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Glommer Main article: Engineering Tab

These are special abilities unique to Winona.

  • When her hunger is above 50, she spends 5 hunger to start a crafting streak, which can craft items & structures at twice the speed as other Characters, finishing one craft in 0.5 seconds. her crafting streak lasts 1 minute , or when she is standing still, since her last craft. On the other hand, if her hunger is at most 50, she crafts at half the speed, taking 2 seconds but does not cost hunger to craft.
  • She can dodge a single hit from Charlie after walking away from a light source. This means that she takes no damage or Sanity loss from the first attack after entering darkness.
  • She can properly identify Wagstaff's tools during the Moonstorm event.
  • She has access to her own crafting tab called Engineering from which she can build five special items.
    • Trusty Tape – Winona's signature item that can be used to repair damaged Clothes and patch boat leaks. It is also a material component of her buildable structures. She starts with three Trusty Tapes in her Inventory.
    • Winona's Catapult – A structure that deals area-of-effect damage and needs power from a generator.
    • Winona's Spotlight – A structure that illuminates nearby players and needs power from a generator.
    • Winona's Generator – A structure that powers her catapult and/or spotlight for up to one day. It is fueled by Nitre.
    • Winona's G.E.M.erator – A structure that powers her catapult and/or spotlight for up to six days. It can be fueled by any Gem but not the Iridescent Gem.

Insight Skill Tree[]

Glommer See also: Insight

Shelf 1[]

Skill Description Prerequisites


"Upgrade your Spotlights to give off heat." None
Spotlights placed by a Winona with this skill provide heat to players in its light.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Spacious Spotlight

Spacious Spotlight

"Upgrade your Spotlights to illuminate a larger area." None
Spotlights placed by a Winona with this skill provide a larger light radius.
Skill Description Prerequisites


"Easily dismantle your machines, and learn how to build a Handy Remote to remotely control Catapults." None

Winona can dismantle all her Catapults, Spotlights, Generators, G.E.M.erators, and Teletransport Stations. Winona can also craft Kits of her machines and the Handy Remote to turn on and off her machines.

Electrical Doodadx1 Interface arrow right Handy Remote
Skill Description Prerequisites
Quick Charge

Quick Charge

"Gadgets placed next to a Generator or G.E.M.erator recharge 100% faster." Portability
Skill Description Prerequisites


"Generators and G.E.M.erators no longer consume energy while they're not in use.
Machines connected to Generators won't consume energy while in sleep mode."

Shelf 2[]

Skill Description Prerequisites
Rapid-Fire I

Rapid-Fire I

"Tune-up your Catapults to increase their firing rate by 5%." Learn 3 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Rapid-Fire II

Rapid-Fire II

"Tune-up your Catapults to increase their firing rate by 10%." Rapid-Fire I
Skill Description Prerequisites
Rapid-Fire III

Rapid-Fire III

"Tune-up your Catapults to increase their firing rate by 20%." Rapid-Fire II
Skill Description Prerequisites
Explosive Volley I

Explosive Volley I

"Modify your Catapults to deal damage to a 25% larger area." Learn 3 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Explosive Volley II

Explosive Volley II

"Modify your Catapults to deal damage to a 50% larger area." Explosive Volley I
Skill Description Prerequisites
Explosive Volley III

Explosive Volley III

"Modify your Catapults to deal damage to a 100% larger area." Explosive Volley II
Skill Description Prerequisites
Greater Generator I

Greater Generator I

"Boost the efficiency of Generators and G.E.M.erators by 25%." Learn 3 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Greater Generator II

Greater Generator II

"Boost the efficiency of Generators and G.E.M.erators by 50%." Greater Generator I
Skill Description Prerequisites
Greater Generator III

Greater Generator III

"Boost the efficiency of Generators and G.E.M.erators by 100%." Greater Generator II
Skill Description Prerequisites
Precise Targeting

Precise Targeting

"All Catapults within range of your Handy Remote fire at your selected target."
  • Learn 3 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
  • Portability
Skill Description Prerequisites


"All Catapults within range of your Handy Remote have an increased firing rate for a short period of time."
  • Learn 3 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
  • Portability
Winona can use Barrage function of her Handy Remote to make catapults firing 50% faster for 20 seconds.

Shelf 3[]

Skill Description Prerequisites
Shadow Seeker I

Shadow Seeker I

"The Queen imparts a design for enchanted glasses that reveal hidden traces of shadow magic. Does she want you to find her?" Learn 6 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.

Winona can craft Rose-Colored Glasses.

