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Questions tagged [formik]

Formik is a form library for React and React Native

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Imported package is undefined eventhough it is in the node modules

I am working on react-native application. Like all JS frameworks, I have installed the packages such as formik, react-native-calendars here also. And it is visible in package.json. And also I have ...
Rooban's user avatar
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Chakra Ui Avatar Background Color Not Showing Up

I am creating a project management application that allows users to create profiles and optionally add profile pictures to their profile. I'm using Chakra Ui as my component library. In many parts of ...
Zach Bray's user avatar
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React Formik Reset Country Field

the problem with my React components is that visually the country name does not reset when clicking on the "cancel" button. import { useState, useRef } from 'react'; import { Form, Formik } ...
Loick Nosal's user avatar
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Formik: Nested Object Update - Updating Field Within Nested Object Instead of Creating Separate Objects

In a React application using Formik, I have a nested object structure representing hardware parts within a form. export const formValues = { client: { firstName: '', lastName: '', email: ...
Steve Gaita's user avatar
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React formik multiple files upload

I'm using react formik and need to do multiple files upload inside formik submit and post to backedn .net core api. I encountered a problem when post multiple upload file object to backend always get ...
viscroad's user avatar
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I don't understand why Yup is casting this value as an array

I'm fairly new to Formik and Yup. I'm confused on why the selectedJobType is being typed as an array in my conditional for the languages validation. jobType is a string from a select box, so I would ...
Chip's user avatar
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How to handle error in react-select using Formik

I'm working on a NextJs application using react-select within formik for form management and Yup for validation. I'm relatively new to these libraries and facing issues with handling errors ...
Alapan Mondal's user avatar
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Maximum call stack size exceeded - Formik

I am using formik to validate the inputs on my react native application.. I have used the validationSchema to define the validation of the inputs. So, whenever I am arriving to the screen that ...
Rooban's user avatar
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How to reset to initial state upon clicking windows back button or changing route?

features/productSlice.js export const resetState = createAction("Reset_all") const initialState = { products: [], product: {}, productImages: [], isError: false, ...
MERN Stack Developer's user avatar
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How to properly check the username and email availability showing formik's ErrorMessage here

I need to check if the username and email are available. I have routes for these as well. import * as Yup from "yup"; import { useDispatch } from "react-redux"; import { useEffect, ...
Belius's user avatar
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React: Material UI Radio Button Group reset in Formik form not working

formik.resetForm() correctly resets the value, but the Material UI radio button group will not be reset correctly: The last selected radio button stays selected. How to reset the radio button group ...
MatterOfFact's user avatar
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why is there a difference between different useField in Formik

I'm using formik for writing forms, and in the form there is a field which takes emails, each email is selected through a dropdown (here FormSelect), I'm setting the value of an email using useField. ...
sidcapman's user avatar
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How to use yup in stepper form

I make a stepper formik form and the objective is yup should validate each step of the form. this is my validation schema: const schema = [ yup .object() .shape({ field1: yup.string().required(...
Olland Timisela's user avatar
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Issue with Initial Rendering with Formik, MaterialUI ( React, Typescript)

In the initial rendering of a dynamic header column in my Formik form, the first column - "indicator" column is picking up different styling compared to other columns. Specifically, the ...
Shreya Gupta's user avatar
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How can I reuse a field from a Yup schema?

Say I have a schema like below: export const schema = yup.object({ id: yup.number().label("ID").positive().integer().required(), name: yup.string().label("name").max(255)....
kamm's user avatar
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