub.

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Azure Machine Learning Studio integration with rocker Rstudio: Git tab is not appearing for an Rproject set up with GitHub repository

I am running and Rproject with GitHub version control in Rstudio within a compute instance in Azure Machine Learning Studio. The Rproject was previously set up outside of Azure MLS and is running ...
C_goetsch's user avatar
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How can I debug access denied for accessing the server by gitlab-ci?

I have an gitlab-ci script that connects to the production server and does a git pull when I merge something to master branch automatically: stages: - deploy deploy_job: stage: deploy ...
stack's user avatar
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Heroku Prisma Error occurred during query execution after commit

I'm developing an app using NestJs + Ionic stack. I'm using Heroku to deploy my Nest app and Supabase for Postgres database. Everything was working just fine for past several days, but today I faced ...
kacper43's user avatar
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Why is the .git Folder Not Copied and How Can I Fix the Error in My Dockerfile?

I created a Dockerfile to build my Angular application with Nx: FROM node:alpine3.19 AS builder WORKDIR /app RUN apk update && apk add git COPY .git .git COPY yarn.lock package.json .npmrc ...
Jon You's user avatar
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Problems with arguments passed to cmd.exe in sh script executed as pre-commit hook in Visual Studio

We have a very simple script running as a pre-commit hook for GIT on windows, here is the script: #!/bin/sh # important that it's got the .exe on the end! cmd.exe /c "run-tests-commit.cmd" ...
Meric Stanley's user avatar
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Pushing a branch from a local repo to a separate clone of the same remote repo on the same Windows machine

I have a Git repository, let's call it Foo, which I have cloned twice on the same Windows machine. Let's call the two local repositories Foo1 (in C:\repos\Foo1) and Foo2 (in C:\repos\Foo2). Now the ...
Simone's user avatar
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3 answers

Does git distinguish between the trunk of master and a merged branch?

Lets suppose I branch of from master (A) and make a commit there (B) and then a commit on master (C) and then merge them (D): B / \ A--C--D master Now is there something that sets C apart from ...
skyking's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Is there a way to checkout latest version of origin branch without warnings [closed]

I wrote a powershell script to obtain git submodule and set his branch. It will run from pipeline and branch name will be passed from launch form input. Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [...
Intolighter's user avatar
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1 answer

Git command to verify all submodules exist recursively

There's an annoying bug in Gitlab CI which means it occasionally only fetches direct submodules or a repo, not submodules of submodules (i.e. it isn't recursive). Is there a git command I can use to ...
Timmmm's user avatar
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How to access the server through SSH without asking for password? [duplicate]

I have the following command: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]... "cd /var/www/api && git pull origin master" I want to access it (named "destination server&...
stack's user avatar
  • 10.5k
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how to specify the author of commit created by revert() in JGit?

Suppose there is a file that is added and committed to a Git repository with the change reverted: try (Git gitParent = Git.init().setDirectory(parentRepositoryRoot).call()) { final String fooName =...
Vlad's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Github git add . && git commit -a -m “3333” && git branch -M master && git push -u origin main

I have maid the change [master 8dbe8df] “3333” 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) Everything up-to-date This shows up on the terminal on mac. But nothing has been updated to my github. ...
chichi's user avatar
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How to push specific file to only one remote?

I do have git repository with 2 remotes. .git/config looks like [remote "primary"] url = ssh://[email protected]/projectname/android.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/primary/*...
Tauri's user avatar
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TeamCity Dependency Resolve on Base-Branches

I am currently facing the following problem, there is a multi-repository structure with 2 repositories, A and B. For building B we need to build A first as a dependency. Additionally, when changes to ...
Anima's user avatar
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solve this Github push command issue? [duplicate]

Every time while pushing my code on Github in a repository I have to generate a token before git push origin master command and if I directly try to push by entering my password I see this message ...
parantap bhardwaj's user avatar

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