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Twilio <Client> and <SIP> with <Enqueue> and <Queue>: BLF Not Glowing on Yealink T31 When Call is Parked

I'm currently working on a project using Twilio and Yealink T31 hardphones. I'm leveraging Twilio's <Client> and <SIP> verbs for handling calls, and using <Enqueue> and <Queue> ...
Soap Nab's user avatar
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Twilio SIP Refer IP Confusion

I am working on a Voice call bot. Here a general user will use their phone to make a normal call to a number and then that call will be transferred to our SIP domain on twilio. Now under certain ...
Ramsai Tatikonda's user avatar
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How to handle "hangup" event while processing a widget

I faced the Error - 81002 in Twillio call. When a hangup event occurs during execution of a widget function, it interrupts without transitioning to the next flow. Is there a way to capture the hangup ...
ESK's user avatar
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Virtual Phone not functioning properly

I am currently using a non-verified Toll Free Number (nvTFN) and am having trouble trouble messaging it from a virtual number using the Virtual Phone UI and Studio Flow, which the nvTFN is expected to ...
Gaurav Varma's user avatar
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twiML to redirect a call to a new studio flow

I have a studio flow (A) which includes a twiML redirect widget. This executes the following twiMl. The URL is webhook address of a different studio Flow (B) <Response> <Say>Your ...
iasksillyquestions's user avatar
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Connecting to SendGrid API via Postman

I am trying to connect to the SendGrid API via Postman. I've got my API key sorted and imported the postman collection from SendGrid, and some of the endpoints are working fine. For example, I can ...
Badger8808's user avatar
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No Twilio Console Errors, But Twilio Voice Call Does Not Go Through?

I'm working on getting Twilio app-to-phone voice calls working. Here's my current flow. Client clicks the "Make Call" button on my website. My site sets up the Twilio device and calls const ...
VikR's user avatar
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Why are my emails with sendgrid attaching a blank csv?

when attaching a file (csv) to an email I am sending with SendgridAPI in python, I am receiving the email with the correct file name attached, but the csv is blank and does not contain the content of ...
Jack-e-met's user avatar
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twilio sip registraion - BE node, FE react native (Twilio Register SIP Endpoint)

I have configured twilio SIP domain, TwiML app and credentials list for users. But I am unable to register users in Registered SIP endpoints. Is it possible to register from react-native app? I am ...
Ubaid's user avatar
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Twilio Incoming webhook for Whatsapp

I was working on whatsapp integration with an app. I've figured out outgoing messages statuses. I want to configure incoming messages from customer, but i couldn't found a way to put URL so that ...
Hafiz Badar's user avatar
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I have setuupped server for twilio, where a user will call a twilio number and we can able to capture the stream.but i am getting a error regarding websocket mismatch. I am unable to figure it out how ...
KP TECH's user avatar
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How to update AWS Pinpoint endpoint's OptOut attribute when user clicks on unsubscribe link?

I am using Amazon Pinpoint service to launch an email campaign to my users for marketing purpose and in my email message template I have used List-Unsubscribe and List-Unsubscribe-Post header to allow ...
Usama Abubakar's user avatar
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ASTRO / SendGrid - Redirecting when sending is successful or gives error

I have an issue with Astro.redirect. It constantly gives me an error: "AstroError [ResponseSentError]: The response has already been sent to the browser and cannot be altered" I just want to ...
Carlos's user avatar
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Could not find com.getkeepsafe.relinker:relinker:1.2.2

My steps are very simple. react-native init exampleApp npm install react-native-twilio-programmable-voice react-native run-android FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Could not ...
corasphinx's user avatar
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Custom Audio Device for Twilio Javascript SDK

Is there a similar approach to the Custom Audio Device using the Twilio Javascript SDK like the Android and iOS SDKs have? I'm aware of the AudioWorkletProcessor framework to access the microphone ...
Paulo Taylor's user avatar
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Configure a non-Twilio number to CRM

I subscribed to a number from a local telco provider and completed the BYON process with Twilio Support. After testing, I successfully sent a WhatsApp message to the non-Twilio number and captured the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How do I implement a zero (or negative)-timeout Gather to allow users to optionally respond to a Voice prompt followed by another Gather?

