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Questions tagged [geometry]

Data structures and algorithms related to geometry.

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3D geometry morphometrics in R geomorph

I have a set of 3D coordinates and want to identify the test data according to the train data using LDA. However, a large number of my test data are misidentified. Here are the codes that I used. I ...
Azy's user avatar
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Trace a circle keeping the heading towards the goal by only giving linear velocity

My problem statement is to trace a circle using linear (Vx, Vy) and angular velocity (W or angular.z) using a drone keeping the heading towards the goal point. I am aware of v=r * w equation but am ...
Dimple Bhuta's user avatar
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Improvement of CV2 shape detection for spot detection on TLC

In my work, I use TLC which give me object like the one on this picture. It is a piece of paper with spot on it at a precise height. I need to detect the plate itself and it measurments. Then I need ...
Juju's user avatar
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Translating latitude/longitude coords to 3D point on the surface of a sphere, problem near poles

Assuming the sphere is at position [0,0] (for now), I made this method to calculate a point on the surface of a sphere with a certain radius, given latitude/longitude coordinates (Vector2 x/y): public ...
smsware's user avatar
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Python or geopandas to split intersected polygon

I have two spatial file (shp and its friends) with different detail level One is district level and the other one is grid (2x2km) level. One district is of course contains multiple grid, BUT Some grid ...
max01's user avatar
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A way to fit circles on 3D data

What I am trying to do is to fit a circle across all cross-sections of 3D point cloud data that resembles a pipe. The data resembles a cylindrical shape with disconnected parts in between, which can ...
mst-ara's user avatar
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gdalwarp ERROR 1: Invalid pixel size for backmap

I used following command to generate geotiff file for VIIRS NetCDF file: ./gdalwarp -geoloc -t_srs epsg:4326 -tr 0.0035 0.0035 -r near -te -70.18 -7.64 -43.96 30.91 dat.vrt i4b.tif but failed with ...
Jerry guo's user avatar
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Convert Geometry to 4326 in NetTopologySuite

I have a GeoJson file whose geometries are in 3857. I want to read it using C# and insert its rows in a postgres table and I want the geometries there to be in 4326. Also, I have some other files in ...
mehrandvd's user avatar
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How to filter a list of (random) vertices by the distance between each of the two neighboring vertices?

Here's my problem background: I have a surface mesh and I have a list of vertices (these vertices are generated by intersect the surface mesh with another mesh, using CGAL) shown as blue dots as ...
Bill Lee's user avatar
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Pixel per inch (ppi) calculation in a CAD system

I'm doing a research work on Lung Nodule detection with chest x-ray images. There, I want to check the area of the detected regions and check whether it is larger or smaller than a certain value. I ...
Samathi kisalka Sapumana's user avatar
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How to do circle packing in an irregular polygon

I have been trying to pack as many circles in a polygon as possible. Having found this - Controlled circle packing with Python - I though it would be a useful code if the checkBorders function was to ...
sara brdnik's user avatar
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How to put a shapeGeometry background image in threejs

I searched various places and did not get the results i wanted. Thre reason why I changed gemetry to shape is that the position of each vertext of the obect, that is. the value in points can be ...
이준희's user avatar
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"snapping" polygons together in python (without ArcGIS)

I have a set of polygons that partially do not touch and partially overlap. Ideally, i would like to keep the external boundary and clean up the internal edges by "snapping" the polygons ...
Daiva's user avatar
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Why isn't "Shade Smooth" in Blender 4.2 working on my 96 vert cones and other shapes?

Bender 4.2 user. Recently there is an issue with some shapes not smoothing when told, such as the prementioned Cone. Using "Shade Smooth" by angle or not, doesn't smooth out my geo (with or ...
Edward Tyler's user avatar
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Efficient coordinate indexing

I have a triangle list, that has XYZ cooridnates per triangle node. I need a list of nodes and a list of triangle node indices from that. Close nodes should get the same index. My C# code is: /...
KungPhoo's user avatar
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