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Questions tagged [azureml-python-sdk]

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Load Registered Component in Azure ML for Pipeline using Python sdk v2

I'm working in Azure Machine Learning Studio to create components that I will run together in a pipeline. In this basic example, I have a single python script and a single yml file that make up my ...
Matt_Haythornthwaite's user avatar
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Azureml studio Unable to start connection test getting ValidationError: Required metadata property ContainerName is missing

In Azureml studio i go into service connection and try to test the connection using Microsoft Entra but getting " Required metadata property ContainerName is missing." however when i go ...
Muhammad Pathan's user avatar
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AzureML SDKV2 - ml_client job stream error - Unauthorized

I have a aml pipeline that uses azureml sdkv2. I submit the pipeline as: def get_chained_credentials(client_id: str): try: managed_identity_creds = ManagedIdentityCredential(client_id=...
Obiii's user avatar
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How to set resources in pipeline component in Azure machine learning sdk v2?

I'm creating a pipeline that scores images using a custom pytorch unet. Assume I registered my model and now I'm creating that pipeline. I'm running into a OOM issue due to Azure setting the docker ...
Tuco's user avatar
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AzureML command job: 'Your file exceeds 100 MB.'

I am trying to submit a job to AzureML using Python SDK V2. I am developing locally on VSCode. As my repository grew over time, I now get the message when submitting the job: Your file exceeds 100 MB....
Niki's user avatar
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Connection Default_AzureOpenAI not found Azure AI Studio

**Update: It's a shame Microsoft set a redirect of the tutorial I was using for this Stackoverflow question and the tutorial is now lost and replaced without it being the same tutorial or code. If ...
Sergio Solorzano's user avatar
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Azure deployment error "TypeError: metaclass conflict" when importing tensorflow (1.13.1) in project code

Any help fixing the problem would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to deploy an old CNN model (MRCNN), last deployed in December 2020, on Azure ML studio using the Python SDK V2. After a successful ...
Furqan Rahamath's user avatar
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error when trying to create a scheduled job in azure ml

im getting this error when submitting a scheduled pipeline, Failed to submit job due to Exception: Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Exception(s) encountered while validating ...
the programmer's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning dataset creation hangs forever

I'm trying to create a Dataset from a datastore using Azure ML, however, the execution hangs forever and never finishes. This is the code I'm running which I've adapted from the Msft documentation: ...
Evandro Pomatti's user avatar
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Azure ML custom command component - how to use a custom image

All examples that I have seen of the use of the command_component decorator to create custom components in Azure ML pipelines use an image from Microsoft's container registry, as seen in this ...
aaron02's user avatar
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Unable to read current version of delta table in azure ml studio using Data asset

I am trying to create data assest with ADLS gen 2, and read a delta table on adls gen folder something like this: / └── my-data ├── _delta_log ├── part-0000-xxx.parquet └── part-0001-xxx....
2OG's user avatar
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Read shapefile from Azure Blob Storage in Azure Machine Learning

I have several shapefiles stored in Azure Blob Storage within my Azure Machine Learning workspace, each comprising the files: file.fix, file.shp, file.dbf, file.prj, and file.shx. I need to directly ...
Vanaclocha's user avatar
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Azure ML Pipeline: Specify input-path on compute

I got a python script which shall be executed as an Azure ML pipeline step. This script expects to find several file-sets in a certain tree structure e.g. data/ ├─ project_A/ │ ├─ data.csv │ ├─ ...
MauiMuc's user avatar
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What is the best way to containarise model using Azure ML Pipeline

We are migrating from Azure ML Python SDK V1 to V2. I have a requirement to train a model, containerize using a custom Dockerfile, and push it to a container registry. Previously with V1 SDK, I used ...
Murli's user avatar
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How do I write a pandas data frame from an Azure ML Jupyter notebook to an Azure SQL database?

