
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire has been released to theaters. Beware, spoilers will be present on the wiki and discussions. Read at your own risk!


Spoiler SPOILER WARNING: This section may contain major plot and/or ending details. Proceed at your own discretion.

Meet Titanus Mosura, or as we like to call her...

Mothra, Queen of the Monsters.


Mothra (モスラ,   Mosura?), also dubbed Titanus Mosura, is a giant lepidopteran daikaiju created by Legendary Pictures that first appeared in the 2019 film, Godzilla: King of the Monsters. She returned in the sequel, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.


Mothra is given her name due to the fact she resembles a gigantic moth. The name "Titanus Mosura" comes from the Latin term "Titanus", meaning Titan, with "Mosura" being a Japanese translation of Mothra. The novelization of the film reveals that "Mosura" is the name that is given to her by the natives of a small Indonesian island that worship her, and that the name itself means "giver of life".



Mothra's egg was fleshy rather than hard, and appeared to be coated in vine-like structures which fell away during Mothra's birth (whether these were a part of the egg or due to Mothra's life-attracting influence is unknown). When metamorphosing, her chrysalis (from what little was seen of it through the waterfall) appeared to resemble a gigantic version of a moth chrysalis with a long and slender shape, producing bright and flashing bioluminescent lights which highlighted blue- and yellow-seeming segments.

Her larval form is much more insectoid in appearance compared to other incarnations; possessing a vaguely armadillo-like segmented back, double-jointed and somewhat caterpillar-like legs, and three arthropod-like mandibles and teeth, as opposed to past incarnations which only possessed two mandibles. Her back-segments can shift and vibrate slightly with her emotion when she's aggravated. Her head is somewhat round with beady, surprisingly vertebrate-like blue eyes. She prominently produces a bioluminescent glow from under her skin - this glow is normally colored bright-blue, but she changes color to red when provoked to aggression.

Mothra's imago form overall bore a resemblance to a gigantic moth; with a hair-lined body consisting of numerous colors, feathery antennae ('varied-antennae'), and four large wings which sweep or drag behind her body when they're not extended. Her wings are patterned with black, orange, yellow and blue colors and possess prominent eye patterns (akin to her Showa, Heisei and Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. designs). When her wings are bioluminescent, they glow with a series of brilliant colors. Her wings are also much longer and narrower in proportion to the rest of her body than in most incarnations.

Her main body's hair is white and brown, and her head is stockier than most incarnations. She retains a facial resemblance to her larval form in the form of her mandibles, whilst her blue eyes are now larger and slanted, making them appear vaguely more insectoid. She possesses an abdomen shaped like a wasp's (much like her 2001 incarnation) with a large, retractable stinger. She possesses three pairs of insectoid legs - a double-jointed front and middle pair (the latter pair are often kept tucked between and under the former) which she uses as blade-like offensive weapons, and a triple-jointed pair of hind legs.

GxK-Mothra 2

In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Mothra now has thicker fur with a much brighter orange and bronze coloration, as well as blue bioluminescent spots throughout her body including around her mouth, chest, eyebrows, each joint on her appendages, and her forehead. Her body can also emit a golden-yellow glow.


Mothra is portrayed completely with CGI.


Mothra's roar is a very high-pitched wail not dissimilar to her previous incarnations, and she is also capable of shrill or lower-pitched trilling vocalizations.

The filmmakers used a mix of crickets, insects, whales, and dolphins to create Mothra's vocalizations, and as an example, they exponentially slowed down crickets' chittering to make it sound like a song.[5] There are a few moments in the film where she gives off her classic roar such as when she goes berserk in her larval state, when she emerges from her cocoon in her imago state, when Ghidorah kills her, and can also be heard within Godzilla's thermonuclear pulses.


Mothra appears to be a particularly intelligent and loyal Titan: unlike the other Titans, she defies Ghidorah after the latter has usurped Godzilla's position as alpha in favor of remaining loyal to Godzilla and immediately seeks him out, and her flight against Ghidorah in a weakened state (which led to her death and also to her remains allowed Godzilla to defeat Ghidorah) implies she has a concept of and capacity to commit self-sacrifice. It's also implied in the novelization that Mothra, when she was hovering above Castle Bravo before the humans' expedition to revive Godzilla set off, intentionally led the submarine to the underwater Vile Vortex leading to Godzilla's resting place so they could revive him, indicating an ability to understand complex concepts such as common goals and needs.

