
I am developing an app using SwiftUI and Swift. I have a Firebase database with the following structure:

Collection named products, Documents representing countries, Subcollections representing districts, Documents representing cities, Subcollections containing various documents. Given this structure, how can I retrieve all documents from a specific district, noting that a district contains multiple cities, each with its own set of documents?

Any code examples or explanations on how to achieve this in Swift would be greatly appreciated.

  • Documents go in Storage and the URL for the documents goes in the database Commented Jul 9 at 23:31

1 Answer 1


Subcollections representing districts

how can I retrieve all documents from a specific district?

This would require that you can get a list of subcollections under a given path, which is not an operation that Firestore supports.

Given that, you'll have to (also) store a list of all the districts as data in another document - one of which you know the name. For example, it's pretty common to include this info in an array field in the parent document of the districts collections - but other options are fine too.

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