I'm working with some data in Azure ML, using Jupyter notebooks. I've gathered the data from an Azure SQL database by setting the tables up as assets and then used Python to run some machine learning ...
DC2021's user avatar
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AzureML Batch endpoint invocation: Failed to load dataset definition with azureml-dataprep==4.12.9

Context Images are uploaded to a folder in Blob storage. An AzureML Data asset is created pointing to that folder, and it is used as data input when invoking a batch inference endpoint in AzureML. The ...
jerorx's user avatar
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getting mlflow exception in azure ml compute cluster if I am trying to get the latest version from production

I was trying to get a latest model from production using mlflow command, version = client.get_latest_versions(model_name, stages=["Production"])[0].version However this is working fine in ...
Harsha nimmagadda's user avatar
-1 votes
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Update the content of a Dataset in AzureML studio

In the execution of a job in my MLOps pipeline, I want to obtain a dataset's content, modify it, and upload the new content, overwriting the old content of the file. Is there any option to do it? I ...
Santiago León's user avatar
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Azure ML: how to use remote location as code path?

I am using Azure ML python SDK v2 to submit the job. The code parameter at "command" is pointed to the local "./source" path. train_func = command( environment="AzureML-...
yuerlong's user avatar
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How to deploy different endpoints of different models to a single virtual machine in azure ml

I have 6 different models trained. I registered models and created endpoints separately in azure ml and able to access endpoints and getting outputs. But noticed that each endpoint took one virtual ...
Developer21's user avatar
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How to deploy two dependent models in azure ml

I have two YOLO models. In the processing script, the output of model 1 is given as input to model 2 and model 2 gives final output after further more processing. My input to model 1 is either jpg or ...
Developer21's user avatar
4 votes
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Azure ML: DeploymentIdentityError: Failed to create Kubernetes deployment identity, Reason:RefreshExtensionIdentityNotSet

I'm using Azure Machine Learning v2 SDK to create a model deployment on a kubernetes compute attached to an AML workspace. I'm able to deploy it locally as part of testing before deploying online. ...
Rishabh Prajapati's user avatar
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Azure ML Cluster: changing folders during job

I am working with Azure ML to train and test an ML model. I have a main script which calls different functions (.py files in different subfolders) to load data, preprocess, train and test model. While ...
Priyanka Dani's user avatar
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StreamError sharing inputs form Sweep Job to Command Job - AzureML SDKv2

We have AML pipelines (sdk v2) containing three steps i.e training, image_creation and model_selector. We are using command components for these three steps. All of our steps can run in isolation as ...
Obiii's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning SDK V2 - Sequencing pipeline steps with sweep job

We are trying to migrate our azure ml pipelines from SDKV1 to SDKV2. The problem we are facing is that we cannot sequence the pipeline steps like we used to to in SDKV1. In SDKV1, we could simply do ...
Obiii's user avatar
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can you load ml models from azureml registry to an Azure function app

Is it possible to load registered ml models from azureml model registry to an azure function app and carry out inference or do these models need to be downloaded inside the function app first? any ...
user avatar
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Register dataset in AzureML Python SDK v2 from a dataframe

I am looking to upgrade to the new Azure AML Python SDK v2. However, I can't replicate registering a dataset (now called data assets) directly from a dataframe. it seems that now the only option is to ...
Vanaclocha's user avatar
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Issue with Azure ML job command

I am trying to run a job in Azure Ml using job command on a compute cluster. I have stored the data in a folder in Azure ML. Everytime I create and run the job command it displays the following ...
Priyanka Dani's user avatar
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Download particular source file from AzureML snapshot directly

The Azure Machine Learning SDK for Python provides the restore_snapshot() method to download a zip file with the source code of an AzureML run. Assume that I am interested in inspecting a certain ...
fuenfundachtzig's user avatar
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Azure container registry detail using Azure SDK for Python

As we know that to create a environment in Azure Machine Learning Workspace we need Conda dependencies file and base image. In my case you can see. Build process using this conda file and base image ...
Davinder Singh's user avatar
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how to load a registered model in azureml to a azure function app?

