I am trying to submit a job to AzureML using Python SDK V2. I am developing locally on VSCode. As my repository grew over time, I now get the message when submitting the job:

Your file exceeds 100 MB. If you experience low speeds, latency, or broken connections, we recommend using the AzCopyv10 tool for this file transfer.

A similar question has been posted a few months, although with no responses.

I added an .amlignore file, however, this didn't do much.

I couldn't find anything on how to use azcopy to submit the job to azureml. My repository is in a devops repository, if that information helps on finding a workaround.

Any help is highly appreciated.

1 Answer 1


The warning arises only for the first time when you submit the job; you won't get it again until you make changes to your source code, as the data is already present from a previous job submission.

In that case, you can use azcopy manually and provide the storage account associated with your machine learning workspace while submitting the job.

Here is the step:

Log in using azcopy:

azcopy login

Or use the SAS URL as the destination path. Refer here for more information about authentication.

I have used a SAS URL with read, write, list, and create permissions.

Here is the command to copy:

azcopy copy '<source_code_path>/*' 'https://<storage_account>.blob.core.windows.net/<container_name>/code/<sas_token>'

enter image description here

Provide the storage account associated with your ML workspace and the SAS token. Use the same storage account path while submitting the job.

Job submission:

command_job = command(
    command="echo hi from command",

This method does not upload the code but reads it directly from there.

  • @Niki Check if above provided solution works for you? Let me know if I can be helpful here anyway with further input? Commented Jun 10 at 11:46
  • I checked your solution and it probably works, however, I am facing issues with azcopy on Ubuntu. I followed your idea and uploaded the code via the Azure Storage Explorer, which worked. I am now facing new issues that did not occur before ('No space left on device' when trying to save checkpoints)
    – Niki
    Commented Jun 10 at 15:18
  • Please raise a new thread providing code and error details to reproduce the error Commented Jun 11 at 2:09
  • Thank you. I posted a new question here: stackoverflow.com/q/78606675/24393542 I will come back to your solution here with azcopy in a few weeks after finishing my thesis.
    – Niki
    Commented Jun 11 at 9:50

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