In stark contrast to Ghidorah, Mothra, true to her association with life, is by far the most benevolent Titan yet seen and is highly gentle towards humans when not provoked. She shows mild curiosity to find herself confronted by Monarch personnel upon hatching from her egg and cocoon respectively, and she leans her head towards Madison Russell close enough for the latter to touch after being calmed by the ORCA. In her earlier encounter with Monarch, Mothra only became warier after their failed attempt to use a containment field on her (which she observed killing several of the flying insects that were drawn to her), and she only attacked outright after one of the humans fired on her with a stun gun. Even then, Mothra went out of her way to dispatch the humans present in non-fatal ways (demonstrated most prominently when she grabbed one of the fleeing guards in her mandibles, and instead of crushing or devouring him proceeded to throw him into a Giant Spider's web, which immobilized him and cushioned his impact); and in her aggressive state, she still allowed a submissive Emma Russell to cautiously approach her with the ORCA. Even when defending herself against Rodan, Mothra was somewhat less aggressive than her opponent, and she dispatched him in an ultimately non-fatal manner.


From erased Nazca lines to the hidden Temple of The Moth, the name "Mothra" is woven throughout the most secret mythologies of our planet. The folklore and fairy tales tell of a winged creature of blinding light, an angel of the clouds whose god-like luminescence has the power to shatter the sky.

Ancient spirit tablets discovered in the mountain jungles of the Yunnan Province portray a giant winged alpha of the Lepidoptera order. In all of our findings, human civilization is pictographically shown in poses that imply deification of the so-called "Queen of the Monsters", suggesting that the creature was once a benign part of the natural order.

When Monarch containment crews discovered the live Titan chrysalis within the Chinese myth site, Dr. Emma Russell was quickly dispatched to closely monitor the creature that lay dormant within it. A quickening sonar pulse suggests the creature is awakening. If she ever emerges from her ancient slumber, a superspecies that once illuminated the sky will be reborn as Mothra.

Pupal DNA samples suggest a remarkable, multi-stage evolution. On reaching adulthood, Mothra's gigantic thorax is capable of emitting beta-wave bioluminescence which can be projected through the intricate patterns on its wings and weaponized into blinding "god rays".

As one of the deadliest and most beautiful natural phenomena in Earth's history, no wonder this devastating guardian angel was worshipped as a goddess by the ancient human civilizations blessed to witness her.
― Monarch Creature Profile[2]

The MonsterVerse incarnation of Mothra returns the character to her Toho incarnations' roots as a mystical being of resurrection; being capable of returning from death by laying an egg, from which she is reborn as a larva when her previous form dies - she has conquered death many times this way, to the point that she does not fear it.[6] She is an insect-like superspecies which evolved in a highly vicious prehistoric environment that was full of predators, leading to her developing equally-harsh methods of self-defense in the form of her stinger[7] and her sharp legs.[8] Godzilla's species lived alongside Mothra, and Mothra and Godzilla had a warm, symbiotic relationship. At some point in the past, Mothra participated in an "ancient war," where she fought alongside Godzilla against one of Titanus Kong's ancestors and an adult Skullcrawler, as evidenced by one of the cave paintings found by explorers.[9]

In a nod to the original Japanese films, Mothra was worshipped as a deity by the Iwi living in the Hollow Earth city of Malenka, along by another primitive culture living in the Yunnan Province more than 10,000 years ago, possessing a mutual symbiotic relationship with them - Mothra's human worshippers used a temple to protect her egg, and Mothra in return would protect them from predatory Titans after hatching.[10] Her last egg before the 21st century went unhatched for millennia deep in the rainforest, at a remote temple surrounded by jungle-covered ruins,[11] during which time her religion largely died off,[10][12][13] albeit still surviving in some form.[14]


Kong: Skull Island[]

In 1973, Houston Brooks and San Lin would brief James Conrad and Mason Weaver on multiple other monsters who ruled the world alongside Kong. This included Mothra, along with Godzilla, Rodan, and Ghidorah, who were all shown to the two via classified Monarch cave paintings.


