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Questions tagged [authentication]

Authentication is the process of providing a proof of identity or verifying identity.

0 votes
0 answers

Poe bot login in iframe - email working but not phone and google

I'm using GoDoaddy with a line of html added (they usually only have fairly basic templates but there is an option to paste in code or html pages) the link to the Poe bot works fine but the first use ...
Dain Martin's user avatar
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1 answer

Next js next auth credentials with custom user

I am building a project using the t3 stack Using app router, TRPC, prisma, and next auth. With the initial set up and even on documentation, the user model for prisma they give is with an ID, but I ...
Ash Gharibyan's user avatar
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AWS ApiGatway http integration authentication

I have an AWS ApiGateway v2 websocket api that sends request to a microservice (deployed on Kubernetes not lambda) using a HTTP integration. This is working, but now I need to add authentication ...
Ross Sullivan's user avatar
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How to configure Google OAuth 2.0 to AVOID requesting user email address?

I'm using Google OAuth 2.0 for user authentication in my application, and it's working well. However, during the authentication/registration process, users are notified that my application will ...
user3776663's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can't remove credentials from git on MacOS(OSX)

I'm trying to remove the saved GitHub credentials from my local machine because I need to log in with another account in the terminal. I tried everything I found, but nothing worked for me. Every time ...
DreamGamer's user avatar
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Problem on frontend Authentication development

<script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { fetchUserData(); }); function fetchUserData() { const apiUrl = 'https://game-...
Soham Pal's user avatar
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callbacks not getting called using NextAuth.js with CredentialsProvider

Issue is after successful authorize and return user + jwt token it's not getting in any of the callbacks options for NextAuth are as follows: import GoogleProvider from 'next-auth/providers/google'; ...
SMEET KOTHARI's user avatar
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How to get pap authentication result in freeRADIUS?

In freeradius, in authenticate section of default virtual server, I have the following code Auth-Type PAP { pap if (ok) { update reply { Reply-Message:="Access Accepted" ...
tahzibi.jafar's user avatar
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how to auto login after signUp using Auth.php in Laravel11

Auth.php <?php return [ 'defaults' => [ 'guard' => env('AUTH_GUARD', 'web'), 'passwords' => env('AUTH_PASSWORD_BROKER', 'use_accounts'), ], 'guards' => [ ...
Ata Ur Rehman's user avatar
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Specify expiration time when requesting access token in microsoft login oauth2 v2.0

I am generating a JWT token by making a post to this URL to log in to Microsoft:{{TENANT_ID}}/oauth2/v2.0/token I am doing some integration tests and I want to test ...
alergio's user avatar
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Can any one explain how i can manage context with tanstack router?

AuthcontextProvider.tsx import {ReactNode, useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import {AuthContext} from './AuthContext'; import {Token, User} from '@/types'; import {QUERY_KEYS} from '@/lib/react-...
Aniket Tiwari's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Redirect guests from WooCommerce checkout to My account login and back to checkout once logged in

I use the following code (pasted in my theme functions.php file) to redirect unlogged users from checkout page to WooCommerce My Account login form: add_action( 'template_redirect', '...
Abaol's user avatar
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Obtain token programatically to go see a page with ASP.NET application

I'm a newbie with authentication and authorization. When I go to a website, it redirects me to a url which requires email and password to login Microsoft Account. If I pass the right credential, it ...
Minh Trí Nguyễn's user avatar
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Is there a way to tell WordPress to use a page theme as the styling of the login page?

I am needing to make a custom login page for my website but need things that are just unavailable (or not available for free) from any of the login page customization plugins. I have created a page ...
Zane Duncan's user avatar
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Run specific code after Blazor authentication

I'm developing a Blazor Server Application (.NET 8) which uses authentication. I configured the project to use authentication this way in Program.cs: builder.Services.AddAuthentication(...
Panthesilea's user avatar
-1 votes
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req.headers.authorization is undefined

So I've been trying to implement JWT authorization for my project, and there's this specific step that I've been stuck for hours... So I have a middleware setup to try and verify the access token ...
BabyBeginner's user avatar
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How to set up access requests to an Entra application?

