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Questions tagged [database]

A database is an organized collection of data. It is the collection of schemas, tables, queries, reports, views, and other objects. The data is typically organized to model aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring information. Use this tag if you have questions about designing a database. If it is about a particular database management system, (e.g., MySQL), please use that tag instead.

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1 answer

Get notified about changes on QuestDB Table

What's the best way to get notified about changes to my QuestDB tables? I've searched the docs but all I can find are references to QuestDB being the destination of Change Data Capture. What I want is ...
Javier Ramirez's user avatar
1 vote
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Increased disk and storage with many tables

We had a single table with data for over 5K different customers. We decided to move instead to 5k tables, one per customer, as we seldom query data from multiple customers as we thought this should ...
Javier Ramirez's user avatar
-3 votes
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naming attributes: verbs and adjectives, or nouns, or what? [closed]

I am developing a website which uses a back end relational database. There are certain standards, which some people follow and some don't; some make their own standards. Should I make the column names ...
a.single.byte's user avatar
1 vote
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Warning: fs.file-max limit is too low [current=1000000, recommended=1048576], after changing ulimit already

I've been using QuestDB for a while (Ubuntu, XFS filesystem), with no issues. A few days ago I updated to 8.0.2 (also tested the latest release 8.1.0), and I got two warnings: One about the max ...
Javier Ramirez's user avatar
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MS Access combo box and text box control source

I have a combo box and a text box in a form. The Text box value Control Source is set to the value of combox box + 1. But if the combo box value is 0 or empty the Text Box shows #error. I even tried ...
zaland Afghan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to aggregate json columns based on value in PieCloudDB

In my PieCloudDB Database I have a json column like this: json_col {"id": 1,"data": [{"col1": "A","col2": "B","col3": "C&...
Meliodas Dragon's user avatar
-1 votes
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store multiple weekday values in a column as a string or create a separate table

We are creating an Employee Employment table and it should contain Employee ID, Activity Type and Activity Days. The activity type will be in a separate table and only the ID will be recorded in the ...
Pavel Test's user avatar
1 vote
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Multiple filter between date and category on a subform in MS access >> Type mismatch error

Please, anyone suggest me to solve this error, I'm new for the MS Access development. I have been getting a problem to filter subform between filter date and category. It show an error statement that &...
Ployphet Veerasak's user avatar
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How to Properly Create the Data Architecture for a PERN Stack Application?

I'm building a web application using the PERN stack, and I'm looking for best practices on how to design the data architecture. I just did a basic pernTODO in order to practice my postgressSQL skill a ...
yzkael's user avatar
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Batch loading for Firebase in SwiftUI

Does anyone know how to fetch only like 5 posts at a time? Like when you're scrolling though the ScrollView { I want only the posts that should be seen being loaded in. I need to reduce the amount of ...
CobraCodes's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the relation between entity integrity and key constraint?

I know the entity integrity is used to ensure that the primary key cannot be null but what is the relation between the entity integrity and key constraint i was searching but i cannot understand the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Not able to connect to foreign server

I am getting following error on PostgreSQL: SQL Error [08001]: ERROR: could not connect to server "regionaldb_server" Detail: connection to server at "localhost" (, ...
Fawad Khalil's user avatar
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Selecting Rows By Specific Column Data in PostgreSQL

I'm trying to build a recipe finder app (PERN stack) like SuperCook but I ran into some problems with my postgres table. Short description of the desired result. I'd like the user to select some ...
Silviu250's user avatar
-2 votes
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MongoDB inserts super slow after indexing [closed]

I have a MongoDB collection that is almost 1 TB in size. The collection already has indexes in place for faster querying. However, when I try to add new data, the insertion process becomes extremely ...
Alhasan Mohammed's user avatar
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Should I explicitly close Redis connections if the application crashes?

