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Questions tagged [draftjs]

Draft.js is a framework for building rich text editors in React, powered by an immutable model and abstracting over cross-browser differences.

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Why doesn't this replace text in drafjs editor

I'm trying to learn draftjs. I've made an example where if you click a button it's supposed to insert some text in the editor, but I can't understand why it isn't working, clicking the button has no ...
Matthew's user avatar
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DraftJS TypeError: store.getItem(...) is not a function - NextJS

I am using DraftJS Plugins Editor in my NextJS project like below: const Editor = dynamic(() => import("@draft-js-plugins/editor"), { ssr: false, }); const inlineToolbarPlugin = ...
Sumanth Jois's user avatar
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How to make react-draft-wysiwyg dropdowns work in Next.js App Router?

I'm trying to integrate react-draft-wysiwyg rich text editor into my next.js project, but I'm having problems with the dropdowns for font, font size, and block type. I don't know what the problem is ...
Burner's user avatar
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Rich text editor image deletion not working properly

`I have created a custom rich text editor using react-draft-wysiwyg and draft-js. in there I have implemented the image adding functionality too. but when I delete an image by pressing the backspace ...
John David's user avatar
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Inline CSS in default value for Draft.js does not work

I have written a tiny component for Drafj.js to have defaultValue prop. Everything works well, But after load defaultValue, Inline css remove from my HTML! export function Editor({ ...props }) { ...
Pejman Khaleghi's user avatar
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Unable to detect '**' in the starting of string and changing the style of text in the editor after by hiding these characters

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Editor, EditorState, RichUtils, convertToRaw, convertFromRaw } from 'draft-js'; import 'draft-js/dist/Draft.css'; import './editor.css'; ...
Her_Dudeness's user avatar
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How to insert Videos react-draft-wysiwyg by toolbarCustomButtons

How to upload videos by custom toolbar in react-draft-wysiwyg? because the react-draft-wysiwyg toolbar does not have the option of upload video. my react-draft-wysiwyg vision is 1.13.2 I tried to ...
shen wang's user avatar
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Displaying the output of react-draft-wysiwyg to users as a html

I been attempting to create a blog post web app using reactjs and i am using react-draft-wysiwyg library i been temporary storing the editor content to localstorage but plan to store it on firebase or ...
Sarotobi's user avatar
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Not able to select text in react-draft-wysiwyg rich text editor

I'm facing an issue in my React version(react: ^18.2.0,) application where I'm using the react-draft-wysiwyg rich text editor. The problem is that I'm unable to select text within the editor. ...
Mudassir Mughal's user avatar
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draft js editor scrolling issue with new line

The issue is when I press enter, it starts typing on a new line that is initially hidden. However, once I type 2 characters, it suddenly jumps down, making the text visible again. Here is my lib ...
Thiwanka Wickramage's user avatar
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How to create custom block rendering with draft js

I am trying to add custom blocks in the Editor area. I am able to create blocks but not getting the html output of those block elements. I am using "draft-to-html" package to convert the ...
Susant's user avatar
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How to add custom api key in Draft.js react

This is what i want to achieve but i don't have any idea about draft.js and i have spent lot of time but not getting anything valueable Typing # as the first string in a line & pressing space ...
nidhi sharma's user avatar
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How to go to next line after pressing ctrl + return while in code block in draftjs

Hi friends i am struggling with draftjs i am using reactjs with draftjs and draftjs-to-code to build richfull text editor i want to implement writing code in text editor for that i am using draftjs-to-...
Junaid Arshad's user avatar
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How can I implement draft-js generated html code to my next js app?

I have a web app build using nextJs, in a page I am trying to set html code generated from darftJs using below given code. <div className="mt-8 leading-7" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ ...
kish0n's user avatar
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RichUtils.toggleInlineStyle(editorState, "style") is not working (DRAFT.JS)

import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Editor, EditorState, RichUtils } from "draft-js"; const DraftEditor = () => { const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(...
Ujjwal Sharma's user avatar

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