I'm looking for a solution to run a gremlin tinkerpop graph locally to use for toy graphs for unit testing with Jest. I saw tinkergraph, but it doesn't appear to have a javascript implementation that I can find. Any recommended solutions would be appreciated.

I am currently testing by querying my neptune instance, which is obviously not ideal from a speed or cost basis.

3 Answers 3


You can run Gremlin Server locally. Either as a binary [1] or use the pre-built container image [2].

[1] https://tinkerpop.apache.org/download.html

[2] https://hub.docker.com/r/tinkerpop/gremlin-server


I'm using testcontainers to run integration tests in my Node app.

For the container actually running you can follow this guide to try to mimic Neptune as close as possible in your local/CI env https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/automated-testing-of-amazon-neptune-data-access-with-apache-tinkerpop-gremlin/


Try gremlin-air-routes-api Kit

This project contains:

  1. A gremlin server that runs locally pre-loaded with the Air-Routes Example Dataset. This requires Docker or Docker Desktop on your system.

  2. Contains a basic Node.js/web page combo that uses Gremlin.js API to access the Gremlin Server via TypeScript based code.


You should be able to launch the system quickly and start testing and then use that to code other Node.js project with Gremlin.

If you improve this, please send me a Pull Request.

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