
I am a beginner to Git. I cloned a repo from GitHub I had created myself, now when I open it on VSCode it says:

The git repository at "c:\Users\my-user\Documents\my-directory" has too many active changes, only a subset of Git features will be enabled.

enter image description here

I have tried the following:

C:\Users\my-user\Documents\my-directory> git rev-parse --show-top-level

Then I've deleted the .git file in my directory, and made sure I didn't have any .git file above:

C:\Users\my-user\Documents\my-directory>git rev-parse --show-toplevel
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Afterwards I did either one of git init, or initializing the repo on VSCode itself, but it is still the same.

How can I get rid of all of these changes?


1 Answer 1



I actually created a virtual environment (.venv) in the folder from pip install -r requirements.txt, which is where all files come from (see all paths start with .venv\).

So I created a .gitignore file in my folder and added a single line: .venv/*. Solved.

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