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CI/CD Collective


Browse questions with relevant CI/CD tags

113,344 questions

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Multi-line strings for terraform local-exec commands

I am studying Terraform. Currently, I am deploying my application to AWS. I use EC2, Cluster, Task Definition, ASG, and others. My application deployment includes building a Docker image with my Java ...
Максим Матвейчук's user avatar
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How to Solve on Dependabot: Requirements to unlock update_not_possible

I am trying to implement dependabot on my Organization AZureDevOps Pipeline. We have multi repos. I am Using a script ps1 to distribute for all the repos the Github/dependabot.yaml file and the ...
Malasartes's user avatar
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Gitlab CICD rule gets disregarded when passing a variable from the upstream to the downstream pipeline

I have a multi pipeline project setup, where the e2e project is defined as a trigger job in the client/server projects. My goal is to not run the e2e stage on scheduled pipelines. In my gitlab-ci.yml ...
mih-ana's user avatar
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How to reset Jenkins workspace path

After aborting a pipeline Jenkins changed the workspace from opt/jenkins/workspace/some-project to opt/jenkins/workspace/some-project@2. This is not a problem for the execution of another build, ...
Furman's user avatar
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Github actions trigger Jenkins job on VPC

I have a github actions and a jenkins setup on our internal VPC. I need to trigger specific job on this jenkins setup from the github actions. please suggest ideas to achieve this. One of the strategy ...
Hetvi Jhaveri's user avatar
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Why jenkins setup is not responding after the below mentioned step

The Jenkins setup window is not working after the destination screen i just need to install the jenkin on windows i downloaded the jenkins for windows setup and tried to install but i couldn't able to ...
Sangeetha Sargunasamy's user avatar
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Custom Github Action - Access Github Secrets / environment variable

I'm creating a custom Github Action. I'd like to share this action with others. The issue I'm facing is that within the action code I need to use an API. I'd like to be able to have my code in the ...
says's user avatar
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Github actions job being cancelled due to (likely) concurrency issues?

Here is my workflow file: name: Run Tests on: push: branches: - main - 'dev' - 'unstable' jobs: run-unit-tests: concurrency: ...
notacorn's user avatar
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Getting error while building CICD Pipeline (yaml) for ADF

I am building CI/CD Pipeline using yaml script for ADF deployment. But my build job is failing in the 'Validate and Generate ARM Template' task. Although my 'validate' task is successfull. I have used ...
Rituparna Bandyopadhyay's user avatar
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Unable to recognise previous job names in gitlab pipeline

Build.yml stages: - build .build_template: stage: build image: $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/nextgen-app:$APP_TAG before_script: - | { echo "@paloma:registry=${...
kittu's user avatar
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How to automatically run pull requests from an Azure DevOps pipeline

I'm trying to write a pipeline in Azure DevOps that can look at some code I write in VSCode and automatically add., commit, and push it without me every having to do anything in the console. Here is ...
jrmj4495's user avatar
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does vault agent generate approle secret id after it expire?

I inject the role ID and secret ID of Hashicorp vault using Jenkins during the build stage of my app docker image. Then, the vault agent read the role ID and secret ID connect to vault and deliver ...
habib ammar's user avatar
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How can I debug access denied for accessing the server by gitlab-ci?

I have an gitlab-ci script that connects to the production server and does a git pull when I merge something to master branch automatically: stages: - deploy deploy_job: stage: deploy ...
stack's user avatar
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sh 'npm install' cmd not working in jenkins pipeline. Note: jenkins is installed inside windows

I am writing a simple jenkins files to test, build and deploy angular application. but my jenkins pipeline is failing at sh 'npm install' Here is my jenkins pipeline script pipeline { agent any ...
Aakash Giri's user avatar
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Bitbucket/Firebase-deploy upload returned 400

I am migrating CI from appcenter to bibucket and firebase. The build is okay, but I am getting error on deploying the file to Firebase. Here's the error INFO: Executing the pipe... INFO: Starting ...
Riku's user avatar
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Show CI/CD Status overview of all repositories

I created a GitHub Organization with 10 Repositories. Eeach of them has own CI/CD GitHub Actions Pipeline. The Problem is, if something not work on staging, I need to open each repository manualy and ...
Tristate's user avatar
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Azure Pipeline timeout with testcontainers

