I have tables Machine and Inventory. In table Machine I have last running inventory properties. In table Inventory, I have new inventory id and properties (Not yet run in machine).

I have to return a list of possible combination inventory that can run in machines based on it last running inventory. And I also need to return list of machines with no duplicates inventory.

For list of possible combination inventory that can run in machines based on it last running inventory, I tried using CROSS JOIN and it works [Refer 1].

But for list of machines with no duplicates inventory I have no clue how to do it [Refer 2]?

Machine table - machine with last running inventory:

Machine Inventory Color Size
A 1111 Red Small
B 1112 Red Small
C 1113 Green Large

Inventory table - new inventory (not yet run in machines):

Inventory Color Size
1114 Red Small
1115 Red Small
1116 Green Large

I need to get every combination (Machine CROSS JOIN Inventory where Color and Size matches)

    m.Machine, i.Inventory, m.Color, m.Size
    Machine m
    Inventory i
    i.Color = m.Color AND i.Size = m.Size
Machine Inventory Color Size
A 1114 Red Small
A 1115 Red Small
B 1114 Red Small
B 1115 Red Small
C 1116 Green Large

I need to get no duplicate inventory (1 Machine, 1 Inventory)

Machine Inventory Color Size
A 1114 Red Small
B 1115 Red Small
C 1116 Green Large

For [2] I tried to do in the code, loop the machines and find 1 by 1 based on the color and size in Inventory table and assign.

Then exclude the one I already assign for the next machine.

But it took some time to iterate all.

  • @DaleK I added the query in the question
    – lawd
    Commented Jul 10 at 4:58
  • 1
    In your expected result, why does A have 114 and not 115 ? and why does B have 115 and not 114 ? What is exact the logic ?
    – GuidoG
    Commented Jul 10 at 5:13
  • @GuidoG there is no fixed logic, if 114 is assigned to A then 115 should be assign to B. Vice versa.
    – lawd
    Commented Jul 10 at 5:49

1 Answer 1


Looks like what you want is not really every combination but just assignment of 1 machine to 1 inventory.

You can use row_number() to generate the sequence number and then use that to join.

select m.machine, i.inventory
from   (
           select machine, color, size, 
                  rn = row_number() over (partition by color, size 
                                              order by machine)
           from   Machine
       ) m
       inner join
           select inventory, color, size, 
                  rn = row_number() over (partition by color, size 
                                              order by inventory)
           from   Inventory
       ) i  on  m.color = i.color 
            and m.size  = i.size
            and m.rn    = i.rn

GuidoG has kindly provided a demo fiddle

  • 2
    Since I had already made a fiddle, I put your query into it, here you can see it working, I cannot think of a beter answer
    – GuidoG
    Commented Jul 10 at 5:59
  • 1
    Thanks @GuidoG, I will edit and include that fiddle in the answer.
    – Squirrel
    Commented Jul 10 at 8:40

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