Within Azure we use an Enterprise Application for authentication to our custom web app. Similarly to Sharepoint where access requests can be configured so a user has to submit a request for access ...
Elliot's user avatar
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Django: Error sending email: (530, b'5.7.0 Authentication Required

I am working on a Django project and get the problem with sending email. This is my code in class ForgotPasswordView(APIView): def get(self, request): return render(request, '...
Lâm Đồng's user avatar
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.ASPXAUTH cookie not being read by sub application

I have an v4.7.2 web app setup at, in IIS. It uses Forms Authentication. It's Web.Config: <httpCookies requireSSL="true" /> <authentication mode=&...
Vaibhav Garg's user avatar
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Spring Security : stackoverflow error after submit login form to ".loginProcessingUrl("/perform_login")"

intelliJ debug log is below. enter image description here and stackoverflow error log is 2024-07-26T14:01:13.600+09:00 DEBUG 17896 --- [nio-8880-exec-9] : ...
noob_kr_computer's user avatar
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How to handle Authentication and private routes in React-native + Node.js?

I want a good way to handle Authentication in React-Native. I was planning on using JWT tokens and make the accessToken refresh without making the user ever log-in again(assuming they have a ...
Ethan Gordon's user avatar
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How to Fix Redirection Issues in Clerk Authentication?

i have done a project with clerk before without any problem using this version "^5.2.3", there was not any problem before but when now i'm trying to implement the new version 5.2.6 with my ...
Moemen's user avatar
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Blank page when protecting route with react router [duplicate]

I have followed several guides and questions on stack overflow with no luck. I want to set up protected routes, so going to example /highscores would redirect user to /login if not signed in. ...
catfish's user avatar
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<AuthorizeView> not recognizing role claim

I have a Blazor Server app that uses Windows Auth. Based on the group memberships of the user, I am adding role claims using IClaimsTransformation. The group-to-role mapping is fetched from a DB. This ...
axel g's user avatar
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REST login service with JWT authentication fails

I'm trying to setup a REST service with JWT authentication, but it fails without hope. The architecture of the service is based on Spring Boot 3.2. and all the latest Spring Security components. The ...
Riccardo Migliaccio's user avatar
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Logto | TypeError: device_authorization_endpoint must be configured on the issuer

I'm migrating from auth0 to logto. In my CLI tool, we have a command to "login". It used standard openid-client technique: import { Issuer, errors } from 'openid-client'; import open from '...
David Meir-Levy's user avatar
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How to pass error from next auth to a client component?

I am fairly new to Nextjs 14, and having difficulty understanding the underlying principles of authentication and passing data between server and client components. So far, with my limited ...
reactcoder's user avatar
-1 votes
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github action | azure login

I'm new to this trying to build and deploy new workflow from which build and deploy the react code into azure web service - build part is working fine however, there is an error during the deploy part ...
devTeam Monconnect's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to make Contact Form 7 be able to log the user into my WordPress website? [closed]

I have created forms using Contact Form 7 for all of the forgot password, login, and registration forms and a page template for how I want these pages to look. I am needing help getting communications ...
Zane Duncan's user avatar
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Laravel API authentication: Sanctum + Breeze

I just started a new Laravel application. For API authentication I installed Sanctum and it seems working right: testing API route authentication in feature tests using Sanctum::actingAs() assert ...
fudo's user avatar
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How can I create a different Google auth environment with Supabase?

I have a Svelte app and I'm using Supabase for the auth. I have setup the Google provider and it works fine but I'd like to have different environment: a prod one and a dev one. I'd like to do that ...
Tibo's user avatar
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How to implement topic level authentication for kafka using SASL-PLAIN for windows using python?

I have implemented broker level authentication using SASL-PLAIN, now i want to add topic level authorization using ACLs. Im not able to do that I am running zookeeper and broker on local with default ...
Aashi Jain's user avatar
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Auth Setup for NextJS frontend and ExpressJS backend with MongoDB

I am building a full stack app with Next JS frontend and Express JS backend with MongoDB as the database. I want to implement authentication using email and password, as well as with Google Provider. ...
shivesh_anand's user avatar
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why can't I connect using the credentials I configured in the UserDetails? [closed]

package; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import
Skander Ben Achour's user avatar
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Authentication works in Laravel 11, but it returns null . Why?

