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Does it make sense to "Let Cloudfront access S3 with VPC endpoint"

Currently I am making an infrastructure with Cloudfront infront of S3 for serving public static assets. The customer requested that they don't like to have their public static assets being public on ...
qkhanhpro's user avatar
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It sounds like their requirements are: They have some 'public static assets' in an Amazon S3 bucket They want those assets to be publicly accessible via CloudFront (accessible to the entire world ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Dynamo Pulumi setup not accepting L list data type

I am attempting to set up a DynamoDB table via Pulumi and thought everything was fine after reviewing official documentation, however I am getting a warning message about my data type not being valid. ...
physicsboy's user avatar
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Pulumi is used to create Infrastructure as Code (IaC). When creating DynamoDB tables, you never declare non-key attributes as DynamoDB is schemaless. As you only declare key attributes, they must ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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How to create 1000s of tables in redshift serverless automatically using boto3?

I have an S3 bucket which contains 1000s of folders which are basically table_names and those contains parquet files. I'm trying to create tables with that schema in redshift. I'm using redshift-data ...
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When calling execute_statement(), an asynchronous process is running the command. I suspect the problem is that the previous commands are still running when you keep submitting more commands. Your ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Does Unsupported element '$[query][scanIndexForward]'

I am working on 1-1 chat app. i need to get the paginated messages in descending order of a specific chat. I don't have any extra indexes, primary index includes a partition key chatId and a sort key ...
Muhammad Adnan's user avatar

ScanIndexForward should not be nested within the query map, its one level higher: return { version: '2017-02-28', operation: 'Query', query: { expression: '...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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How do I control the FQDN for my AWS load balancer?

When I create a load balancer in AWS it gets allocated a DNS name (A-record) {name-provided} The problem is I don't seem to have any control over the -...
Dylan Nicholson's user avatar

The problem is I don't seem to have any control over the -971871181 part (which changes each time), You can't control that nor can I see how to create a CNAME record in ap-southeast-2.elb.amazonaws....

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Mark B's user avatar
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Terraform cloudwatch_log_group_retention_in_days in ECS module doesn't work for CloudWatch retention setup

Target: Set the retention of CloudWatch Group to 7 days Problem: I'm using the terraform-aws-modules/ecs and the service submodule. When I set up the retention of cloudwatch log group with setting ...
Chris Kao's user avatar
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Here's the documentation for that service module. Per that documentation, the entire container_definitsions block just gets passed straight to AWS by the Terraform module. Everything inside that block ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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DynamoDB - Single table with multiple entities - Fetch multiple entity data in one query

In my project we are using single table design for storing data in multiple entities. Now this data is primarily the configuration related data which we are querying while processing our events and ...
csharma's user avatar

You can use BatchGetItem which will allow you to obtain up to 100 items from the table. You can use Query, should all the entities share the same partition key. If they do not, your use-case could ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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How do I use the DynamoDB document client to set an attribute to a string representation of an integer?

I'm trying to use the AWS SDK for JS to set a DynamoDB item's attribute Password of type String to a string representation of an integer. This was my initial approach: import { DynamoDBClient } from '@...
sophias-fault's user avatar
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DocumentClient is not doing anything special, it's simply setting the values as it's Inferred from JavaScript variables. const attr = 'Password'; const attrVal = "456789"; dynamoInput....

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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AWS Route Calculator API/ Here Maps

I am using AWS Location Services Route Calculator to determine travel time and travel distance of several origin destination pairs. The code is working but it is not reflecting travel delay due to ...
Jorge's user avatar
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From Routes - Amazon Location Service: Traffic and departure time The Amazon Location Service takes traffic into account when calculating a route. The trafffic that it considers is based on the time ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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AWS Route 53: cost of having a subdomain on another DNS provider than AWS

I got an issue with AWS Route 53 costs, because I was previously running a DNSBL service (back when my domain was on another DNS provider). This service is long gone, but people still query my ...
weeheavy's user avatar
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So adding NS records for and pointing them to a non-AWS DNS provider. I cannot find this setup in the Route 53 pricing page. Any idea if there are even costs associated with such a ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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Understanding of the AWS SQS visibility timeout