In 2009, a team led by Monarch scientist Dr. Emma Russell followed a strange bio-acoustic signature to a previously undiscovered megalithic temple in the high-altitude jungles of China's Yunnan province. A giant cocoon was found within the temple, with a rapid heartbeat detected inside.[15]


Before the meltdown at Janjira in 1999, the Brody family had an aquarium that had a creature dubbed "Mothra" in it.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters[]

Mothra Larva (Monsterverse)

Mothra is first seen as a larva hatching from her egg after being closely monitored by Monarch for years. She becomes agitated when Monarch operatives fire electrical pulses at her and spits silk at them in defense, as well as flattening them with her massive bulk and using her mandibles to throw one of them into a giant spiderweb. The Monarch scientists almost attempt to terminate her before she can destroy the facility, but Dr. Emma Russell manages to calm Mothra down using the ORCA device (after some trial and error with the device which briefly enrages Mothra further). Now more relaxed, Mothra leans close towards Dr. Russell and her daughter, Madison, and almost allows them to touch her. Seconds later, Alan Jonah and his eco-terrorist mercenaries attack the facility, killing all the Monarch personnel in sight except for Emma and Madison, who depart with them. Mothra meanwhile escapes the facility and travels to a waterfall, where she cocoons herself.

Sometime later, Mothra senses the reawakened Ghidorah's takeover upon Godzilla's departure, and she promptly speeds up her metamorphosis to counter the threat[16] She hatches from her cocoon in adult form and spreads her wings for the first time as Monarch staff including Drs. Houston Brooks and Ling Chen (the latter being a descendant of Mothra's priestesses) behold her. Mothra takes flight to Castle Bravo, her presence combating and dispelling Ghidorah's spreading stormclouds, and her presence assists Monarch in discovering that Godzilla is regenerating after he was left near death by the Oxygen Destroyer and locating the underwater Vile Vortex that leads to Godzilla's resting place and then she laid her egg off screen then.

Mothra's Strike

Mothra travels to Boston and assists Godzilla in his re-match against Ghidorah. She spits silk at Ghidorah, pinning him to the side of a building and allowing Godzilla to brutally ram him through. Before she can further assist her alpha, Rodan appears and intercepts her, slamming her into a building and keeping her occupied fighting him in a fierce aerial battle so that she can't intervene in Godzilla and Ghidorah's fight.

Mothra vs Rodan

Rodan, being much larger and, arguably, more powerful than Mothra, has the advantage for most of their fight. Eventually, Rodan pins Mothra to a building and severely burns her, but before he can deliver the killing blow, Mothra stabs him in the sternum with her hidden stinger, incapacitating him and taking him out of the fight.


Severely wounded and weakened, Mothra flies over to Godzilla, who had just been dropped from thousands of feet by Ghidorah. Using the last of her strength, she flies towards Ghidorah, who blasts her with his gravity beams. Mothra burns up and disintegrates, but her ashes fall onto Godzilla as he groans at her passing, transferring her power to him and ultimately enabling him to unlock his Burning Godzilla form.

Mothra's Sacrifice

When Burning Godzilla annihilates Ghidorah with thermonuclear pulses, the first two pulses take the appearance of Mothra's wings, and Mothra's call is audible amid the blast.

Following Ghidorah's death, newspaper articles reveal that an egg suspected to be that of Mothra has been discovered.

Godzilla Dominion[]

Vision of Mothra

Mothra appears in a vision that Godzilla has as he remembers the sacrifice she made in order to defeat Ghidorah.

Godzilla vs. Kong[]

Mothra appeared in cameo as a cave painting at the beginning of the film. Mothra is also mentioned in one of Bernie Hayes' Titan Truth Podcast episodes that is titled "Mothra Pregnancy Theory".

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire[]

It is revealed that Mothra has an ancient connection to the Iwi people living within the Hollow Earth city of Malenka. An ancient prophecy foretells that Mothra would join Godzilla in order to defeat Skar King and Shimo once Skar King is able to resume his war on the surface world. The prophecy also states that she will be reawakened by an Iwi from Skull Island.

Following her sacrifice, Mothra is revealed to be in a deep slumber within the Hollow Earth. The Iwi sense that Skar King is about to come for them, and send a telepathic signal to Jia, the last Iwi from Skull Island, to summon her to the Hollow Earth so she can awaken Mothra. Jia fulfills the prophecy and successfully reawakens Mothra, who immediately appears in her imago form, and takes off to the surface. She intervenes in the fight between Godzilla and Kong in Egypt, stopping Godzilla from killing Kong, and convinces Godzilla to join forces with his former rival in order to stop the Skar King.

Mothra joins Godzilla, Kong, and Suko in the Hollow Earth to battle the Skar King, his army and Shimo. During the fight, Mothra aids Godzilla after Shimo attempts to freeze him. She also webs up the Skar King's soldiers and rescues Trapper, Bernie Hayes, Ilene Andrews, and the Iwi Queen as their HEAV fell following the anti-gravity shockwave eruption. The fight breaks out of the Hollow Earth to Rio de Janeiro, with Mothra remaining in the Hollow Earth.

