When using xlwings, I want to, for example, write the string "4 / 5" into excel. However, if I write.

sheet[0,0].value = "4 / 5"

I get: string converted to date

I do not want to write a date. I want to write "4 / 5". Any way to fix this?

I tried looking for different format options or such, but was unable to find any.

  • Have you tried .options(numbers=str) ? Commented Jul 9 at 20:58
  • You might find this helpful docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/converters.html Commented Jul 9 at 21:00
  • 1
    Just write it as text sheet[0,0].value = "'4 / 5". That is, place a single quote as the first character.
    – moken
    Commented Jul 10 at 2:25
  • @temoadeishvili Tried that, same result.
    – Gustav K
    Commented Jul 10 at 10:01
  • @moken This worked, sort of. Though I would prefer not to have "'" written in excel. Any way to circumvent this?
    – Gustav K
    Commented Jul 10 at 10:02

1 Answer 1


You cannot disable this action, it's how Excel works.
To have the value show as entered basically needs the cell to be set as text or formatted as a fraction.

Any of the following would work;

import xlwings as xw

file = 'foo.xlsx'
with xw.App(visible=True) as app:
    wb = xw.Book(file)
    ws = wb.sheets('Sheet1')

    ### Set the cell format before writting the value to the cell
    ### Set cell format to TEXT
    ws['A1'].number_format = "@"
    ws['A1'].value = '4/5'
    ### Set the cell format to a fraction. This results in a numeric value
    ws['A2'].number_format = "# ?/?"
    ws['A2'].value = '4/5'

    ### Use TEXT formula to set cell value to TEXT format as fraction
    ws['A3'].formula = "=TEXT(4/5,\"# ?/?\")"

    ### Use Space, Single Quote or 0 prefix to set value to TEXT
    ws['A4'].value = " 4/5"
    ws['A5'].value = "'4/5"
    ws['A6'].value = "0 4/5"  # This results in a numeric value


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