I am trying to generate client in twilio , it was working fine , but suddenly I am facing error

const client = new Client(page.props.value.chat.token, { logLevel: 'debug' });
client.on("initFailed", ({ error }) => {
console.log("client initialized failed: " + error.message);

This is my code and getting error in the block saying 2024-07-09T12:53:23.808Z Twilsock D: FSM: userConnect: disconnected --> connecting ChatBox.vue:846 2024-07-09T12:53:23.812Z Twilsock D: Adding starting timepoint for 'twilsock.sdk.connect' event ChatBox.vue:855 client initialized failed: Twilsock has disconnected. ChatBox.vue:855 client initialized failed: Connection error: Invalid Access Token issuer/subject


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