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220,118 questions

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Not possible to connect to redis server

I am running a .NET application inside a Docker container and trying to connect it to an Azure Redis Cache instance. While I can successfully connect to the Redis instance using redis-cli from within ...
Soundarya Venkatesh's user avatar
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B2C Microsoft Graph query for Null values

I got a question from customer regarding make MSGraph query for Null values, they have a custom attribute. Reading the MSGraph, to make some queries using null I need Advanced Query, ConsistencyLevel ...
Eroilton Borges Junior's user avatar
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Azure batch translator status NotStarted after long

I am using the azure translation service to translate documents. I try each 5s calling the operation-location and if more than 500 retries I throw an error. So approx after 42 min I still receive the ...
Ajouve's user avatar
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CosmosDB Unique Key: concatenating fields vs composite key

Looking at a CosmosDb NoSQL instance, I need to introduce UniqueKeys into my Container, based on two field from my items: A and B. The docs mention I should create a compound key, using { A, B } in ...
David Beyda's user avatar
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Maven exclude works according to mvn depenency:tree but does not work according to maven-enforcer-plugin

Maven enforcer dependency convergence is getting tripped up despite the fact that I have (or believe I have) excluded the offending dependencies. Apache Maven 3.9.6 (...
BillRobertson42's user avatar
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Azure Cognitive Search Still Returns Deleted Files After Using Native Soft Delete

I’m encountering an issue where a file I deleted from my Azure Storage account (using the Containers Explorer) is still appearing in my Azure Cognitive Search results. I’m using the native soft delete ...
Su Myat's user avatar
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Can we create multiple Spark executors within a single driver node on a Databricks cluster?

I have a power user compute with a single driver node and I'm trying to parallelize forecasting across multiple series by aggregating the data and doing a groupBy and then an apply on the groupBy. The ...
Manav Karthikeyan's user avatar
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Log Springboot 3.3.1 applications logs in Azure application Insight

I need to store the all the application logs to azure applications insights. Im using springboot3.3.1 and Jdk 17 version. I tried whatever there in azure documentation but still its not working
AKR's user avatar
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Set value to a claim

I am using Azure AD B2C with custom policy. It authorizes local and social accounts. The claim for the local user is read from AD B2C and it contains the oid claim. The technical profile for the ...
Xile's user avatar
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Cloning Folder to Existing Name in Azure Storage Explorer

Is there anyway to clone a folder on top of / into (i.e. merge into) another folder in the Azure Storage Explorer? Using the "Clone Folder" feature leads to: Failed to clone 'xxx/yyy/'. An ...
Alex Rothberg's user avatar
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Azure Custom Claim Guest/External User

I am trying to add a custom claim in my JWT Token to distinguish between internal and external users in my Web App. Thus, I did the following App registrations -> <My application> -> ...
Georgios's user avatar
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Issue with Building .sqlproj Project on macOS Due to Missing SSDT References

I'm currently working on a .NET 6 project. It includes a .sqlproj file for database schema management. Problem faced When trying to build the project with the .sqlproj file on macOS, I get build ...
user26519071's user avatar
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Powershell if function calling another function

I have 2 functions when I call the second function from the first one, always returns true doesn't matter if the second function has false return: function IsPodRunning($podName) { Write-Output &...
Alberto Serrano's user avatar
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Azure dependency update for spring-cloud-azure-starter-keyvault-secret not loading spring context in test

After upgrading the version of library "spring-cloud-azure-starter-keyvault-secret" from 5.13 to 5.14 is breaking the build stating unable to load context in test. update done- <...
Anurag Yadav's user avatar
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Azure App Service Certificate cannot be deployed

Did anyone experience that Azure App Service Certifcate cannot be deployed? I recieve the following BadRequest message: { "code": "CertificateResellerWebService_CertificateValidationError", "...
Gabor Varga's user avatar
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How to get all the artifact names in deploy pipeline?

TL;DR: How to get all the artifact names in deploy pipeline? Hi, I have multiple branches, and a single generic build pipeline to build their artifacts artifact name example: ...
Tri's user avatar
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How to retrieve JSON string from the request body of POST method in Azure Functions?

