I have a file A on branch old_branch that exists as multiple files A, B, C on a different branch new_branch. I need to merge old_branch into new_branch which would require me to resolve the merge conflicts between old branch A and new branch A. The parts of A that were split off into B and C would not appear as conflicts as they are new files. I would like to compare all changes (A vs A+B+C).

I could git diff A with individual files but a combined diff would be helpful.

  • Just so I understand the question better; you're looking for a unified diff of A on old_branch with A, B and C on new_branch? A unified diff is a format that GNU diff and Git use, but can only represent the differences between two files. Therefore a 'unified diff' between A and A, B, C doesn't quite make sense. You may wish to rephrase your question.
    – Andy J
    Commented Jun 21 at 12:18
  • Why not combine the files and diff them? Commented Jun 21 at 13:06