In Laravel, I can sign up and log in without any issues using Breeze. In my table, I have: $table->enum('role', ['admin', 'user']); Here’s how your bootstrap/app.php file looks: <?php use App\...
Serdar Kavrazlı's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

ASP.NET Core 6.0 MVC : get session and cookies in view

Browser>Application>Cookies I am attempting to create session and cookies in a ASP.NET Core 6 MVC project. When I debug the project locally on my PC, the session and cookies are working as ...
Lamont Chean's user avatar
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Vertex AI authentication failed with service account credentials

I am developing a server application in TypeScript that uses the text generation feature of Vertex AI. The application is built as a Docker image and runs on an on-premises Kubernetes (K8S) cluster. ...
weareff's user avatar
-1 votes
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Implement and test login with apple ID in flutter

As I don't have a paid apple developer account, I am trying to implement login with apple ID using dummy/mock data in flutter. When clicking on the button, a standard authorization (...
CodeBuddy's user avatar
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How to authenticate an ASP.NET Core Web API using Azure AD token and custom claims from ASP.NET MVC app?

I have two applications: one built with ASP.NET MVC and the other an ASP.NET Core Web API. Users log in to the ASP.NET MVC application using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Upon successful login, I ...
ZCoder's user avatar
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Why username from profile disappear of the refresh page. Node.js

I did login and registration with node.js. Everything is working, and when I login, I can see a name of the user, but when I refresh the page, the name disappears. What I did wrong, please can you ...
Elena's user avatar
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Can't access data from sqlite db with js

I'm trying js from the first time and want to make a website, I need to get data from a users database to verify them but i can't figure out how const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose(); var sql; ...
Manos's user avatar
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Issue with Spring Security and JWT: Redirect to authenticationEntryPoint after successful login

I've been trying to solve a problem with Spring Boot Security in my application for days and I can't find the cause. Here is the flow of the application and the problem I am facing: Application Flow: ...
Drakgoku's user avatar
-3 votes
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Autentication JWT, backend in Django Rest Framework and Frontend in Next.js [closed]

I have a backend built with Django Rest Framework, where I've implemented authentication using simpleJWT, and everything is working when I test with Postman. My question pertains to the frontend I'm ...
GUSTAVO CARVALHO's user avatar
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"Cross-origin redirect sign in on Google Chrome M115+ is no longer supported and will stop working on 24 June 2024." with kotlin android studio

i have a google signin auth for my kotlin android app but this massege "Cross-origin redirect sign in on Google Chrome M115+ is no longer supported and will stop working on 24 June 2024." is ...
Ammar Momani's user avatar
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Is it possible to integrate Contact Form 7 into a page that has been coded from scratch?

I am trying to create a login page that completely bypasses the WordPress default one for my website. I have attached an image for what I would like it to look like, as well as the php file I am using ...
Zane Duncan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core 8.0 Web API - can't publish on IIS after adding authentication

Created a sample ASP.Net Core WeatherForecast Web API and Deployed on IIS (which is running on local machine), and it is working as expected no issue at all. Once I added authorization in program.cs I ...
Shahid Hussain's user avatar
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How to automatically refresh, and reuse access tokens using nextJS app router and Auth0?

I am working with a Next.js frontend and an Express backend. I need a solution to automatically create and reuse a user’s access token until it expires. I believe there might be a way to achieve this ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to access private key of a passkey on the client?

I am building an app with sveltekit and I have decided to implement passkeys as a form of authentication. So, I started researching about them and found out that in their foundation is the concept of ...
standard's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does anyone know why my variable (x) changed its value from 3 to 0 (1 after x++) in this program? I'm trying to make a signup system but it overwrites

Like what the title said, I was trying to make a signup system but for some reason it overwrites the array which was supposed to be defaultuser[0] = "12291955" it becomes what I inputted ...
Reaper Rapper-san's Eye's user avatar
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Unable to Login to cPanel after Installing SSL Certificate on GoDaddy Hosting from Office Network

I am experiencing a strange issue with my GoDaddy hosting setup. I have one main domain and two subdomains. Here's a summary of the problem: Background Hosting Provider: GoDaddy Domains: One Main ...
Murtaza Abbasi's user avatar

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