
I need to code this:


export default authMiddleware({
  publicRoutes: ['/site', '/api/uploadthing'],
  async beforeAuth(auth, req) {},
  async afterAuth(auth, req) {
    //rewrite for domains
    const url = req.nextUrl
    const searchParams = url.searchParams.toString()
    let hostname = req.headers

    const pathWithSearchParams = `${url.pathname}${
      searchParams.length > 0 ? `?${searchParams}` : ''

    //if subdomain exists
    const customSubDomain = hostname

    if (customSubDomain) {
      return NextResponse.rewrite(
        new URL(`/${customSubDomain}${pathWithSearchParams}`, req.url)

    if (url.pathname === '/sign-in' || url.pathname === '/sign-up') {
      return NextResponse.redirect(new URL(`/agency/sign-in`, req.url))

    if (
      url.pathname === '/' ||
      (url.pathname === '/site' && url.host === process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DOMAIN)
    ) {
      return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL('/site', req.url))

    if (
      url.pathname.startsWith('/agency') ||
    ) {
      return NextResponse.rewrite(new URL(`${pathWithSearchParams}`, req.url))

But because the authMiddleware was changed to clerkMiddleware(), I have no idea how to redo that all. Can anyone help me please?

(And yes, Im trying to rebuild the Plura SaaS Website Builder, by the tutorial of Web Prodigies. Even though his video isnt old, I still struggle with the new clerk Syntax)

I tried to find new "names" for functions like "beforeAuth()" and after "afterAuth", but no hope

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    Commented Jul 10 at 2:20