After Shimo is freed and the Skar King is killed, Mothra rebuilds the barrier protecting Malenka, before flying deeper into the Hollow Earth.


Abdominal stinger[]

At close proximity, Mothra's stinger possesses sufficient force to effortlessly penetrate Rodan's geothermal armor. For ambiguous reasons, she appears only to use her stinger as a last resort.

Durability and stamina[]

Upon emerging from her cocooned state, she demonstrated exceptional endurance as she embarked on a journey in pursuit of Godzilla in the vast depths of the ocean. Swiftly undertaking a mission to protect him from Ghidorah while aiding in their combat, she faced a fierce aerial confrontation against Rodan, engaging in a bold clash and enduring impactful blows that propelled her into buildings. Despite sustaining burns from Rodan's intense heat, Mothra showed remarkable resilience and tenacity by persisting in battle. However, like most arthropodal organisms, she is not immune to extreme heat; the recovery following the victory over Rodan was a gradual process, requiring a significant amount of time before she could offer assistance again. Struggling to crawl towards Godzilla, she summoned all her strength to propel herself into flight, determined to counteract the devastating assault unleashed by Ghidorah, even at the expense of her well-being.

Energy dispersal[]

Upon being vaporized by Ghidorah, the radioactive cloud that remained of Mothra's body empowered the overloaded Godzilla, allowing him to unlock his Burning Godzilla form, which emits smelting heat and releases a series of all-destroying thermonuclear pulses.


Mothra's gigantic wings in her imago form allow her to fly across the sky quickly.

God rays[]

God Rays

Mothra's body in her larval form, and later her thorax in her imago form, can emit beta-wave bioluminescence that can be projected through the patterns of her imago form's wings. She uses this as a form of communication and can weaponize it to create brilliant, near-blinding "god rays" of blue or angelic-looking golden-white light. These god rays are powerful enough to disperse storm clouds and produce mighty winds almost instantly. Additionally, electronics nearby were damaged when she hatched from her cocoon and extended one of her limbs with a flash of bioluminescence from the waterfall.

In Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, Mothra's can also use her god rays as a pulse-like attack to stagger more enormous Titans such as Godzilla and Shimo.


She's notably able to clear the sky in her immediate vicinity of the storms being spread around the world by Ghidorah. She first does this before emerging from her cocoon, then again when she arrives at Castle Bravo.

Physical manipulation[]

According to the novelization, when she senses Ghidorah's spreading storms, the pupating Mothra voluntarily forces her metamorphosis to speed up.[16]

Raptorial forelimbs[]

Mothra's anterior and middle appendages are adorned with pointed tips reminiscent of those found in praying mantises, serving as blade-like weaponry in her engagements with other Titans.


Mothra can cheat death by laying an egg upon reaching her imago state, into which she will reincarnate with her memories intact after her previous body dies.[6]


It's indicated that Mothra has a heightened awareness of the Earth's planetary atmospheric and tectonic/geological interactions and its geological past, which she passes on to Godzilla permanently when her ashes temporarily unlock his Burning Godzilla form.[1][17]


Mothra can fire short, controlled, and sudden blasts of strong, spider-like silk from inside her mandibles in both her larval and imago forms. The silk is strong enough to immobilize humans, stick the Skar King's soldiers onto floating rocks, and even trap Ghidorah for a significant length of time by gluing his heads to the side of a building.

Speed and agility[]

Mothra is a fast and agile flyer, though she's seemingly surpassed by Rodan in both regards.

Spiritual connection[]

In the novelization of Godzilla: King of the Monsters, it is stated that the Chens and their ancestors have been taught they're connected to Mothra for generations, and Madison Russell has a vision of Mothra during her near-death experience in Boston before being revived. This connection lends itself to the Iwi revering her and being able to summon her to the Hollow Earth.

Strength and combat[]

Mothra's fighting style varies depending on what stage of life she is currently in. In her larval form, she primarily relies on her silk attack and her mandibles for combat, but can also cause damage to her surrounding environment (mainly where humans are concerned) through her size and bulk. She is also seen knocking humans away with her legs. In her imago form, Mothra is a fierce enough aerial fighter to match Rodan and keep the latter occupied before Rodan overwhelms her. She is also shown to be strong enough to knock Godzilla over when he attempts to kill Kong, and she can use her raptorial forelimbs to carry a Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicle filled with human passengers.