I have a similar issue as this: Testcontainers: Azure pipeline test stage reach timeout of 1hour I would have commented there but I can't comment because I don't have 50 reputation. It's the same case,...
davor300's user avatar
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bitbucket pipeline - don't see test report

I am using bitbucket pipeline to run my pytest. pytest generates the junit xml report, which according to bitbucket pipeline document, supports it. however, I don't see report in either build or pull ...
Gaurang Shah's user avatar
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Use credentials in jenkins properties

I am trying to create a custom list with every branch/tag from a specific SVN repository in jenkins. I am using a groovy script in order to create the required list as the List Subversion tags (and ...
Pantelisy's user avatar
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Unable to add repository to ArgoCD

We're currently trying to provision a High-Availability ArgoCD instance onto our kubernetes cluster using the argocd helm chart (7.2.0) to provision our applications. Our infrastructure is on AWS and ...
gergokovacs711's user avatar
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Github Actions: Array String as an input from a env variable

I am using docker/build-push-action@v5 and need to pass build-contexts from variable. Its type is List of strings: If I specify ...
Andrius's user avatar
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Azure Devops Linux Agent Powershell

I'm trying to import a custom Powershell module which contains several functions. I would like to use the functions in all the next steps in the pipeline without having to import them every time. ...
Rick's user avatar
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Jenkins UI: User Builds Are Often Mixed Up with Other Users' Builds

The following page in Jenkins is supposed to list the builds started by a specefic user: https://<jenkins.domain>/user/<username>/builds However, this page often includes builds triggered ...
dhiaa ben hamadou's user avatar
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Why do GitHub action jobs block when running maven-surefire-plugin?

I am trying to parallelize the execution of tests using the maven-surefire-plugin in a GitHub action. The action looks like this: jobs: build: strategy: matrix: os: [ubuntu-latest, ...
NeverEver's user avatar
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2 answers

Use Azure Pipeline UI or queue-time variable valueas optional with fallback default value

In Azure Pipelines, I need to have an optional variable (say BuildConfiguration) set either in Pipeline settings UI or at queue time If the variable exists in Pipeline settings UI or at queue-time, ...
Rizan Zaky's user avatar
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How to access the server through SSH without asking for password? [duplicate]

I have the following command: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected]... "cd /var/www/api && git pull origin master" I want to access it (named "destination server&...
stack's user avatar
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'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have created a job in Jenkins tool. I am getting error like this Started by user CodeBind Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace C:\Users\user_\OneDrive\Desktop\access-mgmt [access-mgmt] $ cmd.exe /...
Hema's user avatar
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Jenkins doesn't receive correct code from sh script out of podman container

I have a Jenkins pipeline where I run tests in a container and the tests are triggered by .sh script. There is an intermittent problem when script returns exit code 1, but some how Jenkins stage ...
Ellina's user avatar
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Build status is not published to GitLab server

I have a self-hosted environment that include: Jenkins version 2.440.2 running on Linux 5.10.0-30-amd64 GitLab-CE version 17.1.1 running on Linux 6.6.32-current-rockchip Until recent GitLab-CE ...
Nick S's user avatar
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How to handle multiple data sources with credentials when you're deploying AAS model through Azure DevOPS release pipeline

I have a tabular model with two data source connections. Both data sources connect to different servers (and databases) to retrieve data for the tables in the model. Within Azure DevOps, I have ...
Abdio68's user avatar
  • 57
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Github Action Docker Build Segmentation fault for ARM64/v8

I am trying to build a docker image and publish it to Github Container Registery that can be started on my Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 22.04, ARM64/v8. Build for amd64 forks perfectly, but whenever i ...
TheSecurity's user avatar
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TeamCity Dependency Resolve on Base-Branches

I am currently facing the following problem, there is a multi-repository structure with 2 repositories, A and B. For building B we need to build A first as a dependency. Additionally, when changes to ...
Anima's user avatar
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How to create multiline text file in Forgejo (using Github Actions syntax)?

