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Connecting to DynamoDB from PHP running locally

I'd like to connect to an AWS DynamoDB database that I've just set up. The connection should be created in a PHP page using the AWS\DynamoDb SDK. I have created a key and secret on AWS and I am ...
johndeeregreen's user avatar
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1 answer

AWS SDK PHP getItem from DynamoDB returns empty

I am trying to interact with AWS DynamoDB from my website with AWS SDK PHP 3.0 using the code below: $client = new \Aws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient(['version' => 'latest', 'region' => "ca-...
Medical physicist's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Query using two separate date coulmns in DynamoDB

I have a dynamo db table with the following keys and attributes id(primary key), logged_at(sort key which is a date value. For Eg: 2020-10-27 06:30:00), created_at(which is also a date value. For Eg: ...
jaykrishnan's user avatar
1 vote
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Pagination on DynamoDB scan result using PHP

this is my original php script to scan the result: $defaultQuery = date('Y-m-d'); $guardTimeIndex = 'guard_name-time_stamp-index'; $query = $defaultQuery; $paramsDefaultQuery = [ 'TableName' => '...
Irfan Nadziri's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

DynamoDB + PHP using aws sdk giving itemGet() schema mismatch errors

First, allow me to predicate that I am a relative noob to much of this, and self-taught in the rest. I have a simple DynamoDB table set up named 'NeedsSystemData' that includes one record with the ...
Galathir Darkstone's user avatar
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Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ <required> array $args ]] in class Aws\AwsClient

When I tried to insert post data in dynamodb-local, following issue happened. I'd like to know what’s the cause. Version Laravel: 9.48.0 Issue Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ array $...
Hayato Kuroda's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

PHP DynamoDB- Add/Update an value in the list

I am trying to add more email address to the list. The architecture and the example in Dynamo DB ID: STRING DEP: MAP Contacts: MAP EMAIL: LIST Version: Number { “ID”: "...
cpat431's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to do lock item in DynamoDB during update?

I'm testing DynamoDB with a lot of concurrent update requests, but I have some doubts. For example: In a financial transaction system where I have a table called Account and a table called ...
Thalys Wolf's user avatar
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Symfony BadMethodCallException: Cannot serialize FilesystemAdapter When Using AWS Presigned URLs (DynamoDB Issue)

I'm working in Symfony 6.0 and PHP 8.1, and the following error appeared in my logs when injecting my custom AWSService into a custom object: Uncaught PHP Exception BadMethodCallException: "...
jetsetter's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I select a specific set of data within a data in laravel with the use of dynamo db

I am fairly new to laravel so I would like to know how do you grab a the data from 'data' with laravel query the dynamo database is like this { "subdomain": "subdomain", "...
korugane's user avatar
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1 answer

ConditionExpression attribute_not_exists()

I am trying to use ConditionExpression when inserting an item on the database, but it dont work, the php script breaks when the Putitem() function runs. I want to insert the item if he dont exist. $...
Lucas Martini's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to limit number of items I fetch from DynamoDB with PartiQL?

I have this query which I run in PHP: $result = $client->executeStatement([ 'Limit' => 1, 'Statement' => "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE completed = 0", ]); I have ...
showtime's user avatar
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AWS PHP SDK is_readable() and file_exists()

After upgrading php and we are having config file issues. Does anybody else have this issue with the AWS PHP SDK on ec2, how did you resolve it? I am using roles for ec2 permissions, but it is still ...
Harpua's user avatar
  • 63
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1 answer

How to scan/query dynamodb list in php to check if value exists?

My table looks { "ID": { "S": "123456" }, "info_id": { "L": [ { "S": "7CDA" }, { &...
STACK_MIN's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

AWS Dynamodb Scan | Scan if exists column values

I have a table that has a column called "items", but not all rows have it, so I want to scan all rows that have "items". Something like: $resposta = $clientDB->scan(array( '...
Lucas Martini's user avatar

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