Imagine this desired behavior: You call my Twilio number. A voice answers, saying "Press 9 for Spanish support. Otherwise, tell me what you want help with." In order to parse a button-press ...
actinidia's user avatar
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Twilio Stream with Ambience Sound in Node.js

I am using this code for one of my project. Everything works well but I am not able to add ambiance sound like office sound that user can hear so AI can process ...
kapilkarda's user avatar
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Can I use openPhone and Twilio with the same phone number?

I currently have an OpenPhone account with an SIP phone number. I would like to automate SMS messaging. I looked into Twilio and thought it could be a good solution, except I seem to run into the ...
Guillaume's user avatar
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Server-side playing of digit (DTMF tone) during call

I have a server-side app (written in C#) that creates a call between a JavaScript client and an external phone number. What I'm trying to do is, in response to a server-side event (which can happen ...
Stephen Collins's user avatar
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In twilio after conversion of simple call to conference , initial user gets droped

public function createConferenceFromOngoingCall($callSid, $newParticipant, $initialUser, $secondUser) { try { $client = $this->createClient(); $newParticipantSid ...
Dhruvi's user avatar
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Cost effective way to implement text messages for my event reminder application?

I'm building an event reminder application that I plan to host and maintain on AWS. I want to offer email and text messaging as reminder options. I've been able to configure email simply using SES. (...
solidsnake99's user avatar
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What do I do about the error "TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined"

I have been trying to run an app where I can set up an email. When I run it on the localhost, I get a 202 response, but I don't get an email. I conclude that this is because it is the localhost and ...
user 124816's user avatar
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Twillio Call transfer

I am implementing call transfer in Twilio , where A and B are connected via simple non-conference call but now B dials to C and I want A and C to be connected to ongoing call removing B from middle. I ...
Dhruvi Nonghanvadra's user avatar
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Trouble with Twilio whatsapp messaging, status 403

hope someone can assist, been beating my head against the wall for several months on this. I'm developing an app that takes form values from the font end and process via the back end function below. ...
hectorHumanDev's user avatar
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how can I ascertain my TWILIO credentials are correct?

I am making a flask app that users can call a number and then get predetermined responses based on input. I got this number from TWILIO and my SID, auth_token from my TWILIO console. The basic flow is ...
user26347577's user avatar
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Correct way to implement an email verification

In simple steps, I assume the steps to implement an email verification is as: user enters details -> signup server sends email with a token with metadata + expiration set user clicks on the link ...
BumbleBee's user avatar
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How do i establish a connection with twillio (THROUGH ZAPIER) for whatsapp messaging with API Request (Beta)?

im trying to figure out how i can establish an funnelish abandoned checkout flow with whatsapp messaging (Towards the customer). Does anyone have experience with setting up the API Request (Beta) in ...
EcomBob's user avatar
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Twilio voice call not working in expo react native (IOS)

I have integrated Twilio video call functionality in an expo application in react native. But when trying to integrate the voice it's not working. I have created the voice token from backend and ...
abhishek p s's user avatar
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Twilio conversations group SMS not working

Following the twilio documentation to create conversations. I see other posts about deprecation for new users but that's 2 years old. Wanted to see if anyone has figured out group conversations on ...
Neel Shah's user avatar
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Twilsock Disconnected

I am trying to generate client in twilio , it was working fine , but suddenly I am facing error const client = new Client(, { logLevel: 'debug' }); client.on("...
Dhruvi's user avatar
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Twilio: How to transcribe a recorded dialed call?

I'm developing a Typescript app where I'll make some phone calls using Twilio. My goal is to save the calls' transcriptions. These are the current attributes I'm passing to Twilio's Dial verb: record: ...
Tsarsko Petrovich's user avatar
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From mobile side the the virtualBackground is getting streched?

I'm using the Twilio library for video calling and have implemented functionality to add a virtual background behind the video track. Initially, I used OffscreenCanvas, but it's not supported in ...
sohaib's user avatar
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Swift Twilio Conversations, how to create/save a TCHMessage?