In my AWS infrastructure, I have an SQS queue and a Lambda function. The SQS queue has a visiblity timeout setting of 0, and no delivery delay, and a receiveMessageWaitTime of 0. The SQS queue has a ...
Dominique M's user avatar

Simple answer: You should set the Invisibility Timeout to several times the expected time that it will take to process the message. Detailed answer: When a message is retrieved from an Amazon SQS ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Clarification for AWS auto-scaling of instances

I created an EC2 instance; then using that instance created an AMI which is used for auto-scaling. I created the classical load balancer which originally pointed just to the original instance & ...
Agrudge Amicus's user avatar
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Does it mean that AWS auto-scaling checks the desired/minimum/maximum no. of instances running from the AMI group provided? Other instances (which were no created from the AMI such as the original ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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Aws code deploy when deployment is considered successful for ecs fargate

I wonder when when deployment is considered successful for ecs fargate. I use code deploy events with my lambda, i receive event on successful deploy. I could not find any information about the ...
Rofler's user avatar
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Fargate instance == task. An ECS instance is an instance of a task, not to be confused with EC2 instances. As for a successful deployment, per the documentation: After a successful deployment, the ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How can I know if an AWS ECS service is idle?

Is there an easy way to know if an ECS service is idle? We have a good number of legacy ECS services running in AWS that use almost 0 cpu/memory.
Edgar Peixoto's user avatar
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ECS tasks are just docker containers. The ECS service itself does not have any real insight into what is running inside those containers, other than to report the amount of memory and CPU they are ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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Instances scaling (by ASG) but no new tasks being created

I have created an ECS cluster, and deployed a 2-container task using a Service (during Service create I associate the Application Load Balancer - using target group of type IP - to it), this works ...
gvanto's user avatar
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This is wrong and will not work: If average instance CPU usage is over 50%, I want the ASG to add more instances using simple scaling. (and if have usage falls under 40, scale back in to min desired ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How to Share Specific Documents from a Private S3 Bucket as Attachments in Chat?

I'm working on an application where I upload images and documents to an Amazon S3 bucket that is set to private for security reasons. I need to securely share some specific documents as attachments in ...
ABHAY SHARMA's user avatar

Is generating pre-signed URLs the best approach for securely sharing specific documents from a private S3 bucket? Yes, this is exactly what S3 pre-signed URLs were designed for. If so, could someone ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How to set up CloudWatch Alarm for AutoScalinGroup > dynamic scaling (used in ECS)

I have created an ECS cluster, and deployed a 2-container task using a Service (during Service create I associate the Application Load Balancer - using target group of type IP - to it), this works ...
gvanto's user avatar
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In the metrics console, click ECS, then click ClusterName, ServiceName, then select the metric in the list that has your cluster name, sevice name, and also a Metric name of CPUUtilization

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Mark B's user avatar
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@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb ScanCommand not retrieving all records in DynamoDB table

I have a Lambda service (type module) that is called from API Gateway, retrieving records from a DynamoDB table. I'm using the ScanCommand as I want to read all records. When I look at the table in ...
Clarkie's user avatar
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DynamoDB paginates the results from Query/Scan operations. With pagination, the Query/Scan results are divided into "pages" of data that are 1 MB in size (or less). An application can ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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How to model Student/Teacher/Class with DynamoDb?

I'm modeling a DynamoDb schema, which currently supports three main entities: Teacher, Student and Class. Class entity has these relationships: A teacher has a class A student enrolls to a class My ...
Oscar's user avatar
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Given your requirements and access patterns, let's explore a more streamlined DynamoDB schema design using a single-table approach. Entities and Access Patterns Entities: Teacher Student Class ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Find a specific ID from the array javascript dynamoDB(local)

This is Array response: { "sk": "srName", "Name" : "John", "pk": "srName:6666ad97-53bf-4557-8b19-a552a75edd39" }, ...
Bharath's user avatar

To get an item in a list, you have to pass in either the index or the total value of the object, which you are not. I suggest that you vertically partition then data that each item in the list is it's ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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AutoScalingGroup: Load balancer target group not appearing as available option

I have created an ECS cluster, and deployed a 2-container task using a Service (during Service create I associate the Application Load Balancer - using target group of type IP - to it), this works ...
gvanto's user avatar
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Your Load Balancer connects to your ECS tasks, not your EC2 instances. You don't need to associate your load balancer with your EC2 instances. You do need to associate your ECS Cluster's Capacity ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How to check if a result is received?

