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Questions tagged [ajax]

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for creating interactive website user interfaces without the traditional web page refresh or reload. It uses asynchronous data exchange between client and server to update displayed information and respond to user interactions seamlessly. Include additional tags for programming languages, libraries, frameworks, web browsers, protocols and other environmental information.

6 votes
4 answers

How to display the progress of a server script in jQuery?

With this code I can show an animated gif while the server script is running: function calculateTotals() { $('#results').load('getResults.php', null, showStatusFinished); showLoadStatus(); } ...
Edward Tanguay's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Extracting text from a PDF using JBoss Richfaces

I am trying to write a web-app to manage references for my PhD thesis. I used to manage this information inside a personal Confluence (fantastic tool! - ...
user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How to conduct blackbox testing on an AJAX application?

What's the best, crossplatform way to perform blackbox tests on AJAX web applications? Ideally, the solution should have the following attributes: Able to integrate into a continuous integration ...
morais's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

How to Call a method via AJAX without causing the page to render at all?

I am working with I am trying to call a method that exists on the base class for the page I am using. I want to call this method via Javascript and do not require any rendering to be handled ...
YonahW's user avatar
  • 16.3k
19 votes
7 answers

Google Maps style scrolling anyone?

I am looking for some JavaScript plugin (preferably jQuery) to be able to scroll through an image, in the same way that Google Maps works. I can make the image draggable but then I see the whole ...
sydlawrence's user avatar
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15 votes
20 answers

What is the best online javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom reference? [closed]

I'm a front-end developer and I was looking for opinions about the best all-round online documentation for javascript/css/html/xhtml/dom/browser quirks and support. I've tried Sitepoint, Quirksmode, ...
Christopher Tokar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ASP.NET WebService Returns Gibberish Characters When Throwing Exceptions

I have a web service (ASMX) and in it, a web method that does some work and throws an exception if the input wasn't valid. [ScriptMethod] [WebMethod] public string MyWebMethod(string input) { ...
Bullines's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to prevent IE6 from refetching already-fetched images added via DOM manipulation

If you add a image to your browser's DOM, IE6 will not check its cache to see if it already downloaded the image but will, instead, re-retrieve it from the server. I have not found any combination of ...
Mike Gorman's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to asynchronously filter an IList?

Ok, so there has to be a way to do this... no? If not I'd love some ideas. I have two repeaters and an image inside an update panel along with some AJAX dropdowns with link buttons to the left. I ...
Sara Chipps's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How can I create a loop in an onClick event?

I want to write an onClick event which submits a form several times, iterating through selected items in a multi-select field, submitting once for each. How do I code the loop? I'm working in Ruby ...
Brent 's user avatar
  • 16.6k
7 votes
7 answers

What are the best strategies for using multiple AJAX libraries?

What experience can you share about using multiple AJAX libraries? There are useful features in Prototype, some in jQuery, the Yahoo library, etc. Is it possible to include all libraries and use what ...
Edward Tanguay's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to create multiple records at once with ActiveScaffold in ROR

I am wanting to use ActiveScaffold to create assignment records for several students in a single step. The records will all contain identical data, with the exception of the student_id. I was able ...
Brent 's user avatar
  • 16.6k
1 vote
2 answers

AJAX Partial Page Load?

I have a page results page (you get there after submitting your search query elsewhere) whit a whole bunch of gridviews for different type of data objects. Obviously, some of the queries take longer ...
Esteban Araya's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

Something special about Safari for Windows and AJAX? [closed]

Is there something special about Safari for Windows and AJAX? In other words: Are there some common pitfalls I should keep in mind?
Marc's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I determine why a jQuery ajax $.post request wasn't successful?

I'm trying to determine, based on the result of this call, if it was successful. The successFunction doesn't get called, so I'm assuming it was not. How do I know what went wrong? xmlRequest = $.post(...
SeanDowney's user avatar
  • 17.7k

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