Mothra and Godzilla have a symbiotic relationship that enables them to share their life force to give one of them an edge in combat. When Mothra tanks Ghidorah's gravity beams, her ashes empower the overloading Godzilla and enable him to unlock his Burning Godzilla mode temporarily, as well as permanently transferring Mothra's aforementioned semi-omniscience to him.

Thermal vision[]

Mothra in her larval form is capable of sensing thermal radiation, although it's unknown if she still possesses this sense in her imago form.


Extreme heat[]

Rodan's extremely-high body temperature was able to slowly burn away and weaken Mothra during their fight, to the point that after the end of their fight, she was reduced to weakly slouching and crawling, and her wings were singed to the point where she had visible difficulty flying straight during her last charge at Ghidorah.

Gravity beams[]


After Mothra was badly weakened by her fight with Rodan, a direct blast from all three of Ghidorah's gravity beams was enough to disintegrate her, leaving behind nothing but a radioactive cloud.


Mosura Orginal

Pre-production design of Mothra

  • This is the first incarnation of Mothra to appear in an American-made film.
  • Though Michael Dougherty has confirmed this incarnation of Mothra is technically mystical, the film only hints at it. Her magical nature is further implied by her ability to reincarnate with her memories intact, her signs of a telepathic relationship with the Chens, and the fact that she appears in a sort of ethereal form within Godzilla's nuclear pulses.
  • According to MPC animation supervisor Spencer Cook, Mothra's movements were based on cinematic depictions of female martial artists wearing flowing robes.[19]
  • Mothra is accompanied by glowing flying insects, most notably seen when she hatches from her cocoon in her imago form as they swarm to gather around her, and also in her larval form's temple before her containment field malfunctions.
  • This Mothra incarnation's long forelegs resemble Mothra's pre-production designs by Toho.
  • The revealed image for Mothra reads "Terrasearch #63061: Yucca Province". June 30, 1961 (6-30-61) was the date the original Mothra film released. However, Yucca appears to be a typo as it's supposed to be "Yunnan", and there is no such place as the Yucca Province.
    • As seen on the Monarch Sciences website, Monarch Outpost 61, where Mothra was located, homages 1961; the year when Mothra was released.
  • Based on the fact that the Nazca Lines are mentioned in Monarch Sciences' description of Mothra, it can be assumed that she has some ties to Nazca culture. Mothra's connection to the Latin American continent is similar to that of her counterpart in the AniGoji continuity.
  • Mothra's bioluminescence-based abilities are similar to a special ability of the male MUTO, originally dubbed 'Hokmuto', in an early version of the 2014 Godzilla film. Said ability was said to be a lightning-like "shockwave" that created aurora-like lights.
    • Furthermore, some scenes of Mothra (MA) in the novelization are similar to the description of the MonsterVerse Mothra's bioluminescence.
  • Though Mothra's chrysalis in the film is largely obscured, behind-the-scenes images reveal it was somewhat flexibly and fleshy like the egg, and that Mothra's imago form emerged from a flower-like opening on the underside.[5]
  • When Godzilla unleashes thermonuclear pulses against Ghidorah, an image of Mothra's wings is visible in the blasts and an echo of her cry is audible. This was deliberately inserted by the crew.[5]
  • According to Michael Dougherty:
    • Mothra's eyespots are intentionally designed to look like Godzilla's eyes[20] because he "wanted to create a connection between [her] and Godzilla". Additionally, he gave her slightly larger feet because he wanted her to be able to defend herself and fight with the other monsters if she needs to.[21]
    • Mothra's bioluminescence was designed with the idea that ancient humans would have seen her flying and assumed she was a god or an angel.[22][8]
    • Mothra's bioluminescence uses different colors and brightness to convey her emotions.[5]
    • Mothra uses sound as a method of communication more so than the other Titans in the film.[5]
    • He thinks Mothra's stinger could be an ovipositor that she uses to lay her eggs, and jokingly suggested Rodan could be pregnant with her after she impaled him with it during the film.[23]
    • Mothra's ancient human worshippers likely sang to her due to discovering how sound and music affected Titans such as her, similar to the ORCA in the 21st century.[24]
    • The script originally mentioned that Mothra's egg in the film's opening was over ten-thousand years old.[13]
    • Apparently, Mothra was surprised upon hatching to find her egg surrounded by Monarch soldiers, as she'd been expecting twin priestesses of her religion singing to her to greet her upon her birth.[25]
    • Life is attracted to Mothra, which is why her egg's temple is filled with insects and flora.[26]
    • He likes to think that Mothra, instead of literally being in the same family as moths, is the common ancestor of nearly all insects on Earth.[27]
    • He suggests Mothra was indeed angered by the containment field in her temple killing the insects that surround her.[28]
    • Among the film's four main Titans, Mothra was intended to represent the element Earth[29], and the Tarot card the High Priestess.[30]
  • Mothra's design in Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack by Shusuke Kaneko shares many similarities with this incarnation; much smaller in size compared to Godzilla, more sharp and aggressive facial expressions, long hairless legs and a slender body. Both incarnations of Mothra don't originate from Infant Island, do not have literal Shobijin, and gain new weapons/abilities including needle-related attacks instead of the iconic poisonous scales. Both incarnations also share similarities in terms of behaviors: attacking humans as a larva, completing their metamorphosis into imagos at an aquatic environment, and sacrificing themselves to protect allies from enemies' ranged attacks whilst posthumously powering up their allies afterwards.
  • The concept of kaiju/Titans influencing real-life mythology is very similar to the cases seen in Shusuke Kaneko's Gamera trilogy and his Godzilla incarnation.
    • Shusuke Kaneko pointed out multiple similarities between his film Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack and Michael Dougherty's Godzilla: King of the Monsters, including Mothra becoming "that".[31]
  • The Monarch timeline states that Mothra was first discovered in her cocoon state when in reality, she was discovered as an egg.
  • Much like the land-based Servum, Mothra's larval form shares many similarities to the Ohmu from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind such as the armored carapace, dagger-like legs on the front part of her body, and a glowing body changing colors depending on her mood (blue for calm and red for enraged or distressed).
Godzilla KOTM 2019 - Fight concept

