0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
1 Product Shop 2023-S 2023-M 2024-S 2024-M Type
3 500
4 P-Line_A Step1
5 Prod_A shop3 80 2% 500 22% t1 ColCrit1 ColCrit2 ColCrit3
6 Prod_B shop2 320 23% 180 60% t1 Prod_D shop1 t3
7 Prod_B shop1 90 8% 300 36% t2 Prod_G shop3 t4
8 Prod_C shop3 500 15% 657 16% t1 shop4
9 Prod_D shop1 160 17% 500 15% t3
10 Prod_D shop1 500 30% 600 8% t3 rowCrit
11 Prod_D shop1 130 4% 300 4% t3 2024-S
12 Total 1810 3037
14 600 Step2
15 300 lookup_array ret_array1 ret_array2
16 P-Line_B 2024-S Product Type
17 Prod_E shop2 75 10% 450 10% t1
18 Prod_F shop4 60 8% 370 4% t2
19 Prod_F shop1 500 11% 850 4% t2 Step3
20 Prod_G shop3 350 8% 150 15% t3 Rows Start
21 Prod_G shop3 60 47% 600 7% t4 10 2
22 Prod_G shop4 90 25% 830 35% t4
23 Prod_G shop2 390 9% 325 13% t1
24 Prod_G shop3 90 30% 300 9% t3 Step4
25 Prod_G shop4 90 5% 300 12% t3 Product Type 2024-S
26 Prod_G shop4 120 24% 300 24% t4 Prod_D t3 600
27 Prod_G shop4 135 35% 480 17% t4 Prod_G t4 600
28 Prod_H shop2 935 27% 230 16% t1 Prod_D t3 500
29 Prod_I shop3 134 18% 600 42% t2 Prod_G t4 480
30 Total 3029 5785 Prod_D t3 300
31 Prod_G t3 300
32 Prod_G t3 300
33 Prod_G t4 300
34 Prod_G t3 150


The final Output is Range M26:O34 which is a descending list based on the lookup_array in Cell M16 and multiple column and row filters (Range M6:M8, Range N6:O8, Range O6:O8 and Cell M11) and selected positions in the rank based on Cell M21 and Cell N21.

To get this list the following steps are required:
(You can also see the steps in the table in Column M so it is easier to follow the instructions)

  1. Define multiple column criteria in Range M6:O6 and a row criteria in Cell M11. These criteria are all AND criteria. After filtering the list it should be sorted descending.
  2. Based on Step1 you will have a descending list fulfilling the column and row criteria. For this list the corresponding values based on ret_array1 in Cell N16 and ret_array2 in Cell O16 should be added.
    (Note: lookup_array = rowCrit --> Cell M16 = Cell M11)
  3. From the list in Step2 only the values that are ranked in positions based on Cell M21 and Cell N21 should be displayed.
    In this case the 10 positions after the 1st position.
  4. After Step1-3 in Step4 the final list should appear.

Therefore, summarized I need these two formulas:

Formula 1: Getting a descending list considering multiple criteria and only display certain positions from this list.
Fromula 2: Getting the corresponding data to it based on multiple flexible return_arrays.

Current Status

With help from previous questions I have been able to apply these two formulas:

1. Getting the required list
Answer from this question


This formula already works perfectly without any issue.

2. Getting the correspondig data
Answer from this question


This formula almost gives me the correct result.


Regarding the second formula I do not know how to apply SEQUENCE to it and how to order the columns so they match with the desired result displayed in the above table.

What I like about both formulas is that it is very easy to chain additional column criteria to them since in my orginal file I have even more. It would be great to keep this flexibility.

Do you have any idea how to solve the issue?

  • Try: =LET( a,COUNTIF(M6:M8,A1:A31)+AND(M6:M8=""), b,COUNTIF(N6:N8,C1:C31)+AND(N6:N8=""), c,COUNTIF(O6:O8,K1:K31)+AND(O6:O8=""), WRAPROWS(TOCOL(INDEX(SORT(FILTER(HSTACK(CHOOSECOLS(A1:K31,XMATCH(HSTACK(N16,O16,M16),A1:K1)),FILTER(A1:K31,A1:K1=M11,"")),a*b*c,""),3,-1),SEQUENCE(M21,,N21),{1,2,3}),2),3)) Commented Jul 9 at 17:14

1 Answer 1


Try :

enter image description here

    _a, COUNTIF(M6:M8,A1:A31)+AND(M6:M8=""),
    _b, COUNTIF(N6:N8,C1:C31)+AND(N6:N8=""),
    _c, COUNTIF(O6:O8,K1:K31)+AND(O6:O8=""),
    _d, CHOOSECOLS(A1:K31,XMATCH(HSTACK(N16,O16,M16),A1:K1)),
    _e, SORT(FILTER(HSTACK(_d,FILTER(A1:K31,A1:K1=M11,"")),_a*_b*_c,""),3,-1),

Depending on the language that you are using in your Excel the {1,2,3} might be entered as {1.2.3} to make it work.

For example in German Excel the formula works like this:

    _a; ZÄHLENWENN(M6:M8;A1:A31)+UND(M6:M8="");
    _b; ZÄHLENWENN(N6:N8;C1:C31)+UND(N6:N8="");
    _c; ZÄHLENWENN(O6:O8;K1:K31)+UND(O6:O8="");
    _e; SORTIEREN(FILTER(HSTAPELN(_d;FILTER(A1:K31;A1:K1=M11;""));_a*_b*_c;"");3;-1);

Alternatively replacing {1.2.3} with SEQUENZ(;3) also works:

    _a; ZÄHLENWENN(M6:M8;A1:A31)+UND(M6:M8="");
    _b; ZÄHLENWENN(N6:N8;C1:C31)+UND(N6:N8="");
    _c; ZÄHLENWENN(O6:O8;K1:K31)+UND(O6:O8="");
    _e; SORTIEREN(FILTER(HSTAPELN(_d;FILTER(A1:K31;A1:K1=M11;""));_a*_b*_c;"");3;-1);

  • 1
    See question in edited answer.
    – Michi
    Commented Jul 10 at 6:20
  • 1
    For me is ok if you post an Excel.
    – Michi
    Commented Jul 10 at 6:29
  • 1
    Yes, these are numbers. I just aligned them to the left.
    – Michi
    Commented Jul 10 at 6:31
  • 1
    First guess from me is that this part {1;2;3} could cause the issue. In German Excel format I need to change from "," to ";" in the formula. Probably, in this part of the formula I need to stay with ",". However, when I change this part to "," an Excel error message pops up: "There's a problem with this formula". What is also weird is that when I open your link the name of the formulas are translated to German but the "," stays and the formula works. See Screenshot3 which I attached.
    – Michi
    Commented Jul 10 at 6:42
  • 1
    The change to the "." worked. Upvote for extra help from my side.
    – Michi
    Commented Jul 10 at 6:50

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