Suppose I am using some library of any language (Let's say Python) to use in a web application. So, that client has a certain number of connections. Now suppose that for some reason, the application ...
Diego L's user avatar
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How to Create Triggers Between Two Databases

In my system, I have a machine on AWS with several databases. My goal is to create some triggers/scripts that continuously read from some databases and, based on the information read, generate or not ...
Gabriel Wade's user avatar
-1 votes
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Problems Saving Two data's to database -python [closed]

They want to separate the data into GST and Non-GST categories. So, I wrote an if-else condition. If 'Non-GST' is selected, the data is saved to the 'nongst_invoice_data' table in the database. ...
Aadavan Naveen's user avatar
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FME 2023.1.2 Forgot to check overwrite option as a result the data is duplicate

I wanted to convert my geodatabase into a geopackage using FME. I wanted to overwrite my data unfortunately I forgot to tick the overwrite option. As a result all my data are duplicate. Is there any ...
GIS Noh's user avatar
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Return 403 forbidden in production env

I have issue when try to perform the api in production environment, but it works it my staging environment. This is my code for the api import prisma from '../../../prisma/db'; export default async ...
user26509362's user avatar
-1 votes
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Issue with Changing @Table Annotation to "users" in JPA Entity Class Using H2 Database

I'm encountering an issue with my Java application where changing the @Table name in my entity class causes the application to fail during tests and runtime. Here are the details: Originally, my ...
quarks's user avatar
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How to return JSON objects without explicit aliasing in postgresql

If I have two tables and I join them, can I return one of the values a JSON object, without having to specify all the fields? For example, the following works: SELECT u.*, json_build_object( 'name', ...
Heremit 's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I implement friendships between users in cloud firestore? [closed]

I'm using Node.js. I currently have a collection with users and I want to model friendships between them. The frontend should be able to query all the friends of a user with the profile picture and ...
diegom's user avatar
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How to store row-position in a database?

I am looking to emulate a feature in Excel/Google Sheets where there is a table of data, but someone may move a row up or down. Here is an example of the interaction: My first thought as to how to ...
David542's user avatar
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SQL Server CTE improves query performance due to larger memory grant? [migrated]

I have a large table (20M+) which has a clustered index on COBID. When I run this query: SELECT * FROM dbo.mytable WHERE COBId = 20240723 AND TradeID = '123456' it completes in around 10 seconds. ...
Jameston's user avatar
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How to Upsert Nested Relations in Prisma, using connectOrCreate? connectOrCreate doesn't update deeply nested relation

I'm working on an application using Prisma ORM with a schema that includes Profile, Contact, and SocialMedia models. I need to perform an update operation on a Profile, which should also handle ...
Jakub Kanna's user avatar
-2 votes
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is there a way to store unschematised datas in sql database [closed]

mysql : 5.6 java : 11 Am in need of an mechanism to store unschematised data in my db. the case is as follows. Objective : To get all user from a 3rd party app and store it in db. Problem facing : ...
hariharan baskaran's user avatar
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Getting "phantom" rows that are duplicates but with different timestamps

I am inserting data into QuestDB using the Go client. I have enabled auto-flushing and I am using the http transport, so retries are automatic in the case of network errors or timeouts, which is ...
Javier Ramirez's user avatar
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PostgreSQL not using index on materialized view

I've got a materialized view which has 2 columns (patient_id BIGINT, department_ids TEXT[]). It is a handy precomputed dataset used to filter patients who have received care in a hospital department ...
lukfi's user avatar
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Failed to connect to PieCloudDB using Navicat

I'm trying out PieCloudDB Database and now I want to connect PieCloudDB using Navicat, but it got stuck and connection failed. I used general connection mode, I think the problem might be with ...
Shinichi Kudo's user avatar
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db2 procedure inconsistent?

currently facing a very strange problem. when i try the following, i get some rows returned, as expected: call "clm".MY_PROCEDURE('M00894761','','M_OM','BP_00000858_OM','0','...
abc123's user avatar
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Can't access data from sqlite db with js

I'm trying js from the first time and want to make a website, I need to get data from a users database to verify them but i can't figure out how const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose(); var sql; ...
Manos's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Deleting item from sqlite database have error [closed]

Deleting item from sqlite database error. CustomAdapter public class PassAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<PassViewHolder> { Context context; MainActivity mainActivity; private ...
theray's user avatar
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Creating a power app that displays a pdf viewer of a floorplan? [closed]

