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Questions tagged [angular]

Questions about Angular (not to be confused with AngularJS), the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version. For the older AngularJS (1.x) web framework, use the AngularJS tag.

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ngx-intl-tel-input reset flag

once user selected the country flag from the ngx-intl-tel-input and save the form data. i want to reset the selected country flag user select once i click reset it should show i tried form.reset but ...
grabrep gg's user avatar
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How to react to service worker registration failed error in Angular pwa

I am using the @angular/service-worker for my PWA. My requirement is that the app should be usable only when a service worker has successfully installed. I used the following service : export class ...
Urooj's user avatar
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Angular Keycloak using pkceMethod S256 Error and not able to display data

Im new here with Keycloak angular.. I am facing these error and not able to understand and debug. ERROR undefined: Zone - Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ app.module.ts:98 Promise.then (async) 8835 ...
Armstrong17's user avatar
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Form validation for required fields on Submit in Angular 17

I have many fields like firstName, lastName, etc which is made required from the backend. If I submit the form without filling up the firstName, it throws the following error in the Network Preview. ...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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Drag and drop issue in Angular

I could not trigger ondrop function. Here is my code - can anyone help with this? <div class="canvas-container"> <canvas #canvasElement></canvas> <div class=&...
ANISHKUMAR R's user avatar
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Angular/PrimeNG/PrimeFlex - Left and Right Panel Heights Hidden Beyond Card Body

I am working on an Angular project using PrimeNG components, and I'm facing an issue where the left and right panels of a p-card are extending beyond the height of the card body and getting hidden. I'...
Kashif Khan's user avatar
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When clicking print button print dialog box is not appearing to some users

When i am going to clicking print button print dialog box is working fine with my side, but some users are complaining they are not getting print dailog after clicking print button into production ...
coder rock's user avatar
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Angular Material 3 Custom Theme Not Working (Nx monorepo)

I've got this Angular app within an Nx repo. After npx nx run testapp:serve I'm getting the following error: ./src/app/shared/design/testapp.scss - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-...
pax's user avatar
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Wait for a response before loading template

I have an angular application that makes a server call on ngOnInit() and returns a result. I then use the result to populate a model in my template. My template is loading before the call is finished, ...
noclist's user avatar
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Can we create a drag and drop mat-stepper-header in angular?

I am trying to create a mat stepper with drag and drop feature added to it. so that i cam move the stepper header. ex: -- 1 --> can be move to 2, 2 can be move to 1, and same for other steps. i ...
Sachin kumar's user avatar
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sh 'npm install' cmd not working in jenkins pipeline. Note: jenkins is installed inside windows

I am writing a simple jenkins files to test, build and deploy angular application. but my jenkins pipeline is failing at sh 'npm install' Here is my jenkins pipeline script pipeline { agent any ...
Aakash Giri's user avatar
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Converse.Js - Angular . Site button disabled

i have integrated converse.js in my angular project, but when the component finish the initialization all other link/button in my site are disabled. Can anyone help me? tnks The converse.js chat must ...
Riccardo Trionfera's user avatar
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How to send a Bearer Token from front-end to back-end

My back-end is already working ,I tested it in Postman but I don't know how to get the Bearer Token,which is in front-end; I am using httpOnly and withCredentials. NODE: MiddleWare: const jwt = ...
Guilherme Peixe's user avatar
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Hide page count from the go to section of the pdf toolbar when pdf is opened in browser

From java side I am converting tiff images to PDF like below. Rectangle pagesize = new Rectangle(maxWidth, maxHeight); Document document = new Document(pagesize); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, ...
Raju Kumar Shah's user avatar
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Setting up Tone.js on button click still fails with : The AudioContext was not allowed to start

I have a angular component that has a button to start an animation and at the same time play some notes each time a number is highlighted I'm setting up tone.js synth when the button is pressed see ...
Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez's user avatar
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Angular 18 error did not render in 30 seconds on consume apollo

i discovered an error using Angular 18 SSR trying to control error response from grapqhl-apollo, the server method return error after 30 seconds and from angular client with the observable i must only ...
Dr oscar's user avatar
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Jest errors: Need to call TestBed.initTestEnvironment() first AND zone-testing.js is needed for the fakeAsync() test helper but could not be found

This is an example of a test: import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { FooterComponent } from './footer.component'; describe('FooterComponent', () => { let ...
Aria's user avatar
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How to pass StoreEffects to children routes using provideEffects?

