Do you know a github-like bare repository hosting tool of git? In my company, an shared file server is available but web server is not available.Then I found git bare repository. It seems to be able to be used on the shared file server. I found git clients like git gui, git kraken, tortoise git and so on.But those clients don't have issue management and pull requests like github.Is there such a client tool? I would like to use bare repository on the shared file server like github repository.

  • GitLab has a free self-hosted option, maybe that's what you are after?
    – 1615903
    Commented Jul 10 at 6:29

1 Answer 1


Issues and pull requests are not a part of Git itself - those are added on by other developers, and they're centralized. If you want those, then you'll need to use a service like GitHub or GitLab, or a self-hosted Git server.

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