I'm trying to setup runner on Forgejo instance (which is Gitea fork), it uses Github Actions syntax. I have following yaml file: name: Android CI on: [push] jobs: build: runs-on: high ...
Tauri's user avatar
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'npm run build' failed in Github actions and frontend-maven-plugin for Java spring-boot app

I am building a monolithic app using Java spring-boot and Reacjs for UI. My repository is hosted on Github and I am using Github Actions to build the repo on every commit. I am using the frontend-...
cptdanko's user avatar
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Power-Automate: Azure DevOps connector - when a build completes trigger output "Parameters" is always empty

I am working on a teams notifications automation for my pipeline. I would like to output details of this pipeline to my teams channel when build completes successfully. Every needed output from ...
Kopolomo03's user avatar
-1 votes
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Dynamic step blocks in Terraform google_cloudbuild_trigger resulting in argument Unsupported errors

I am attempting to dynamically generate blocks within a google_cloudbuild_trigger resource "google_cloudbuild_trigger" "push_to_production" { name = "cloudbuild-workers"...
XaxD's user avatar
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Why installation of dotnet-ef fails even if --ignore-failed-sources is specified

I'm building a .NET 6 project via Azure DevOps Pipelines. One of the step is to install the Entity Framework tools so a later step can generate a SQL migration script. However, the installation step ...
alik's user avatar
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How do I use the Jenkins workspace cleanup plugin?

I installed the 0.46 I added to my jenkins pipeline: post { // Clean after build always { cleanWs(cleanWhenNotBuilt:...
Bryan Tan's user avatar
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yq utility fails with error: unknown shorthand flag: 'c' in -c

I am trying to use yq utility to parse for validation values.yaml files, the resources block in particular. Below is a simple gitlab ci pipeline that I created to test yq utility stages: - test ...
iMAN's user avatar
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ssh permission denied while running jenkins

+ ssh -i /home/ubuntu/myphpApp/key.pem [email protected] /bin/bash Warning: Identity file /home/ubuntu/myphpApp/key.pem not accessible: Permission denied. [email protected]: Permission denied (...
Patil's user avatar
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GitHub Actions Self-Hosted Runner Build code

I have following that needs to be executed through a self-hosted runner. MSBuild HelloWorldCustomRunner.sln /property:Configuration=Release /t:Clean;Build I keep getting the below error: Build is not ...
Nesan Mano's user avatar
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GitHub Action uploading artifacts -fails to see files

I'm having an issue trying to upload artifacts from cypress (e2e) tests in a GitHub Action. Where the issue is likely because I'm not clear on the GitHub Action syntax. name: Test cypress action on: ...
Yunti's user avatar
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How do you browse a GitLab CI build after it fails?

Situtaion I push code to my repo on my self-hosted GitLab server. It triggers my runner to run my CI job. The CI job fails. Now I want to go investigate the scene of the crime. Question How can I ...
nullromo's user avatar
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Building react app with github actions then pushing build to digital ocean apps

I am trying to build my react app on github actions then deploy it to digital oceans app platform. It keeps building but doesn't seem to actually be making changes, here is my actions script. I'm also ...
Cameron Hanton's user avatar
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How to perform in-place update of CredentialsParameter in jenkins pipeline groovy

Here's a simple stage wherein I'm looping through all jobs and checking if they have a CredentialParameterDefinition If yes, looping again within each job against all CredentialParameters and trying ...
anantha's user avatar
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Getting a timeout only in GitHub Actions when trying to use SQL Server with TestContainers

This is my first time trying to use TestContainer. I am using it to make sure the tests run on a fresh database. This works with Docker Desktop locally and runs quite fast. I am now testing to see how ...
Chris Felstead's user avatar
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Queries related to DevOps

I have certain queries regarding DevOps and automated testing: Q1. What are the most experienced challenges while using automated testing in the ci/cd pipeline? Q2. What are the different strategies ...
AKSHIT PATEL's user avatar
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Jenkins Coverage Plugin isn't publishing to GitHub

I have a .net test which generates a coverage report for my project, and it publishes the coverage report with Jenkins using the Coverage plugin ( However this ...
monkeymatrix's user avatar
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Adding github secrets to CI/CD actions to Vercel deployment

I want to build and deploy my NextJS app to Vercel with environments from github secrets (not from env file or from vercel directly). Here is my workflow (a development one): on: push: branches: ...
Paweł Gnat's user avatar
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How to get all the artifact names in deploy pipeline?

TL;DR: How to get all the artifact names in deploy pipeline? Hi, I have multiple branches, and a single generic build pipeline to build their artifacts artifact name example: ...
Tri's user avatar
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