I have this code: export const PROJECT_ROUTES: Routes = [ { path: '', component: FeatureShellComponent, providers: [ provideEffects([ MyStore1Effects, ...
metal-draken's user avatar
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Angular Always redirecting to default path:

const routes: Routes = [ { path: "admin_login", component: AdminLoginComponent }, { path: "login", component: LoginComponent }, { path: "owner", component: ...
emir gicic's user avatar
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How to disable drag and drop in Drawflow package in Angular?

I am using the drawflow package to create a workflow. I want to disable drag-and-drop functionality from elements this demo as mentioned in the below image, not in the sidebar. In my demo, I want ...
Jignesh Panchal's user avatar
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What's writing "onChange started" and "onChange completed" to the console in Angular/Bootstrap?

I've just added a select element to an Angular component and, when the component is loaded in the browser and I select a value from the list, the following messages are being written to the console: ...
Green Grasso Holm's user avatar
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Manipulate data for Row Span logic in ag grid

I have an ag grid with row spanning and I am able to do row span for first and second column. Can anyone please help me for row span logic for rest of the columns (notes, votes)? I think row span ...
Kj Shah's user avatar
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Angular implicit ngModel change handler when ngModelChange isn't specified?

I'm experienced in the use of [(ngModel)] to achieve two-way value binding between a component field and a form control in the component's template, and the use of (ngModelChange) to perform ...
Green Grasso Holm's user avatar
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Cannot read properties of undefined in angular even after value is available in template and getting printed

There is featureImages section in component.html which is throwing this error not sure why it is happening news-section.component.ts:296 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '...
Rajdatta Sarwade's user avatar
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How can you re-order rows in an IGX-GRID using dragging

The Angular igx-grid has a draggable function, but it seems to be for dragging one row to a different grid. What I would like is to be able to drag a row to a different position in the grid and save ...
Ted Herrlich's user avatar
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Should Angular version 15.2.9 still be used for applications after the LTS is no longer given?

as mentioned in the title, the question of this post is: should Angular version 15.2.9 still be used for applications after the LTS is no longer given? When ...
Marco's user avatar
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Angular form control ambiguous state

I'm trying to investigate why the control is marked as dirty at its initialization and what I see in the browser console is very confusing. The form control is either "dirty" OR "...
Dm Mh's user avatar
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Change value of dropdown from another dropdown in Angular 17

I'm trying to setup the form in such a way that when someone selects Mr in the first dropdown, the value changes to male in the second dropdown. Likewise, if someone chooses Miss/Mrs, the 2nd dropdown ...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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How to migrate Ember web application to Angular module by module

We have one web application developed in Ember js and we want to migrate it to latest Angular, but we want to migrate it module by module. so we need to coexist Angular and Ember both. and build ...
user3098308's user avatar
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Unable to translate month name after upgrading to angular 18

I recently upgraded my web app to Angular 18 from 15. In that, I have one date-picker from which user can choose month name, but after upgrading it to latest version, It's unable to translate month ...
Gajendra's user avatar
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Ionic 7 default app showing blank screen and errors when running on emulator

I'm using Ionic version 7.2.0, npm version 10.8.2, angular 18.1.1, node 20.16.0, Capacitor version 6.1.1, phone api 27, windows 11 64 bits, jdk-17 (I had to install and uninstall several java versions ...
gabriel's user avatar
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"Something Went Wrong Error": Ionic -Capacitor Android app Google Auth Signing Issue

I integrated Google Oauth Sign In in my Angular/Ionic Capacitor App but I have an issue in Android Device: When the user clicks on the Google login button from the app, a popup appears to select the ...
Karthika P J's user avatar
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ng drawerservice component called twice

ViewPurchaseOrder(item: any): void { this.drawerService.create({ nzTitle: 'View Purchase Order', nzMaskClosable: true, nzWrapClassName: "full-drawer noSidebar", ...
Shawn's user avatar
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Fix "bundle initial exceeded maximum budget" warning in an NX monorepo library (library, not app)

I have created a NX monorepo workspace in which I have a nx.json file and a project.json for each library in the "libs" folder. Since I used the latest version of NX (@nx/angular 19.4.4) I ...
smartmouse's user avatar
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npm install angular/cli isnt working - seems stuck midway, no log, no error regarding why it is stuck

Can anyone help me with an issue I have during npm install @angular/cli Below are the details Command I am running: npm install -g @angular/cli What I am seeing: the install starts pulls some ...
Phani's user avatar
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how to trigger ngOnChanges of child component when user comes back to home page in ionic app?