I am fetching data from my DynamoDB and would like to know if I am actually receiving anything back. I'm aware that the Item will always be returned, but I'm not sure what is actually returned when an ...
physicsboy's user avatar
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In the JS SDK, Item will not be returned so you can simply check like this: const res = await client.send(new GetItemCommand({ TableName: 'my-table-name', Key: { ID: { S: id }, }, }...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Will DynamoDB accept a string literal defined with backticks on separate lines as an UpdateExpression?

I have a lengthy UpdateExpression for my Dynamo update. I'm wondering if it's possible to break it onto separate lines with string literal backticks and it still work? Before: UpdateExpression: "...
physicsboy's user avatar
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Yes this will work without issue.

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Handling concurrent updates to dynamodb without overwriting

Firstly, I have seen this question and understand the takeaways from the points made. However I'm unsure how I can improve my current situation. I have a placeholder entry in my DynamoDB that will be ...
physicsboy's user avatar
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Let me tell you how I would do it, and then I'll explain how you could do it with your current design if you have an additional requirement that you didn't mention. Option 1 By far the best approach ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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How to get the url of ecs service

I need to obtain the ECS service URL to make requests to its endpoints for information. I am currently using AWS Lambda to interact with the service. Although I have tried making requests using the ...
Rofler's user avatar
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There is no such thing as an ECS "service URL". You would have to add a load balancer in front of the ECS service, and then use the load balancer's URL. And for what you are doing (internal ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How to use DynamoDB data?

I'm trying to do stuff with my DynamoDB data, but my IDE is complaining about types. From the documentation, it looks like an example response from the DB would be data like: { "Item": { ...
physicsboy's user avatar
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The compiler does not know for certain if your parameters exist for that given object in the response. You should implement an interface or type assertion for the item object. https://www....

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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VPC SQS Endpoint dont show any dataflow for event from S3 to SQS and SQS to Lambda

I've a S3 bucket that notifies SQS for put and copy events. and SQS is trigger private Lambda. Lambda is running under a VPC in private subnet. Data is flowing successfully and S3 to SQS and to ...
Zeeshan Asghar's user avatar
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The flow is: Amazon S3 sends a message to the Amazon SQS queue The AWS Lambda service polls the Amazon SQS queue for messages Both of these operations run in the AWS backplane and do not traverse ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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How to set up application load balancer (ALB) with AutoScalingGroup (ASG)

I have created a ECS cluster defining min capacity as 1 instance. It's running fine. I have a task definition with a simple js express app running fibonacci app (to simulate CPU usage for large fib ...
gvanto's user avatar
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I saw somewhere (can't remember where) that it should be IP addresses, and then not to register any targets to the TargetGroup created (because ECS does this automatically?) Is that how it works? Yes,...

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Mark B's user avatar
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DynamoDB Storage type for an array of objects?

I'm wanting to store an array of objects in my DynamoDB table but I'm unsure of which data type I should be specifying. For example, I'm getting an API response with data that looks like: { id: 123, ...
physicsboy's user avatar
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You're looking to store an array/list in DynamoDB, then use the List data type! List A list type attribute can store an ordered collection of values. Lists are enclosed in square brackets: [ ... ] A ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Can I grant access to another AWS account only through Identity and trust policy

I have an AWS account A from which I want to grant access to another AWS account B, I have created a role in my account A giving the identity access to my bucket in account A, here's the role identity ...
Wiley's user avatar
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It appears your situation is: A bucket Bucket-A in Account-A An IAM Role Role-A in Account-A that trusts Account-B You wish to access the bucket from Account-B To do so, you should do the following: ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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how to solve this error in ec 2 and route 53

i already created docker image and that is successfully run in browser using ip address with port.example this type. using how to create hostedzone inside a ...
Surya R's user avatar

DNS services like Route 53 can only assign a name to an IP address. It is not possible to include a port number in a DNS resolution. Even with a custom domain name, you would need to use

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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AWS Lambda unable to work with \n as string

I have a private key from GCP Pub Sub. It is stored like this secret_manager_data = {'google_pubsub_private_key':'-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nYourPrivateKeyHere\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'} I'm ...
Moses01's user avatar
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It looks like the \n newlines in the source event are being escaped to \\n before presentation to your Lambda function. One way to deal with this is to unescape them, as follows: mystr.replace("\\...