From my JavaScript client, I send the JSON data using POST method fetch("https://%$%$%%$", { method: "POST", ...
Astroboy's user avatar
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How to get Project Name, Release Name, Release Date, Release Changes (Commit Message) From Azure Release APIs

I'm currently working on task the which is the goal from it is to give a table with the below data from all Pipeline releases on our Azure Dashboard from date 01/01/2024 to 01/06/2024. Project Name. ...
Loai amer's user avatar
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Azure DevOps pipeline for a repo with multiple solutions with multiple projects and dependencies on each other

I'm new to Azure DevOps. I have a repo that contains multiple solutions and each solution contains multiple projects. These projects have dependencies on each other. Projects are targeting .NET 4.7.1. ...
Cisco Cabe's user avatar
-2 votes
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Issues reading CSV file in Azure Machine Learning Studio

I am new to Azure Machine Learning Studio and facing an issue with reading CSV files in .ipynb notebooks. CatBoost.ipynb and data-23.csv have been uploaded under my username. Once the compute gets ...
shq's user avatar
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map.js:81 Error during search: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'initialize')

I dont know why Im getting this error. Here is my function that is throwing it: const handleSearch = async () => { if (!searchInput) return; setSearching(true); const credential = ...
StackBoy's user avatar
1 vote
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Replacing carriage return and line feeds in a text file using Azure Synapse

I am currently working on a project where I have to get data from an excel file in SharePoint, this file has multiple tabs, and I am using Azure Synapse Analytics to call a SharePoint API to get each ...
NatalieEV's user avatar
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How to retrieve Azure ADLS Gen2 Logs Using Rest API

I am looking for Azure Datalake Gen2 blob logs using REST API, currently I could see these logs can fetch when we enable Azure diagnostics setting like below. Currently we have enabled diagnostics ...
Brahmaiah Takkellapati's user avatar
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Azure Virtual Desktop session host "Custom configuration" does not get run

I am trying to create a host pool VM using the "Custom configuration" option. The custom solution suggested in the instructions (
jelder's user avatar
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Getting Copying from Column may have data truncation warning during mapping and type Float not compatible error in Data Factory under MS Fabric?

I am trying to create a pipeline in Data Factory service present under Microsoft Fabric in its trail license. This file is supposed to copy the data present in a file which is in *.txt.gz format ...
SRP's user avatar
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Getting error at data flow level while extracting data through REST API

I have an ADF pipeline with a REST API call that is supposed to return data in chunks, with a maximum of 100 records per page. In the below image it is showing until the Set No of pages required ...
Abhay Prasad's user avatar
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Path not recognised after deployment

In my PromptFlow, I define a path to a file as: path: str = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), folder_name, sub_folder_name, file_name, ) When I run this in VS Code on my PC [Windows], it ...
DrGriff's user avatar
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Azure OpenAI Collections is disabled

Why Azure OpenAI Collections is disabled? I've has cognitive permissions. I can create an azure open ai resource in Azure Portal. I've sent a request form to get access Azure Open AI services. The ...
Dmitry Zimin's user avatar
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Random and duplicate logging for Azure Functions and OpenTelemetry python

Log spamming I recently added OpenTelemetry to my azure function. The reason was because i wanted logging with custom dimensions. But when i added this, my app started spamming random logs around ...
Kanerix's user avatar
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How to configure Azure APIM enabling to access using oAuth2.0? Call the endpoints through Azure Function in a separate Azure Subscription with token

I have 2 separate Azure Subscriptions, one has APIM and another subscription has Azure Function, This Function is a consumer of APIM endpoints. The Problem Statement: Protect the APIM with OAuth2 and ...
Deepak Shaw's user avatar
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Azure: Open - File Warning pops up when App is started from Remote Desktop but not from the Desktop itself

In our Azure Cloud we have 2 Applications Groups: Desktop Apps The second App from the Apps Application Group is on a File Share in Azure. We start the App in an Azure VM (Windows 11) trough a ...
Alan Benet's user avatar
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Azure Front Door somethimes does not apply the expected block-action

In Azure Front Door, I have a Front Door WAF policy with a custom (example) rule that blocks all IP addresses starting with 111.222.: (where 10 is the lowest Priority, so first to be applied) When ...
Bart Kiers's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus seems to use HTTP long polling instead of AMQP

In our application, we use MassTransit and Azure Service Bus. Configuration code looks like this: x.UsingAzureServiceBus((context, cfg) => { var connectionString = builder.Configuration....
Michael Korbakov's user avatar
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How can I add a custom attribute to the Entra ID access token?

