I was trying to use a legacy script from a qualcomm flashing package (Packaged for QFIL)

examining the script I found that it is:

  1. Python 2.7.18 (I'm have little or no experience with it.
  2. It makes imports - almost all of which succed before stopping here: import meta_lib as lb import meta_log as lg

what I've done so far: 1)installed python 2.7.18 and created a virtual environment and activated it. 2) tried looking up the packages using pip(from environment) - failed. 3) tried looking up forums. only found one hit for meta_log (only) and that too on stackexchange. Didn't answer my question though. 4) I also tried conda. Didn't find these packages there too.

I tried looking up the PyPi and googling for these packages.

I searched GitHub and finally StackExchange.

  • Thanks friend. This is what I wanted! I wish you had posted this as an answer. You not just gave me the entire SDK, but also pointed out the specific scripts.😇 ... I had given up but needed it again today so I returned to thank you.
    – Nayan
    Commented Jul 15 at 9:37
  • I don't thank just a link is good for an answer. I'm glad I was helpful, that's enough. Good luck!
    – phd
    Commented Jul 15 at 11:08
  • could you please provide more details on what chipset and build details you are using. Thank you. Commented Jul 17 at 19:16
  • two devices with: Qualcomm MSM8905 Snapdragon 205 Qualcomm MSM8939v2 Snapdragon 616
    – Nayan
    Commented Jul 19 at 8:29


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