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Questions tagged [django]

Django is an open-source server-side web application framework written in Python. It is designed to reduce the effort required to create complex data-driven websites and web applications, focusing on less code, no redundancy and being more explicit than implicit.

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Error while trying to connect Django With ReactNative

I am building a React Native app with Django as the backend. I have set up the login screen in React Native and configured JWT authentication with rest_framework_simplejwt in Django. However, I ...
ahmed's user avatar
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Heroku DB Connection Limit hit when using Python ThreadPoolExecutor

I have a Django app hosted on Heroku. Some user requests to this app require making long-running queries to external resources. In order to get around the Heroku 30 request timeout, I created a system ...
xgf115's user avatar
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I can't open server in instead it is working in in while using Docker , Django and Postgres [duplicate]

I am a newbie to this. file is: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': 'postgres', 'USER': 'postgres', 'PASSWORD':...
menpj's user avatar
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Custom email validation in django form

In my django Account app I have a model for Account class Account(AbstractBaseUser): wallet_value = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default=0.00) first_name = models....
Mahdi's user avatar
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I get an error while running django project [closed] file looks like this: #!/usr/bin/env python """Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks.""" import os import sys def main(): ""&...
chege mungai's user avatar
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Django: Error sending email: (530, b'5.7.0 Authentication Required

I am working on a Django project and get the problem with sending email. This is my code in class ForgotPasswordView(APIView): def get(self, request): return render(request, '...
Lâm Đồng's user avatar
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How do I send 401 response with custom login_required decorator after Django session expires?

I have a custom login_required decorator that looks like this: def login_required(function): """ Ensure that user is logged in """ def wrap(request, *...
Vroom's user avatar
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KeyError at /verify/ 'order_id'

I have a problem on my store site, when I want to confirm my order, when I click on confirmation on the payment page, it gives this error instead. the error Internal Server Error: /verify/ Traceback (...
Arsham's user avatar
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django OAuth Toolkit not getting redirect URI

I am using Django OAuth toolkit and using the following code for OAuth implementation import requests from django.http import JsonResponse from django.shortcuts import redirect, render from django....
Johnny's user avatar
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How to Display Total Object Count in Wagtail Snippet ViewSet?

I am currently developing a Wagtail project where I use the ModelAdmin to create custom admin interfaces for my models. When using ModelAdmin, the total object count of a model is displayed below the ...
xSkolz's user avatar
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Django where to store model-level variables

So I have my model: from django.db import models x_default_coordinate = 0 y_default_coordinate = 0 class Model(models.Model): location1 = gis_models.PointField( srid=4326, default=Point(...
Shmuelt's user avatar
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Sum an aggerated value in Django

I'm trying to achieve the following SQL query in Django: (The table contains the purchases per each day per each location. I want to get the biggest amount of each location, then group them by state ...
JaWe's user avatar
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My partner and I are running the same code, but mine is the only one not working on my local server [closed]

We are working with Django to perform an asynchronous export task that will populate a CSV with information and then download the CSV automatically to the user's Downloads once a user hits the button '...
displayingmyname's user avatar
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How to implement Django WebSockets?

I'm trying to create a simple Django app, using websockets for sending data. According to the documentation: I've added 'channels' in's INSTALLED APPS: INSTALLED_APPS = [ "...
Deyan's user avatar
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Django debug toolbar is not displayed

I just installed debug toolbar for my django project like allways. but I don't know why doesn't the debug toolbar display?! and I have to add that I'm using docker and it's my first time that use ...
Sobhan Saeedi's user avatar
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Field is filled but still get ValidationError this field is required in [duplicate]

I want to create User using User.objects.create_user and I am using some fields of a form Utilisateurs to do that. The image field and username field from this form are also used to populate a model ...
Lord vic's user avatar
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I'm unable to run my django application, but nothing happens [closed]

I have a django project and I'm trying to run it with '''python runserver ''' but nothing really happens. I was working on it just 5 mins before this happens. Now, I'm unable to run anything,...
Neiheel's user avatar
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how to show user in TokenSerializer dj-rest-auth

I'm trying to return UserSerializer after successful login through dj-rest-auth. I followed the steps that were told in After login the `rest-auth`, how to return more information? which has a similar ...
Damir Talipov's user avatar
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ReactJS useParams for Django equivalent?

Django Example # url = [ path('password_reset/<uidb64>/<token>/', views.password_reset_confirm, name='password_reset_confirm'), ] # def password_reset_confirm(request, ...
David L.E's user avatar
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Custom Django Transform with case statement for casting a string to either int or null

I'm trying to create a custom django lookup as_int so that you can easily compare and order the contents of text fields when they contain only a number, and treat them as NULL when they have the wrong ...
Daniel Gordos's user avatar
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Django errorlist in form Select Valid Choice

The situation is as follows: I am building a form where I fetch data for some fields from an API. I have tried debugging in every possible way, but I cannot understand why the data is not being ...
Bruno Gomes's user avatar
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How to debug HTTP 400 Bad Request errors in django?

I have an app with React frontend and Django backend. I'm trying to make a POST request from my react client but I get "Bad Request" error. I checked my request url and it matches with my ...
brknarsy's user avatar
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Validation in DR(Django)

I'm trying create customs validations to my serialiazer but Django just ignore them and return me DRF default errors. {'message': 'Erro ao criar camião', 'data': {'plate': [ErrorDetail(string='This ...
Tiago Lourenço's user avatar
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Django app deployed to under the url subdirectoly

In my server,django and nginx is deployed on ECS fargate and connected to loadbalancer, but URL is transferd by Akamai* -> https://amazonloadbalancer/* ...
whitebear's user avatar
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Django Inline Formset data not saving

I have created an inline formset which works exactly as I planned on the frontend side- However I can't seem to access any of the data- it seems like the form isn't saving the data? Here in the views....
C0untV's user avatar
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Is the batch processing speed of Python slower than that of Java?

I am working on migrating a function implemented in Java Spring Boot to Python Django. I encountered an issue while migrating a function that retrieves a list of keywords through a select query and ...
jhchoi's user avatar
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Payment Gateway Integration with Django

I'm integrating payment gateway APIs in my application (Django). I have written a class PaymentGateway that provides all the methods for all payment related utility. The __init__ initialises the ...
anshuman's user avatar
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Django Auto Assigning Author to the user creating the post [closed]

I am having an issue with my Author being auto-assigned, it was previously working but has stopped working since I added some inline formsets- Here is my model: class Recipe(models.Model): title = ...
C0untV's user avatar
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binascii.Error: Invalid base64-encoded string: number of data characters (41) cannot be 1 more than a multiple of 4

I'm trying to use py-vapid, pywebpush, and django-push-notifications to send notifications via Webpush. When I try to send a test notification from the django admin website, I get this traceback log ...
Wizardo's user avatar