I'm trying to add custom attributes to my authentication token but I'm running into an issue with adding custom attribute. I've tried the methods suggested in: Issue to add custom claim "...
Enrico Arnaudo's user avatar
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The created FileHandler does not appear in OneDrive and SharePoint

I tried to develop a file handler for my OneDrive and SharePoint environment. I followed the document below : ...
Thorux's user avatar
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Azure Function App Cannot Access the Azure SQL Database

There is an Azure Function App that has the 'system assigned identity' enabled and a 'user assigned identity' (uai) linked. The 'uai' is also created under the Azure SQL database it needs to interact ...
Ian Carrick's user avatar
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How to push Open Telemetry Metrics to Azure App Insights using Azure Monitor Metric Exporter (Python)?

I'm quite new to Azure and OTEL, and currently exploring the options of integrating Open Telemetry with Application Insights in Azure. I was able to push traces using the AzureMonitorTraceExporter and ...
Kulasangar's user avatar
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How to Disable Password Text Box Before Email Verification in Azure AD B2C Custom Policy?

I have created a signup and signin user flow in Azure AD B2C. However, I need to implement it using a custom policy. In the user flow, Azure AD B2C disabled all component like "Password" ...
Afshin Alizadeh's user avatar
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spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory defines restricted resources

I am using Spring Cloud Azure 5.14.0. spring-cloud-azure-starter-active-directory I am using OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow to enable users in AAD to access my web application. With the ...
Xtonic Chen's user avatar
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How to Restrict On-Premises Access to Specific Endpoints in a Hub-and-Spoke VNet Architecture with Site-to-Site VPN?

I have a question related to this topic:
Freejack's user avatar
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Azure Vision Studio, Azure Content Safety studio permission error on Azure Student subscription

I am learning Azure Vision studio and Azure Content Safety studio. I signed in by Microsoft Azure Account with Azure Student subscription. but I am getting following error It seems my subscription ...
Kamran Asim's user avatar
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Grab the user details when a user authenticates an R shiny web app using Azure Active Directory

I am new to the concept of web apps deployed in Azure and related authentications. I have an R Shiny app, hosted as an app service in Azure cloud using Docker containers. I have few Azure user groups ...
Moohoo's user avatar
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Fetch documents/files from share point drive

We have multiple SharePoint sites, and our application is registered on the domain. Currently, we are trying to fetch documents from SharePoint using a client ID and secret, but we are encountering ...
Pooja Parmar's user avatar
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Private Azure Machine Learning Workspace getting forbidden to reach private Storage Account for SAS

My Azure Machine learning workspace is configured with private endpoint , my aml is configured to a Storage account which is also configured private endpoint and disabled the public access, My Storage ...
Jayendran's user avatar
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Synapse Notebook to Azure SQL Database connection issue

created Linked service to Azure SQL database in Synapse Analytics that uses Authentication type " System Assigned Managed Identity". Than referencing it in PySpark Notebook. Method ...
Balbeer Singh's user avatar
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Getting "System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Azure.Core, Version=" in Azure Function App

Currently, I am running a .NET 8 Azure Function app in Azure. It's a dotnet-isolated function running on a Linux App Service plan. I am getting this error when trying to run the HTTP trigger function: ...
Garran Michaels's user avatar
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Eureka instance hosted as Azure Web app registers itself with wrong ip (ip from within the container)

I have a setup of a Spring Boot apps, which are hosted as Azure Web App. My understanding of all components of Azure Web Apps and their connections is still vague to me, so exucse me if I ...
fascynacja's user avatar
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Cannot create receive link from a closed session from Azure service bus

When message is published to Azure service bus , intermittently getting below error Cannot create send link from a closed session. Caused by: reactor.core....
user26512720's user avatar
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Azure DevOps - Traceability of ALL Work Items contained in a given release

I need to have full traceability between PRs and Releases -- I want to be able to see which work items were implemented in which release. Azure DevOps apparently has a limit of 100 commits - which ...
Sidelobe's user avatar
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Azure Data Factory Expression Builder: Error Structuring JSON with Nested Arrays and Objects

I've been working on this for a couple of days now and am reaching out for assistance. I was unable to structure the format properly and need help. I've been trying to create a JSON structure in Azure ...
Shobith k Chandran's user avatar

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