I am migrating to Azure function app for model inference from using Azure container instance deployment. The code below shows how I was loading the model in import json import pandas as pd ...
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Azure ML Pipelines user_identity on parallel job

I'm using a user_identity to read data from Azure Data Lake. I'm saving the data to a datastore. Then I want to use the datastore for my parallel job, but I keep running into this error: Please ...
novablinkicelance's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning SDK V1 migration to V2 Pipeline Steps

I am trying to migrate Pipelines from Azure Machine Learning SDK V1 to V2, but sometimes I don't understand the logic behind the V2 and I get stuck. In V1, I just had to create PythonScriptStep and ...
BeGreen's user avatar
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How to download a data asset from Azure registry

As the question in title I can use to connect with an azure registry. In this registry, there is a data asset (container) named as train, and there are a few jsonl files saved in ...
beepretty's user avatar
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unable to import azureml in vscode

I've installed python 3.8, from vscode terminal I created an env and seem to have successfully installed azureml as below: C:\Python38\python.exe -m venv tempml tempml\scripts\activate pip install ...
tezzaaa's user avatar
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Cancel run in azureml sdk2

I'm using azureml sdk2 and I want to add execution cancel condition to my code but I don't know how to do it? from import MLClient ml_client = MLClient( credential=credential, ...
saraafr's user avatar
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build and deploy docker container to build fast api app on Azure web app

I am currently testing a small project and developing within the Azure ML notebook environemnt. Due to the confidential issue, I have to test within the Azure. I have a python script that I would like ...
stackword_0's user avatar
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Azure ml Studio Object Detection jupyter: Error to access the mltable for training the model

I am new with azure machine learning and I am still learnning. There is a file named annotations.jsonl saved in the subfolder "image-frames/dados_treinamento" inside the container "...
Atilio's user avatar
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Use Azure ML Environment from Share ML Registry with Python SDK

We have created an environment in azure ML shared registry. The environment was built into the registry. Here is what it looks like: A DevOps pipeline creates this environment: az ml environment ...
Obiii's user avatar
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How do you dynamically change the asset input in a pipeline?

In AzureML, I have a pipeline that takes in a data asset. The pipeline is now published and I'd like to change that data asset. How do you do that? There don't seem to be docs for this, but from the ...
Chrispresso's user avatar
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How to load pdf files from Azure Blob Storage with LangChain PyPDFLoader

I currently trying to implement langchain functionality to talk with pdf documents. I have a bunch of pdf files stored in Azure Blob Storage. I am trying to use langchain PyPDFLoader to load the pdf ...
stackword_0's user avatar
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AzureML SDK v2 list compute error AttributeError: 'Databricks' object has no attribute 'tags'

I am using AzureML SDK v2. I run the following code ml_ws_client = MLClient(credential=credential,subscription_id=subscription_id, resource_group_name=resource_group, workspace_name=ws_name) for ...
Matt Najarian's user avatar
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HTTP Error 409 while accessing registered dataset as a URI file (Azure SDKv2)

In Azure ML I'm trying to read data from the blob storage, register it as a URI File. This is needed to keep data versioning and at the same time to keep data lineage (sort of) because components ...
Egorsky's user avatar
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How to set environment variables in pipelines in Azure ML SDK v2 with jobs.create_or_update()?

I am changing some of our code from Azure ML's SDK v1 to v2. However, when I invoke pipelines with components via, I just can't get them to use my environment variables....
DoubleSteakHouse's user avatar
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How to modify azureml python sdk v2 to serve custom use cases?

I want to modify for my use case so it returns relative_path_with_guid in addition to the registered_dataset by default. The default azureml....
MajorMajorMajorMajor's user avatar
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How to trigger an event-based based pipeline in AzureML?

I have a published pipeline in AzureML that preprocess the data and train a new model. I am trying an event-based schedule so that whenever a new dataset is registered in the workspace, it triggers ...
ammar's user avatar
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Is there a way to create virtual env (and kernel) in Azure ML notebook from a custom registered environment?

I have registered a custom environment (through Environments tab) in Azure Machine Learning (providing Docker file and conda_dependencies.yaml) which I plan to use for training jobs. Now I would like ...
Michal Nožička's user avatar
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Error on Azure ML - AutoMLPipelineBuilder

I want to build a Pipeline in Azure ML. The Training pipeline runs well. Training: training_pipeline_steps = AutoMLPipelineBuilder.get_many_models_train_steps( experiment=experiment, ...
JMTaverne's user avatar
3 votes
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Authentication unavailable when i load data_asset with MLTABLE in Azure ML SDK Python2

credential = DeviceCodeCredential() ml_client = MLClient(credential, auth_subscription_id, auth_resource_group, ...
Paweł's user avatar
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MLmodel local deployment with azure python sdk

I'm trying to deploy a mlflow model locally using azure sdk for python. I'm following this example
Jakub Małecki's user avatar

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