Have little experience in this and no idea where to start. I’m looking to create a power app with Split View. Left side for viewing a floorplan either in .pdf or .dgn (Bentley microstation). I’d like ...
Chris VanDyke's user avatar
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my question is create a menu given program wit the following option

1 Add in voice. 2. Display in voice. 3.Search in voice 4.Delete in voice. 5 exit Once user enter the option 1 you need to ask the following detail from the user Invoice number. Custmor name. ...
Anghan Pal's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How To Import a Big .csv(~2GB) Into a PostgreSQL Table

I am new into databases and PostgreSQL and today I wanted to import this dataset: into a PostgreSQL so I can make a ...
Silviu250's user avatar
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Error while trying to migrate data from one table to another in BigQuery

I run into a problem when trying to migrate data between BigQuery tables, I have an old table that has an attribute nested as Float64, I want to migrate the data from this old table, to another one, ...
Matías's user avatar
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Database inspector in Android studio show nothing

I use Drift as my database, currently I need to visualize the data to fix bugs in the project. After I connected the emulator and the application, it said there's nothing to show in the database ...
jw liu's user avatar
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Postgres serializable isolation level confusion

I'm learning about database isolation levels and I'm attempting to walk through an example of when the serializable isolation level would cause concurrent transactions to error. I have come up with ...
JackG's user avatar
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MariaDB 10 -> 11 migration, the 11th version stopped using possible_keys

I faced the issue during migration from MariaDB 10.11 to 11.0 version that some specific queries run longer. During running EXPLAIN output I got this. MariaDB 10.11 MariaDB [my_schema]> EXPLAIN ...
Serhii's user avatar
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i dont know how to display the discussion according the id [closed]

as the title said, I already changed a lot of code but I also cannot display the discussion that users who post by themselves according to user_id in my discussion database. I can display all the ...
KELVIN's user avatar
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Approach to Save external data and Update when data changed [closed]

I am using dotnet EF CORE to save some external data into my database. I would send serval HTTP Requests to a external endpoint regularly. The program will check if the incoming data has been changed ...
hi there's user avatar
-3 votes
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How do I Download Metagenomics Data from NCBI or EBI with its Metadata? [closed]

Hello everyone, I am currently working on a research project that requires analyzing metagenomics data. I want to download metagenomic sequence data using a command line such as Linux and the ...
Mu Yuehan's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Connect PieCloudDB to Tableau: Driver cannot be found

[Question posted by a user from PieCloudDB Community] I am trying to connect PieCloudDB database to Tableau for some exploratory data analysis, but I kept getting an error that the driver cannot be ...
PDB's user avatar
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Database programming with Delphi [closed]

so at my intern im learning delphi and i am supposed to be somewhat good at using mysql and delphi together to make apps. my intention is to learn delphi amd be able to use it to some degree but i ...
Fatih's user avatar
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SQLAlchemy async Records are not added to the association table

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. There is this code. Tables are created, model tables are filled, everything works. But records are not added to the association table. The code completes without ...
armpomor's user avatar
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.NET / EF Core CRUD The database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s);

I'm creating a new project trying to use Generics as much as possible, but I've encountered an issue when doing HttpPut and using EF Core. I'm using SQL Server in a container to store temporary data. ...
Marcio's user avatar
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unsure how to resolve sqlx error : "error with configuration: no driver found for URL scheme "postgres""

I'm following along zero to production book and I've reached the point where I'm supposed to create a database connection with sqlx and Docker. I've been following all the steps in order to establish ...
NoodleSama's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do i treat a large number of excel files like a database? [closed]

I'm facing a situation where I have to deal with 20+ excel files daily with each one being similar to a "table" in a database but the timeframe of each is different (some are daily snapshots ...
HmK's user avatar
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Database does not exist docker image Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 3D000: database "CatalogDb" does not exist

I am trying to connect to postgres database running on docker container from visual studio, I am sure the DB exists and here is the logs: docker ps: docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND ...
Mocak's user avatar
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How does Tinder gives me only new profiles? [Database design]

I have probably swiped 10k profiles either left or right. If I open the app tomorrow I will get 10 profiles I have never seen. How can these profile be queried efficiently? For sure an SQL query of ...
scugn1zz0's user avatar
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