I do not understand why Visual Studio skips all the projects to do rebuild of the solution.

The output console only shows that the projects were skipped.

I have tried deleting the bin, obj and .vs folders, but that did not work.

I have tried to restart the computer - but that also did not work.

Include call a team mate, and in Visual Studio of my team mate, the rebuild works fine. This only occurs in my Visual Studio.

output rebuild

Has anyone had this error?

Where I can see more information about the skipped projects and the reason for skipping them?

  • Use Build > Configuration Manager. Commented Jul 4 at 16:29

1 Answer 1


Regarding the issue of projects being skipped when building, I recommend that you right-click on the solution, select "Properties", and then select "Configuration Properties". Here you can select the projects to build.

In addition, here is a post with similar issues to yours, you can refer to the other suggestions there:

How to determine why visual studio might be skipping projects when building a solution

  • In the post provide by @cody liang I found the solution: Remove the project of the solution , and after, add existing projects one by one
    – rub
    Commented Jul 8 at 8:46

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