In Twilio in Swift, is it possible to encode, or save to defaults (which requires it to be encoded anyway), or create a TCHMessage? I really need to experiment with TCHMessages, in order to develop ...
Vladimir Despotovic's user avatar
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Connect Flow created in Twilio Studio to a Twilio Phone Number via Terraform

I would like to connect flow that created in Twilio Studio to a Twilio Phone Number via Terraform. In browser URL this possibility is under following URL: phone-numbers/manage/incoming/PN<number>...
Slideroh's user avatar
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Twilio conversation to Conference call from Simple call

I want to add users to simple call generated using twilio to update it to conference call public function forwardCallToUser(Request $request) { $client = new Client($accountSid, $...
Dhruvi's user avatar
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WebGL is not allowing me to set the image to contain in the VirtualBackgroundProcessor

I tried using the canvas2D pipeline, and it worked fine as the background was contained. However, it didn't work on Safari browser, so I switched to the WebGL pipeline. Now, the issue is that the ...
sohaib's user avatar
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Twilio error while accepting the incoming call

Error of @twilio_conversation…js?v=582255ec:11005 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Forbidden at Upstream2._callee$ (@twilio_conversation…v=582255ec:11005:27) at tryCatch (chunk-NHAX666J.js?v=...
Dhruvi's user avatar
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Twilio Voice Error Handling in case of application error has been occurs

I have setup Twilio Voice. any incoming call comes to twilio number is going to handle backend service which is running on instance with the /voice endpoint and same endpoint has been set up on twilio ...
Kevin Thoriya's user avatar
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how to use twilio voice node in thingsboard cloud

When using twilio voice rule chains node in thingsboard cloud 'com/ctc/wstx/stax/WstxInputFactory' An error occurs. Are there any cases of successfully using twilio voice node on thingsboard cloud? I ...
김성노's user avatar
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Twilio webhook POST to app api endpoint (hosted on heroku) hits status 403

My app works great in development, coded my own text messaging route in sveltekit. In development I use nGrok over http and that works great. once deployed to heroku the incoming POST webhook (from an ...
Jacksonvoice's user avatar
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How to let users add an attachment to a SendGrid form (Wix velo code, javascript)?

I see plenty of answers around the internet, including the Wix community forum: BUT they require a .js setup, while I already ...
JohnOle's user avatar
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how to check in twilio, which number will be used to send text from & to, i need it to be my number & not any random no., how to verify or change?

So i'm a bit new and i tried to do this tutorial but i'm confused about the trial number provided by the twilio and was wondering how can i change it, i have linked the video i was referring to #...
mahek mahto's user avatar
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Setting up a Cypress test suite to test a Twilio Flex application

I have been trying to setup an automated integration test for our Flex applicaiton. We have a fairly complicated application and want to automate more tests before each release and if we could ...
Bill Leeper's user avatar
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How do you display an alphabetical caller name of a customer like 'Joe' for an incoming call when forwarding the call to an agent/staff cellphone?

We have developed a telephony CRM solution for our customers, many of whom are small businesses. I will refer to the businesses as our customers and the businesses customers as clients for the ...
Raj's user avatar
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Twilio Flex Unified Profile's History feature not working properly

I am trying to implement History feature in my Twilio Flex. This feature comes under Unified Profiles (which is under Beta version). I have uploaded dummy users list containing phone number, email, ...
Tarun Ohri's user avatar
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Error initializing background blur processor: TypeError: window.createTwilioTFLiteModule is not a function at GaussianBlurBackgroundProcessor

I'm trying to add a blur effect to a Twilio videoTrack, but I'm encountering an error and I'm unsure how to resolve it. Can you provide guidance on troubleshooting this issue? import { ...
sohaib's user avatar
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Twilio is calling both static and dynamic webhooks

I have a twilio number setup for my application. Messaging service URL is configured to call one of my application's static API endpoints when a new message received. Once a new message received, I'm ...
Sajithd's user avatar
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How to Minimize Delay in Twilio's Speech Recognition Gather Action Response?

I am developing a speech recognition system using Twilio and a Node.js application. The goal is to play an audio clip immediately after the user stops speaking during a call. Twilio Calls Logs However,...
Huzaifa Jalil's user avatar
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SendGrid message API query

I am trying to use the SendGrid email activity API to retrieve a list activities from a celery task in python. I'm using the sendgrid library version 6.11.0 ( I ...
user1686620's user avatar
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