Petalsx12 Twigsx3 Interface arrow right Rose-Colored Glasses
Skill Description Prerequisites
Shadow Seeker II

Shadow Seeker II

"Become more adept at locating traces of shadow magic.
The Queen will watch over you."
Requires the Shadow Seeker I skill, and to not have Founder's Keepers II to unlock.

Winona can use Rose-Colored Glasses on Worm Holes to teleport to any Worm Hole on the map.
Winona can "Closely Examine" flowers to find a Dark Vestige and pick up a Fragile Rose. If Winona dies with a Fragile Rose in her inventory, she will revive next to the Florid Postern or, if existing, next to a Night Light.

Charlie no longer attacks Winona in the Darkness.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Nightmare Generator

Nightmare Generator

"Learn how to utilize Nightmare Fuel as a fuel source for Generators." Learn 6 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Pure Horror Generator

Pure Horror Generator

"Learn how to utilize Pure Horror as a fuel source for Generators." Nightmare Generator
Skill Description Prerequisites
Shadow Strike

Shadow Strike

"Use your Handy Remote to select a target for a shadow-infused Catapult attack."
  • Nightmare Generator
  • Portability
Catapults fueled with Pure Horror can make a Shadow Strike dealing 120 planar damage instead of physical damage. The area of a Shadow Strike turns temporary into an area of thorny vines that slows down any creature and deals damage to them, except to friendly followers.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Founder's Keepers I

Founder's Keepers I

"Build a device inspired by the Cryptic Founder's designs to track down hidden supply caches.
Gain mastery over all technology found in Cacheboxes."
Learn 6 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.

Winona can build Inspectacles and use a Calibrated Perceiver to scan W.O.B.O.T..

Fashion Gogglesx1 Electrical Doodadx2 Interface arrow right Inspectacles
Skill Description Prerequisites
Founder's Keepers II

Founder's Keepers II

"Broaden the scope of your Inspectacles to locate higher-grade supply caches.
Gain mastery over all technology found in Advanced Cacheboxes."
Requires the Founder's Keepers I skill, and to not have Shadow Seeker II to unlock.
Winona can use Inspectacles to find Advanced Cacheboxes instead of normal Cacheboxes. A Calibrated Perceiver can be used to scan Unstable Transmissions.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Enlightened G.E.M.erator

Enlightened G.E.M.erator

"Learn how to utilize Enlightened Shards as a fuel source for G.E.M.erators." Learn 6 skills on the shelf below to unlock the skills on the shelf above.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Brilliance G.E.M.erator

Brilliance G.E.M.erator

"Learn how to utilize Pure Brilliance as a fuel source for G.E.M.erators." Enlightened G.E.M.erator
When a G.E.M.erator is charged with Pure Brilliance, Catapults deal 30 physical damage, 17 planar damage, and +10% damage to Shadow Aligned creatures.
Skill Description Prerequisites
Enlightened Strike

Enlightened Strike

"Use your Handy Remote to select a target for a lunar essence-infused Catapult attack."
  • Brilliance G.E.M.erator
  • Portability
When a G.E.M.erator is charged with Pure Brilliance, Catapults can make an Enlightened Strike dealing 120 planar damage instead of physical damage. Enlightened Strike also destroys objects such as Trees or Boulders.

Prototype Tips[]

  • Using her Trusty Tape, she can effectively repair Clothing items where there are no Hounds. This makes her a useful asset when spelunking.
  • Webber can easily supply Winona the Silk she needs to make her Trusty Tape, making its single use less of a problem.
  • The Trusty Tape is especially useful for surviving tougher Seasons, as some clothing items used to delay Freezing/Overheating are not durable enough to survive an entire winter/summer season.
  • Her increased crafting speed is also helpful when dodging or fleeing (e.g. being chased by a group of Spiders, Shadow Splumonkeys or Terrorbeaks). It's much easier to find the shorter time window to craft a new torch or weapon when dodging or in pursuit.
  • The free hit from the dark refreshes each time one enters light, so using it a few special tricks are performable.
    • Torch swapping, or only holding a light only when absolutely needed becomes easier, and one needs to fear getting hit much less, one can even take the first hit and only hold the light when the second hit is about to come.
    • Because one can stay in the dark much longer, darkness is more of an opportunity for her to lower Sanity at much less risk than any other character.
    • If one is out of light or needs to find/craft a light source, the dodged hit from the dark compounds with her increased Crafting speed when above fifty hunger to allow more time to craft a new light source, greatly increasing the odds of survival in such a scenario.
  • Winona's favorite food is Spicy Vegetable Stinger, meaning that she gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter when the food is consumed.