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jarmod's user avatar
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Running NodeJS service in AWS Fargate

Currently I'm trying to convert a Lambda based service with AWS Api Gateway+Lambda to a dockerized version running in Fargate and now I'm struggle about how I handle AWS permissions. For the lambda I ...
Philipp's user avatar
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All you have to do is assign a role with similar permissions (or even the same role) as the ECS Task Role. The code in your question will work exactly the same once you do that. You don't have to ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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Lambda Nodejs Event Listener

My objective is to run my lambda function in NodeJS to retrieve the NoIP's stored IP address with the hostname and username and password, using the "no-ip" nodejs library. Here is my code: ...
Jackie Lee's user avatar

Your noIPService function makes a call that will yield a result asynchronously but your code, as written, does not correctly wait for that asynchronous callback to happen. One way to correct it is as ...

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jarmod's user avatar
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How to efficiently store and query data with key-value pair in AWS S3 and Athena?

I have a dataset stored in AWS S3 and query using AWS Athena. The data is currently structured in two columns in S3 as follows: Dataset Customer_ID | Products_csv C1 | P1, P2, P3 C2 |...
Swapna K E's user avatar
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A more-traditional format would be separate rows for each relationship. For example: Customer_ID, Product, Quantity C1, P1, 3 C1, P2, 1 C1, P3, 5 C2, P2, 2 C2, P4, 7 Millions of rows are no problem. ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Amazon ECS service deployment state change events is not created nor sent to event bridge

When i deploy ecs service none of the Amazon ECS service deployment state change events are called event bridge does not receive any events for this rule: { "source": [ "aws.ecs" ],...
Rofler's user avatar
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I think that is because you are using AWS CodeDeploy as the ECS deployment controller, instead of AWS ECS. You would need to listen to CodeDeploy events instead of ECS deployment events. I'm having ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How to access resources in a private EC2 instance via ELB?

I have an example diagram below, and a scenario. Suppose I deployed and ran a web server (with NodeJS) in both EC2 instances and used load balancing for requests distribution. EBS is used to store ...
Nguyen Anh Tuan's user avatar

Is diagram correct? No, the Application load balancer needs to be in VPC subnets, not just in the VPC. I start a node server, and it's ok. Following AWS Network's concept, EC2 instance is in a ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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AWS boto3 can't create a bucket - Python

Iam facing an issue that I my code is not successfully to create bucket in AWS using boto3 python. Below my code import boto3 s3 = boto3.resource('s3') def create_bucket(bucket_name, region='us-east-...
Kusuma ningrat's user avatar
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There's a couple of issues: When creating a bucket, the boto3 client needs to connect to the same region as where the bucket is being created. Therefore, you will need to pass a region_name when ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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"no pg_hba.conf entry" error when connecting to AWS RDS database

I'm attempting to set up a basic free tier AWS RDS postgres database. I have done this before, today. For some reason, I am suddenly unable to connect to any new databases I set up. I get this error ...
J Seabolt's user avatar
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When connecting to an Amazon RDS PostgreSQL database, you need to enable SSL on the connection. You did not show us the code you are using for the connection, but there would normally be an ssl or ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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AWS Auto Scaled Instance is completely empty of all the files and folders I copied over during initial instance provisioning

I'm new to Terraform and AWS auto scaling. I'm basically just trying to get a hang of things using terraform and AWS. In my Terraform file, I've set up a launch template and an auto scaling ...
ololo's user avatar
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Terraform is not involved in the auto-scaling action performed by AWS. The Terraform null_resource ran once, after the resource "aws_instance" "sample_gen_server" was created. It ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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DynamoDB BatchGetCommand 400 "key does not match schema"

I'm having an issue using BatchGetCommand to get a list of records from a DynamoDB table. I am using an AWS Lambda that uses NodeJS 18.x. I have been able to get ScanCommand, GetCommand and ...
Chris Allinson's user avatar
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Yes there is, as I explained in the last question that you're using the high level client but the low level syntax. { sku: "RVR-8-F" } Make yourself familiar with this blog post: https://aws....