One of concept arts showing Mothra to emit electricity.

  • Official concept art depicts Mothra emitting electricity.[32] However, she does not display this in the film.

List of appearances[]




Video games[]

In other languages[]

Mothra's name remains the same across many languages employing the Latin alphabet.

  • Bulgarian, Serbian and Russian: Мотра
  • Chinese: 魔斯拉 (Mó sī lā)
  • Italian: Watang, Mattra, Pulluk
  • Yiddish: מאָטהראַ


  1. 1.0 1.1 Keyes, Greg. Godzilla Dominion. 2021. Legendary Comics. ISBN: 9781681160788.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://www.monarchsciences.com/
  3. 3.0 3.1 Specimen: Titanus Mosura. Toho Kingdom on Twitter (17 May 2019).
  4. Titanus Mosura Stats in Monarch Godzilla File Book
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH54-qjKJtI
  6. 6.0 6.1 https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253502238367944704
  7. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253501934641704962
  8. 8.0 8.1 https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-godzilla-director-ghidorah-mothra-rodan-20190602-story.html
  9. Godzilla vs. Kong - The Ancient War
  10. 10.0 10.1 https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475290040262656
  11. Keyes, Greg. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization. Titan Books. p. 19. ISBN: 9781789090925.
  12. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475335460368386
  13. 13.0 13.1 https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475417106771968
  14. https://screenrant.com/godzilla-2-king-monsters-michael-dougherty-interview/
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZhlo5wWezg
  16. 16.0 16.1 Keyes, Greg. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization. Titan Books. p. 184. ISBN: 9781789090925.
  17. Keyes, Greg. Godzilla vs. Kong - The Official Movie Novelization. Titan Books. ASIN: B08R6PKDFS
  18. Keyes, Greg. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - The Official Movie Novelization. Titan Books. pp. 283-284. ISBN: 9781789090925.
  19. https://www.awn.com/vfxworld/monstrous-undertaking-vfx-behind-godzilla-ghidorah-mothra-and-rodan
  20. https://twitter.com/Mike_Dougherty/status/1136212857379545088
  21. http://www.scified.com/u/Mike_I_3.PNG
  22. https://collider.com/godzilla-king-of-the-monsters-michael-dougherty-interview/#directors
  23. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253501935539257344
  24. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475935401066497
  25. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475418394386432
  26. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475053699608584
  27. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_as_oXA-94/
  28. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253475480780419074
  29. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253489855004151808
  30. https://twitter.com/Mike_Dougherty/status/1176718028425162752
  31. Eiga Hiho July 2019 Special, 2019, Yosensha, p.2, ASIN: B07RQ3VBFM
  32. https://twitter.com/GodzillaMovie/status/1253500166591533056