In our ionic app, whenever the user comes back to the home page, we need to run method of child component to get the updated records. Since ionic caches pages, I am changing the input boolean property ...
A_J's user avatar
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Angular 18 State Management-Ngrx

I have started an Angular 18 project and decided to use the NgRx state management library. Could you please share your experiences, including any issues you faced as well as the pros and cons of using ...
Naveen NK's user avatar
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Angular: how to fix Error: NG03600: Angular detected that the `AnimationBuilder` was injected, but animation support was not enabled

When I ran Angular unit test I got the following error many times: Error: NG03600: Angular detected that the AnimationBuilder was injected, but animation support was not enabled. Please make sure that ...
L. Kvri's user avatar
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Styles not being applied in Chromium based browsers

I'm working on a project using Angular as the FE framework. I've a simple project setup as following: In the angular.json file I'm importing these files: "styles": [ "src/import....
Jacopo Sciampi's user avatar
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Kendo Drag And Drop between Two Components in Angular..Is It Possible?

Drag right side component Parameters to drop in Email body component 1:*strong text* hi Guys, i have two components emailBody Component and PaarametersComponent..I ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Conditional options in <select> using signals

I have a select that should show options based on the status of a game. Code: <select class="form-select" aria-label="Status" [(ngModel)]="selectedGame().status"> ...
jasper heeren's user avatar
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I am trying to upgrade angular version from 16 to 17 but it throws below error when i do npm start. Can someone tell what to do?

./src/main.ts - Error: Module build failed (from ./node_modules/@ngtools/webpack/src/ivy/index.js): Error: Cannot resolve type entity i11.MatLegacySelectModule to symbol ./src/polyfills.ts - Error: ...
Sonamdeep Kour's user avatar
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Angular SSR guard and resolver functions are executed on both, client and server

I'm building an SSR Angular app (with provided hydration) and I'm using Resolver and Guard functions. I noticed that they are running on both the server and the client. I believe that it is redundant ...
Martin's user avatar
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How can i replace a @Input setter with signal inputs?

I have a searchbar component that emits on change of the input field so that the consumer can do filtering of list results or call the API with the searchterm as param. However I also want to provide ...
mandrag.ora's user avatar
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How to translate labels on the y axis in chart.js matrix plugin?

I am using this chart.js extention to create a matrix where I have values from 0 to n on the x axis and labels in string format like "One", "Two", "Three" on the y axis. ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Multiply 2 input fields and show totalAmount in another input field

I want to calculate and show the totalAmount when Amount and Quantity is entered. I am using (keyup) in expense.amount as I want to show as-is in expense.totalAmount. Using (ngModelChange) does not ...
Elaine Byene's user avatar
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In primeng 17 if the value set in p-calendar and [maxDate] are same then the value is not showing

here is the demo i made in stackblitz , I tried to bind the date value in p-calendar it works for every date except it ...
Janmejay Ghosh's user avatar
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How to Add Secondary and Success Colors to a Custom Material Theme?

I'm working with Angular 17 and have successfully created a custom Material theme with primary, accent, and warning colors. However, I would like to add additional colors such as secondary and success ...
coder's user avatar
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Argument of type 'Number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | number | null | undefined'. [plugin angular-compiler]

I got the error with DecimalPipe while converting number My code: Service export interface RoomList { roomNumber: number; roomType: string; amenities: string; price: number; photos:...
ToanTV13's user avatar
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In CKEditor, typing a letter or sentence and making it a list changes the heading from Paragraph to Choose Heading after selecting the list

When i enter any Letter/Sentence in CKEditor, then make it as any List and here after selecting the List the Letter/Sentence Heading is getting change from Paragraph to Choose Heading. List are not ...
jaggani rahul's user avatar

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