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Accessing RDS instance from EC2 instance in a different VPC [2024]

I have an RDS instance & an EC2 instance in 2 different VPCs. I want to access data in the RDS instance from my EC2 instance. I'm getting timeout errors when I try to connect to the database in ...
Amiteshwar 's user avatar

To test your scenario, I did the following: Created a Database VPC with only a private subnet and a CIDR of Created an App VPC with one public subnet and a CIDR of Created ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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AWS ECS SpringBoot API with RDS PostgreSQL - all tables dissapear 3-4 minutes AFTER a succesful start up

MY ECS task connects over RDS's DB endpoint. I even ran my container locally to the RDS PostgreSQL DB and it worked without a problem. As you can see all the tables are properly created an populated ...
Alfredo Dominguez's user avatar
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On further reading, it sounds like you have the hibernate DDL-AUTO set to create-drop so when the old ECS task is stopped, after the new task has been flagged by ECS as healthy, it is deleting the ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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Pagination in aws dynamodb

const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const moment = require('moment'); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let currentDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD'); let code = "19"; let ...
user0999's user avatar

DynamoDB does not page based on arbitrary indices, it pages based on your items. For a Query in your instance, code which is the partition key must remain the same, pagination uses the sort key Date ...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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How to check if a file uploaded to AWS S3 has the same content as a local file

We believe that the S3 checksum is useless for huge files larger than 1GB, as it is a further hashed value of chunks separated by an arbitrary number of bytes. There is a 1 GB file uploaded to AWS S3. ...
Fushihara's user avatar
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From Checking object integrity - Amazon Simple Storage Service: Amazon S3 uses checksum values to verify the integrity of data that you upload to or download from Amazon S3. In addition, you can ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Debounced s3 notifications to execute a lambda

I want to run a task once whenever a specific folder is modified in a bucket, no matter how many files are in the modification, it has to run once in that period of time. The issue with the classic s3 ...
Fx.'s user avatar
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S3 doesn't have folders, just object prefixes, and there is no concept of "debounce notifications by object prefix" in S3. You will have to build something yourself to handle this. A few ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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How can I set up email notification for an AWS service (CloudTrail) goes down?

Our Cloud environment is setup with AWS Organization, with a primary site in us-east-1 and secondary/DR in us-west-2. We have set up CloudTrail logs to capture activities/events across [member] ...
Besingi's user avatar

It rather rare that an AWS service goes down, but take a look at AWS Health: AWS Health provides ongoing visibility into your resource performance and the availability of your AWS services and ...

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John Rotenstein's user avatar
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Dynamo DB - Query GSI using composite keys: date range and a attribute

I am new to dynamodb so this might be a noob question. I have a table of financial movements of my users. I want to query by date range and a particular category so I can answer queries like "how ...
David Diaz's user avatar

Strings are ordered lexicographically, and because you start with the date, you will get all of the categories back. You need to prepend the date with the type: get GS2SK() { return `CATEGORY#${...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Add A Single Column CSV To DynamoDb Table Via S3

I have a large CSV file of 265,000,000 domain names, one domain per line. I want to upload this file to AWS S3 and then upload the file to DynamoDb. I have some questions. Can I make the domain on ...
summer9844's user avatar

Can I make the domain on each line my PK? Yes, so long as each domain in the entire file is unique Do I need to define a PK in my CSV header? For example, I want to name my DynamoDb domain column, &...

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Leeroy Hannigan's user avatar
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Cannot see logs in aws CloudWatch for failed Service deployment (Updated: GPU resource insufficient error)

I set up the container (in the Task definition) to use CloudWatch logs: When I deploy the Services (via Task > Deploy > Create Service), it fails with "ECS deployment circuit breaker: ...
gvanto's user avatar
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During cluster create, I used a1.medium (arm64 - since I built the image locally on my mac M2 which is arm64)... I tried using Amazon Linux 2 (arm64) as well ... no luck (same error) You are just ...

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Mark B's user avatar
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