big disclaimer: I'm a noob. I'm just getting started in the world of version control systems.

This is what I would like to achieve: 2 pcs in 2 different places that can work on the same projects, through gitlab, both able to get the full project list through the [get from version control > gitlab] dialog.

This is what my current setup looks like:

  • I have pycharm 2024.1 on both machines
  • sync is ON for both versions of pycharm (Settings > Settings Sync)
  • One machine is running on win11, the other on win10 (can't upgrade, too old)
  • All projects correctly pushed into the gitlab online repository
  • Activated login with gitlab token on both machines

This is what I'm getting: -on the original machine where I usually work (win10) everything is smooth, I can push projects, clone projects, no issues at all. -on the new machine (win11) when I try to clone a project through the "get from VCS" button, on the gitlab section the project list is always empty. The only way I have to clone a project is to manually enter the repository url

I tried to delete and recreate tokens, change settings, reinstalling git, but seems all to no avail. I'm sure that in my noobishness I missed some critical step, however I can't figure out which one.

Any help on this would be highly appreciated.


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