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Questions tagged [cx-freeze]

cx_Freeze is a set of scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts (.py) into executable files for Windows (.exe), Mac OS (.app), or Linux.

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Is there any way to include Company in cxfreeze executable exe?

I want to include company name in my exe which is python executable done by cx-freeze I dont see any company or company_name , is there any way that I could achieve that via sample cxfreeze script. or ...
yash's user avatar
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How to resolve cx_Freeze error about pdf2docx mupdf import?

I've never posted here before, but this time I'm genuinely stuck. I'm using cx_Freeze on a python script that uses pdf2docx. Running the python script normally works fine, but running cx_Freeze's ...
Ploso's user avatar
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Why importing openpyxl and docx take so much time in compiled Tkinter?

I'm working on a software using Tkinter, I compiled it using CX_freeze and put it on a server and a lot of users had an abnormal loading time for it. I added logs and I get HUGE load timesfor openpyxl ...
TzRPheonix's user avatar
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Error Running MoviePy in a Frozen Python Application with cx_Freeze

I'm encountering a persistent issue when trying to run a Python application that uses moviepy, which has been frozen using cx_Freeze. The application throws an error related to ffmpeg when I attempt ...
Selmanc's user avatar
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Python csv error when creating .exe file cx_freeze

I have a python project with the following files: images (folder with a bunch of pngs) testFiles (folder with a few files for unit tests) the way the project works, main is a ...
s.eyal's user avatar
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Python312\python -OO build_exe throws Return code: 3221225477

In my script, when I import wx and run: Python312\\python -OO build_exe I am getting an exit code of 3221225477. When I remove the import wx, it succeeds with an exit code of 0....
yash's user avatar
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Create/ Install MSI file created using CX_FREEZE without ADMIN rights

I want to distribute a Python project and so I created a MSI file using CX_FREEZE. The requested commands are: executable = [Executable( '', base = 'Win32GUI', target_name = ...
s6292_1997's user avatar
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Cx_freeze, rename "lib" dir with something else, can it be done?

Currently I generate python exe with cx freeze, using this setup: import sys, os from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable # Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need fine tuning. ...
Gabi's user avatar
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How to include pyarmor runtime in cx_freeze executable?

Got this cx freeze setup import sys, os from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable # Dependencies are automatically detected, but it might need fine tuning. build_exe_options = { "packages"...
Gabi's user avatar
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Cz_freeze exe, cannot find pyarmor runtime generated module

So i got this setup for cx_freeze import sys from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable build_exe_options = { "packages": ["os", "sys", "hashlib", "json&...
Gabi's user avatar
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cx_freeze code in submodules of a dash multipage application is not executed during instantiation

I’ve built a plotly multi-page app in python and it works proper in the python only environment. The core concept of is to register pages in sub modules as pages. The standard structure of this is: - ...
TobiJoppe's user avatar
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How do we create DLL in python?

I had made a tool using image grabbing in python but we do not need to create .exe for that instead we need to create DLL in one file I am tired trying into making DLL but it seems to be embedded ...
Farhan khan's user avatar
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Problem with create a .exe with cx_Freeze

I made an application where it uses several libraries and I wanted to create an executable of them, but when I use cx_Freeze it creates the executable but when I try to run it it generates this error ...
ItzChadi's user avatar
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Invalid command 'bdist_msi' when trying to create MSI installer with 'cx_Freeze' in Gitlab CI/CD Pipeline

I'm using py bdist_msi to generate windows single executable file for my python application. this works fine on my computer, but it does not work when it is executed in GitLab pipeline. does ...
Hannibal's user avatar
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ImportError: cannot import name 'NP_SUPPORTED_MODULES' from 'torch._dynamo.utils'

try: import os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs import xlsxwriter import sys,traceback import time,threading import PySimpleGUI as sg import requests import easyocr ...
Mominur Rahman's user avatar

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