
We are unable to add xpath for TTD Desktop application for Mac in Forms Mode. There entire UI View is considered as a single screen(identifier). We are trying to capture xpath for each element in the view.

However, we are getting only one xpath for whole UI elements which is nothing but the NSScrollView's xpath. In NSScrollview, we are adding number of different UI elements.

Below is the xpath we have captured from the forms mode.(screenshot atatched)

"/AXApplication[@AXTitle='TurboTax']/AXWindow[@**AXTitle='S1040PERbfdi10103218'** and @AXIdentifier='_NS:68' and @AXSubrole='AXStandardWindow']/AXGroup[@AXIdentifier='_NS:48']/AXSplitGroup[@AXIdentifier='_NS:177']/AXScrollArea[@AXIdentifier='_NS:115']"

enter image description here

From the above attached screenshot, we can see certain ui elements which is first name,last name, Occupation etc added in scroll view. We need to add xpath for each element.


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